Kevin Foley
I work as a member of the USGS PRISM project (Pliocene Research, Interpretation and Synoptic Mapping). I provide data management and programming to make the project's twenty-year collection of data useable and available to the Climate Modeling Community. Our primary users are the NASA GISS project and PlioMIP (Pliocene Model Inter-comparison Project), an international consortium of climate mode
I previously worked as a member of the Glacier Studies Project on the Coastal Change and Glaciological Maps of Antarctica map series. This map series draws on a broad range of resources from satellite imagery and aerial photographs to ships logs from previous centuries to demonstrate changes in the configuration of Antarctic glaciers and coastal ice over time. The project dates back to 1990. I joined the project in 2000 to study problems in map production that existed due to the broad range of source materials of varying scale and projections and the small number of reliable positional ground control points. I initiated a program to digitize all source materials and shift the production of maps to digital means.
Professional Experience
2007 to present – GIN project, formerly PRISM Project, U.S. Geological Survey, FBSC, EGPSC, Reston, Virginia. Programming, data management and micropaleontology.
2015 – Detail to USGS Core Science/ Land Remote Sensing Group for feasibility study of a LANDSAT data cube project.
2000 to 2014 – Coastal Change and Glaciological Maps of Antarctica, EGPSC, Reston, Virginia. Digital mapping of glaciers and coastal change in Antarctica.
1995 to 1999 – Warm Climates Project, Physical Scientist, Climate History Team. Management of computer graphic lab, GIS application servers and network data servers.
1989 to 1995 – Physical Science Technician, Paleontology and Stratigraphy Branch, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia. Microfossil Laboratory Manager.
1987 to 1989 – Physical Science Aide, Paleontology and Stratigraphy Branch, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia. Moving offices, repairing computers, shaking sieves.
Education and Certifications
Master of Public Administration, with Concentration in Environmental Science and Policy, George Mason University. 2015
B.S. Geology, George Mason University. 1995