David J Soucek, PhD
Dr. David Soucek is a Research Biologist at the Columbia Environmental Research Center.
His research interests include: investigating factors that affect the bioavailability/toxicity of contaminants; improving existing toxicity testing methods and developing/validating new methods for assessing contaminant effects on aquatic invertebrates; investigating impacts of contaminants on benthic macroinvertebrate communities.
Professional Experience
2001- 2021 Ecotoxicologist, Illinois Natural History Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL
1997 - 2001 Research Assistant, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
Education and Certifications
Ph.D. Biology, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, 2001
MS Zoology, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, 1997
BA Zoology, Miami University, Oxford, OH, 1993
Affiliations and Memberships*
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Science and Products
6PPD Research at Columbia Environmental Research Center
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance Exposure and Effects Research at Columbia Environmental Research Center (CERC)
Minerals Science Team
Acute and chronic toxicity of two perfluoroalkyl substances to Neocloeon triangulifer
Survival, and growth of Neocloeon triangulifer under different test conditions in effluent style evaluations
Survival, reproduction, and weight of Neocloeon triangulifer after short and long-term exposures to nickel and zinc
Survival, growth and reproduction of C. dubia and N. triangulifer to nickel and zinc exposure in natural waters
Chemical and biological data from acute and chronic exposure to sodium nitrate and sodium sulfate for several freshwater organisms in water-only bioassays
Trace elements and consequent ecological risks in mining- influenced streams of Appalachia
Perfluorooctanesulfonate adversely affects a mayfly (Neocloeon triangulifer) at environmentally realistic concentrations
Guide for benthic invertebrate studies in support of Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration
Influence of test method variables on sensitivity of Neocloeon triangulifer to a reference toxicant in short-term, effluent style evaluations
Modeling the bioavailability of nickel and zinc to Ceriodaphnia dubia and Neocloeon triangulifer in toxicity tests with Natural Waters
Acute and chronic toxicity of nickel and zinc to a laboratory cultured mayfly (Neocloeon triangulifer) in aqueous but fed exposures
Acute and chronic toxicity of sodium nitrate and sodium sulfate to several freshwater organisms in water-only exposures
Using an interlaboratory study to revise methods for conducting 10-d to 42-d water or sediment toxicity tests with Hyalella azteca
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Science and Products
6PPD Research at Columbia Environmental Research Center
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance Exposure and Effects Research at Columbia Environmental Research Center (CERC)
Minerals Science Team
Acute and chronic toxicity of two perfluoroalkyl substances to Neocloeon triangulifer
Survival, and growth of Neocloeon triangulifer under different test conditions in effluent style evaluations
Survival, reproduction, and weight of Neocloeon triangulifer after short and long-term exposures to nickel and zinc
Survival, growth and reproduction of C. dubia and N. triangulifer to nickel and zinc exposure in natural waters
Chemical and biological data from acute and chronic exposure to sodium nitrate and sodium sulfate for several freshwater organisms in water-only bioassays
Trace elements and consequent ecological risks in mining- influenced streams of Appalachia
Perfluorooctanesulfonate adversely affects a mayfly (Neocloeon triangulifer) at environmentally realistic concentrations
Guide for benthic invertebrate studies in support of Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration
Influence of test method variables on sensitivity of Neocloeon triangulifer to a reference toxicant in short-term, effluent style evaluations
Modeling the bioavailability of nickel and zinc to Ceriodaphnia dubia and Neocloeon triangulifer in toxicity tests with Natural Waters
Acute and chronic toxicity of nickel and zinc to a laboratory cultured mayfly (Neocloeon triangulifer) in aqueous but fed exposures
Acute and chronic toxicity of sodium nitrate and sodium sulfate to several freshwater organisms in water-only exposures
Using an interlaboratory study to revise methods for conducting 10-d to 42-d water or sediment toxicity tests with Hyalella azteca
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
*Disclaimer: Listing outside positions with professional scientific organizations on this Staff Profile are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement of those professional scientific organizations or their activities by the USGS, Department of the Interior, or U.S. Government