Unnamed stream and beaver pond in the Taiya River floodplain
Janet H Curran
Stream geomorphology and hydrology: channel migration, bank erosion, origin and controls on river valley-bottom features, fluvial dynamics, braided rivers
Statisical hydrology: flood-frequency regression, characterizing streamflow seasonality, identifying streamflow-generating mechanisms
Professional Experience
1999 - Present Hydrologist, USGS Alaska Science Center, Anchorage, Alaska
1998 - 1999 Hydrologist, USGS Water Resources Division, Portland, OR
1996 - 1998 Research Assistant, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
1991 - 1996 Engineering Geologist, GeoEngineers, Redmond, WA
Education and Certifications
M.S. 1999 Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado Geology
B.S. 1990 University of Washington, Seattle, Washington Geological Sciences
B.S. 1990 University of Washington, Seattle, Washington Civil Engineering
Affiliations and Memberships*
American Geophysical Union
American Water Resources Association - Alaska Section
Science and Products
Flood Frequency Studies in Alaska
Alaska Streamflow Statistics
Flood Frequency Data Collection for Alaska and Conterminous Drainage Basins in Canada
Characterization of Flood-Producing Mechanisms in Watersheds with a High-Elevation Area in Southeast Alaska and Hawaiʻi
Flow Duration and Low-Flow Frequency Studies in Alaska
Summary of Selected Basin and Streamflow Special Conditions for USGS Streamgages in Alaska
Selected Basin Boundaries for USGS Streamgages in Alaska through 2019
Selected Basin Boundaries for USGS Streamgages in Alaska Through 2014
Computed Tomography (CT) scans of sediment cores collected from Montague Island, AK
Selected Peak-Flow Special Conditions for USGS Streamgages in Alaska
Drainage basins for selected transboundary streams in south-east Alaska and Canada through 2022
Selected streamgage sites and periods of record for consideration of flood-generating mechanisms in Hawai`i and Southeast Alaska, 1913-2022
Flood Frequency Data for a Streamgage in the Hulahula River Basin, Alaska, 2011-2021
Flood Frequency Data and 2020 Observed Flood Probability for Selected Streamgages in the Fortymile River Basin, Alaska, 1911-2020
Flood Frequency Data Collection, Alaska and Conterminous Basins in Canada
Extended Seasonal Discharge Records for Selected Streamgage Sites in the Fortymile River Basin, Alaska, 1976-2020
Streamgage Attributes, Basin Characteristics, and Seasonal Flow Regimes, Selected Streamgages in Alaska, 1914-2017
Unnamed stream and beaver pond in the Taiya River floodplain
Eklutna River traveling under two bridges
Eklutna River traveling under two bridges
Exit Creek flooding across the road
Flooding encroaches on trees, Exit Creek.
Flooding encroaches on trees, Exit Creek.
