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John Stamm


My interests are in geomorphology and related fields such as fluvial hydrology, sediment transport, stream and wetland restoration, Quaternary paleoclimate, and geographic information systems (GIS).  I also have experience with computer simulations of global climate (using general circulation models, or GCMs), downscaling global-climate estimates to local scales (statistical climate models and dynamical models such as the Weather Research and Forecasting Model, or WRF), and modeling land-atmosphere interactions and feedbacks. 


Ph.D., Applied Geology, 1991, Kent State University
Dissertation: "Modeling Local Paleoclimates and Validation in the Southwest U.S."

M.S., Geology, 1981, The Pennsylvania State University 
Thesis: "Geology at the Intersection of the Death Valley and Garlock Fault Zones, Southern Death Valley, California"

B.A., Honors in Geology, 1977, State University of New York, College at Oneonta

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