David B Bunnell, PhD
David "Bo" Bunnell is a Research Fishery Biologist based in Ann Arbor, MI.
I am a Research Fishery Biologist at the Great Lakes Science Center, and Associate Adjunct Professor at the University of Michigan. I am the Principal Investigator (PI) for multiple projects that study community and ecosystem-level processes within the Great Lakes and at the global scale. In short, my research seeks to understand the ecological factors (e.g., resources, climate, predation) that can explain or predict fish biomass, consistent with an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries science and management.
Professional Experience
October 2004 – present. Research Fishery Biologist, USGS Great Lakes Science Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan
August 2003 – October 2004. Assistant Research Scientist, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Solomons, Maryland
August 2002 – August 2003. Post-doctoral researcher, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Wheatley, Ontario
July 1997 – December 2002. Graduate Research Associate, Ohio State University, Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology, Columbus, Ohio
July 1995 – May 1997. Graduate Research Associate, Clemson University Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Clemson, SC
Education and Certifications
Ph.D. 2002. The Ohio State University; Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology, Columbus, OH
M.S. 1997. Clemson University; Fisheries Biology, Clemson, SC
B.S. 1995. Centre College, Magna cum laude; Biology, Danville, KY
Science and Products
Science pages by this scientist
Evaluating How Changing Climate and Water Clarity Can Affect Restoration of Native Coregonine Fish in Midwestern Lakes
Understanding and Forecasting Potential Recruitment of Lake Michigan Fishes
Quantifying the Impacts of Climate Change on Fish Growth and Production to Enable Sustainable Management of Diverse Inland Fisheries
The U.S. Inland Creel and Angler Survey Catalog (CreelCat): A Database and Interactive Tool for Inland Fisheries Management and Research
Evaluating Future Effects of Climate and Land Use on Fisheries Production in Inland Lakes
Webinar: Predicted Climate Change Effects on Fisheries Habitat and Production in the Great Lakes
Forecasting Climate Change Induced Effects on Recreational and Commercial Fish Populations in the Great Lakes
Swim chamber respirometry, aerobic scope, and thermal tolerance experiments with two latitudinally-separated cisco (Coregonus artedi) populations 2022-2023
Larval fish and water profile data from Lake Huron in 2017
Bottom Trawl Catch Alewife Densities and Ages in Lakes Michigan and Huron
Traditional and geometric morphometric data describing wild and artificially reared cisco (Coregonus artedi) from lakes Huron and Ontario
Historical Spawning Sites for Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) and Cisco (Coregonus artedi) in Lake Ontario and Connecting Channels, 1860-1970
2010-2017 zooplankton data from whole water-column tows in Lakes Michigan and Huron
Zooplankton, Benthos, Mysis, and fish diet data from northern Lake Huron in 2012
Bottom-trawl and gill-net data from the Upper Great Lakes, collected by R/V Cisco, 1952?1962
2017 Zooplankton Data from Lake Huron
1930-1932 Gill net data from Lake Michigan
Synchrony of alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus, year-class strength in the Great Lakes region
Testing food web theory in a large lake: The role of body size in habitat coupling in Lake Michigan
Comparison of cisco (Coregonus artedi) aerobic scope and thermal tolerance between two latitudinally-separated populations
Synthesizing professional opinion of Lake Whitefish and Cisco recruitment drivers across the Great Lakes
Larval coregonine density and diet composition along beaches of northern Lake Michigan
Climate-influenced phenology of larval fish transport in a large lake
Impacts of artificial rearing on cisco Coregonus artedi morphology, including pugheadedness
How diverse is the toolbox? A review of management actions to conserve or restore coregonines
Morphological differences between wild and hatchery-reared Bloater (Coregonus hoyi) from Lake Michigan, USA
Evidence for the importance of invasive Dreissena veligers as a novel prey item for larval fish in Lake Huron
A science and management partnership to restore coregonine diversity to the Laurentian Great Lakes
Distributions of Cisco (Coregonus artedi) in the upper Great Lakes in the mid-twentieth century, when populations were in decline
News about this scientist
Science and Products
Science pages by this scientist
Evaluating How Changing Climate and Water Clarity Can Affect Restoration of Native Coregonine Fish in Midwestern Lakes
Understanding and Forecasting Potential Recruitment of Lake Michigan Fishes
Quantifying the Impacts of Climate Change on Fish Growth and Production to Enable Sustainable Management of Diverse Inland Fisheries
The U.S. Inland Creel and Angler Survey Catalog (CreelCat): A Database and Interactive Tool for Inland Fisheries Management and Research
Evaluating Future Effects of Climate and Land Use on Fisheries Production in Inland Lakes
Webinar: Predicted Climate Change Effects on Fisheries Habitat and Production in the Great Lakes
Forecasting Climate Change Induced Effects on Recreational and Commercial Fish Populations in the Great Lakes
Swim chamber respirometry, aerobic scope, and thermal tolerance experiments with two latitudinally-separated cisco (Coregonus artedi) populations 2022-2023
Larval fish and water profile data from Lake Huron in 2017
Bottom Trawl Catch Alewife Densities and Ages in Lakes Michigan and Huron
Traditional and geometric morphometric data describing wild and artificially reared cisco (Coregonus artedi) from lakes Huron and Ontario
Historical Spawning Sites for Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) and Cisco (Coregonus artedi) in Lake Ontario and Connecting Channels, 1860-1970
2010-2017 zooplankton data from whole water-column tows in Lakes Michigan and Huron
Zooplankton, Benthos, Mysis, and fish diet data from northern Lake Huron in 2012
Bottom-trawl and gill-net data from the Upper Great Lakes, collected by R/V Cisco, 1952?1962
2017 Zooplankton Data from Lake Huron
1930-1932 Gill net data from Lake Michigan
Synchrony of alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus, year-class strength in the Great Lakes region
Testing food web theory in a large lake: The role of body size in habitat coupling in Lake Michigan
Comparison of cisco (Coregonus artedi) aerobic scope and thermal tolerance between two latitudinally-separated populations
Synthesizing professional opinion of Lake Whitefish and Cisco recruitment drivers across the Great Lakes
Larval coregonine density and diet composition along beaches of northern Lake Michigan
Climate-influenced phenology of larval fish transport in a large lake
Impacts of artificial rearing on cisco Coregonus artedi morphology, including pugheadedness
How diverse is the toolbox? A review of management actions to conserve or restore coregonines
Morphological differences between wild and hatchery-reared Bloater (Coregonus hoyi) from Lake Michigan, USA
Evidence for the importance of invasive Dreissena veligers as a novel prey item for larval fish in Lake Huron
A science and management partnership to restore coregonine diversity to the Laurentian Great Lakes
Distributions of Cisco (Coregonus artedi) in the upper Great Lakes in the mid-twentieth century, when populations were in decline
News about this scientist