A waterfall flowing into Exit Creek
Exit Creek in front of some mountains
Exit Creek below the mountains
Bridge crossing over Toklat River
View of Toklat River from a bridge
Evaluating hydrologic region assignment techniques for ungaged basins in Alaska, USA
Extending seasonal discharge records for streamgage sites on the North Fork Fortymile and Middle Fork Fortymile Rivers, Alaska, through water year 2020
Identification of seasonal streamflow regimes and streamflow drivers for daily and peak flows in Alaska
Hydrology and geomorphology of the Taiya River near the West Creek Tributary, southeast Alaska
Extending seasonal discharge records for streamgage sites on the North Fork Fortymile and Middle Fork Fortymile Rivers, Alaska, through water year 2019
Glacial conditioning of stream position and flooding in the braid plain of the Exit Glacier foreland, Alaska
Estimating flood magnitude and frequency at gaged and ungaged sites on streams in Alaska and conterminous basins in Canada, based on data through water year 2012
Streamflow record extension for selected streams in the Susitna River Basin, Alaska
Geomorphology and bank erosion of the Matanuska River, southcentral Alaska
Distribution, persistence, and hydrologic characteristics of salmon spawning habitats in clearwater side channels of the Matanuska River, southcentral Alaska
Baseline Channel Geometry and Aquatic Habitat Data for Selected Streams in the Matanuska-Susitna Valley, Alaska
Hydrology and Flood Profiles of Duck Creek and Jordan Creek Downstream from Egan Drive, Juneau, Alaska
Science and Products
Flood Frequency Studies in Alaska
Alaska Streamflow Statistics
Flood Frequency Data Collection for Alaska and Conterminous Drainage Basins in Canada
Characterization of Flood-Producing Mechanisms in Watersheds with a High-Elevation Area in Southeast Alaska and Hawaiʻi
Flow Duration and Low-Flow Frequency Studies in Alaska
Summary of Selected Basin and Streamflow Special Conditions for USGS Streamgages in Alaska
Selected Basin Boundaries for USGS Streamgages in Alaska through 2019
Selected Basin Boundaries for USGS Streamgages in Alaska Through 2014
Computed Tomography (CT) scans of sediment cores collected from Montague Island, AK
Selected Peak-Flow Special Conditions for USGS Streamgages in Alaska
Drainage basins for selected transboundary streams in south-east Alaska and Canada through 2022
Selected streamgage sites and periods of record for consideration of flood-generating mechanisms in Hawai`i and Southeast Alaska, 1913-2022
Flood Frequency Data for a Streamgage in the Hulahula River Basin, Alaska, 2011-2021
Flood Frequency Data and 2020 Observed Flood Probability for Selected Streamgages in the Fortymile River Basin, Alaska, 1911-2020
Flood Frequency Data Collection, Alaska and Conterminous Basins in Canada
Extended Seasonal Discharge Records for Selected Streamgage Sites in the Fortymile River Basin, Alaska, 1976-2020
Streamgage Attributes, Basin Characteristics, and Seasonal Flow Regimes, Selected Streamgages in Alaska, 1914-2017
Unnamed stream and beaver pond in the Taiya River floodplain
Unnamed stream and beaver pond in the Taiya River floodplain
Eklutna River traveling under two bridges
Eklutna River traveling under two bridges
Exit Creek flooding across the road
Flooding encroaches on trees, Exit Creek.
Flooding encroaches on trees, Exit Creek.
A waterfall flowing into Exit Creek
Exit Creek in front of some mountains
Exit Creek below the mountains
Bridge crossing over Toklat River
View of Toklat River from a bridge
Evaluating hydrologic region assignment techniques for ungaged basins in Alaska, USA
Extending seasonal discharge records for streamgage sites on the North Fork Fortymile and Middle Fork Fortymile Rivers, Alaska, through water year 2020
Identification of seasonal streamflow regimes and streamflow drivers for daily and peak flows in Alaska
Hydrology and geomorphology of the Taiya River near the West Creek Tributary, southeast Alaska
Extending seasonal discharge records for streamgage sites on the North Fork Fortymile and Middle Fork Fortymile Rivers, Alaska, through water year 2019
Glacial conditioning of stream position and flooding in the braid plain of the Exit Glacier foreland, Alaska
Estimating flood magnitude and frequency at gaged and ungaged sites on streams in Alaska and conterminous basins in Canada, based on data through water year 2012
Streamflow record extension for selected streams in the Susitna River Basin, Alaska
Geomorphology and bank erosion of the Matanuska River, southcentral Alaska
Distribution, persistence, and hydrologic characteristics of salmon spawning habitats in clearwater side channels of the Matanuska River, southcentral Alaska
Baseline Channel Geometry and Aquatic Habitat Data for Selected Streams in the Matanuska-Susitna Valley, Alaska
Hydrology and Flood Profiles of Duck Creek and Jordan Creek Downstream from Egan Drive, Juneau, Alaska
*Disclaimer: Listing outside positions with professional scientific organizations on this Staff Profile are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement of those professional scientific organizations or their activities by the USGS, Department of the Interior, or U.S. Government