Flow duration and low-flow frequency statistics for streamgages and methods for estimating flow-duration and low-flow frequency statistics at ungaged sites in Alaska and conterminous basins in Canada are presented in U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations Report 2003-4114.
Return to Water >> Alaska Streamflow Statistics
Basin characteristics
Basin characteristics are physical and climatic features used as independent variables for estimating streamflow. Basin characteristics for an ungaged site that are substituted in the estimating equations should be determined by the same methods as those used to develop the equations. USGS WRIR 2003-4114 table 1 lists the sources for the various basin characteristics for estimating flow-duration and low-flow frequency statistics. For WRIR 2003-4114 equations containing climate variables, values should be obtained from the following datasets (rather than any newer datasets):
For determining mean minimum January temperature, use Plate 1 (PDF, 5.75 MB) from "Magnitude and frequency of floods in Alaska and conterminous basins of Canada" by S.H. Jones and C.B. Fahl (1994).
- For determining mean annual precipitation, use Plate 2 (PDF, 6.48 MB) from "Magnitude and frequency of floods in Alaska and conterminous basins of Canada" by S.H. Jones and C.B. Fahl (1994).
For USGS WRIR 03-4114, the study area was divided into seven streamflow analysis regions based on hydrologic boundaries, geographic distribution of basin characteristics, and results of regressions with peak, high-duration, and low-duration streamflow data. For consistency between analyses, regional boundaries are constant. However, regions were combined as hydrologically appropriate to develop equations, such that Region 3 is grouped with Region 1 for high-duration flows but with Region 4 for low-duration flows.
The streamflow analysis region boundaries for use with USGS WRIR 03-4114 are available in GIS form by emailing ascweb@usgs.gov and asking for Streamflow analysis regions for Alaska and conterminous basins in Canada.
- A map showing the streamflow analysis regions can be downloaded from USGS WRIR 03-4114 as Plate 1 (PDF, 3.66 MB).
Flow-duration and low-flow frequency statistics for gaged sites and regression equations for estimating the statistics at ungaged sites are available from USGS WRIR 03-4114 in PDF and in spreadsheet form.
Annual high-duration flow statistics (table 7, 73 KB) EXCEL
Monthly low-duration flow statistics (table 8, 99 KB) EXCEL
Seasonal low-duration flow and low-flow frequency statistics (table 9, 33 KB) EXCEL
Regression equations
Annual high-duration flow regressions (table 2, 29 KB) EXCEL
Monthly low-duration flow regressions (table 4, 50 KB) EXCEL
- Seasonal low-duration flow and low-flow frequency regressions (table 5, 24 KB) EXCEL
Below are other science projects associated with this project.
Alaska Streamflow Statistics
Flood Frequency Studies in Alaska
Below are data or web applications associated with this project.
National Water Information System web interface (NWISweb)
The National Water Information System (NWIS) web application provides access to real-time and historical surface-water, groundwater, water-quality, and water-use data collected at approximately 1.5 million sites across all 50 states.
Below are publications associated with this project.
Estimating annual high-flow statistics and monthly and seasonal low-flow statistics for ungaged sites on streams in Alaska and conterminous basins in Canada
Below are data or web applications associated with this project.
National Water Information System (NWIS) Mapper
The National Water Information System (NWIS) Mapper provides access to over 1.5 million sites contained in the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS), including sites where current and historical surface-water, groundwater, springs, and atmospheric data has been collected. Users can search by site type, data type, site number, or place.
Flow duration and low-flow frequency statistics for streamgages and methods for estimating flow-duration and low-flow frequency statistics at ungaged sites in Alaska and conterminous basins in Canada are presented in U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations Report 2003-4114.
Return to Water >> Alaska Streamflow Statistics
Basin characteristics
Basin characteristics are physical and climatic features used as independent variables for estimating streamflow. Basin characteristics for an ungaged site that are substituted in the estimating equations should be determined by the same methods as those used to develop the equations. USGS WRIR 2003-4114 table 1 lists the sources for the various basin characteristics for estimating flow-duration and low-flow frequency statistics. For WRIR 2003-4114 equations containing climate variables, values should be obtained from the following datasets (rather than any newer datasets):
For determining mean minimum January temperature, use Plate 1 (PDF, 5.75 MB) from "Magnitude and frequency of floods in Alaska and conterminous basins of Canada" by S.H. Jones and C.B. Fahl (1994).
- For determining mean annual precipitation, use Plate 2 (PDF, 6.48 MB) from "Magnitude and frequency of floods in Alaska and conterminous basins of Canada" by S.H. Jones and C.B. Fahl (1994).
For USGS WRIR 03-4114, the study area was divided into seven streamflow analysis regions based on hydrologic boundaries, geographic distribution of basin characteristics, and results of regressions with peak, high-duration, and low-duration streamflow data. For consistency between analyses, regional boundaries are constant. However, regions were combined as hydrologically appropriate to develop equations, such that Region 3 is grouped with Region 1 for high-duration flows but with Region 4 for low-duration flows.
The streamflow analysis region boundaries for use with USGS WRIR 03-4114 are available in GIS form by emailing ascweb@usgs.gov and asking for Streamflow analysis regions for Alaska and conterminous basins in Canada.
- A map showing the streamflow analysis regions can be downloaded from USGS WRIR 03-4114 as Plate 1 (PDF, 3.66 MB).
Flow-duration and low-flow frequency statistics for gaged sites and regression equations for estimating the statistics at ungaged sites are available from USGS WRIR 03-4114 in PDF and in spreadsheet form.
Annual high-duration flow statistics (table 7, 73 KB) EXCEL
Monthly low-duration flow statistics (table 8, 99 KB) EXCEL
Seasonal low-duration flow and low-flow frequency statistics (table 9, 33 KB) EXCEL
Regression equations
Annual high-duration flow regressions (table 2, 29 KB) EXCEL
Monthly low-duration flow regressions (table 4, 50 KB) EXCEL
- Seasonal low-duration flow and low-flow frequency regressions (table 5, 24 KB) EXCEL
Below are other science projects associated with this project.
Alaska Streamflow Statistics
Flood Frequency Studies in Alaska
Below are data or web applications associated with this project.
National Water Information System web interface (NWISweb)
The National Water Information System (NWIS) web application provides access to real-time and historical surface-water, groundwater, water-quality, and water-use data collected at approximately 1.5 million sites across all 50 states.
Below are publications associated with this project.
Estimating annual high-flow statistics and monthly and seasonal low-flow statistics for ungaged sites on streams in Alaska and conterminous basins in Canada
Below are data or web applications associated with this project.
National Water Information System (NWIS) Mapper
The National Water Information System (NWIS) Mapper provides access to over 1.5 million sites contained in the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS), including sites where current and historical surface-water, groundwater, springs, and atmospheric data has been collected. Users can search by site type, data type, site number, or place.