Kyle Enns
Kyle Enns is a computer scientist at the Fort Collins Science Center, interested in learning new technologies and techniques to help improve USGS systems.
I have a degree in Zoology and Business from Colorado State University. I've been working in software since September of 2017 at USGS on a variety of projects using a suite of different programming languages. Some of these languages include Python, R, and Javascript, which have helped develop standalone applications, front ends, APIs, and backends. I'm interested in learning new technologies and techniques to further my software development skills and to help improve USGS systems.
- ScienceBase - developer/PI -
- Inundation - developer - FORT project - data pipelines/analysis/database
- CED - developer/devops -
Professional Experience
Computer Scientist, Fort Collins Science Center, USGS
Education and Certifications
Zoology and Business, Colorado State University
Science and Products
Status and trends of North American bats: Summer occupancy analysis 2010-2019
• We developed an analytical pipeline supported by web-based infrastructure for integrating continental scale bat monitoring data (stationary acoustic, mobile acoustic, and capture records) to estimate summer (May 1–Aug 31) occupancy probabilities and changes in occupancy over time for 12 North American bat species. This serves as one of multiple lines of evidence that inform the status and trends
PS3: The Pheno-Synthesis software suite for integration and analysis of multi-scale, multi-platform phenological data
SageDAT: Data and Tools To Support Collaborative Sagebrush Ecosystem Conservation and Management
Smart Energy Development: Tools for Informed Development & Successful Reclamation
Magnetotelluric Data from the San Andreas Fault, Loma Prieta CA, 1989-1990
Status and Trends of North American Bats Summer Occupancy Analysis 2010-2019 Data Release
Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) Satellite Telemetry and Observational Data, Western North America, 1993-1997
Central Mojave Desert Vegetation Mapping Project, California, 1997-1999: Plots Points and Photographs
River Channel Survey Data, Redwood Creek, California, 1953-2013
Magnetotelluric Data from the San Andreas Fault, Parkfield CA, 1990
sciencebasepy: A Python library for programmatic interaction with the USGS ScienceBase platform
USGS BiblioSearch: A python tool to facilitate searching, cleaning, and compiling of literature search results from across multiple citation databases
North American Bat Monitoring Program: R Data Connection Package, (Version 1.0.1)
Software to Process and Preserve Legacy Magnetotelluric Data
Metadata Wizard
The MetadataWizard is a useful tool designed to facilitate FGDC metadata creation for spatial and non-spatial data sets.
Science and Products
Status and trends of North American bats: Summer occupancy analysis 2010-2019
• We developed an analytical pipeline supported by web-based infrastructure for integrating continental scale bat monitoring data (stationary acoustic, mobile acoustic, and capture records) to estimate summer (May 1–Aug 31) occupancy probabilities and changes in occupancy over time for 12 North American bat species. This serves as one of multiple lines of evidence that inform the status and trends
PS3: The Pheno-Synthesis software suite for integration and analysis of multi-scale, multi-platform phenological data
SageDAT: Data and Tools To Support Collaborative Sagebrush Ecosystem Conservation and Management
Smart Energy Development: Tools for Informed Development & Successful Reclamation
Magnetotelluric Data from the San Andreas Fault, Loma Prieta CA, 1989-1990
Status and Trends of North American Bats Summer Occupancy Analysis 2010-2019 Data Release
Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) Satellite Telemetry and Observational Data, Western North America, 1993-1997
Central Mojave Desert Vegetation Mapping Project, California, 1997-1999: Plots Points and Photographs
River Channel Survey Data, Redwood Creek, California, 1953-2013
Magnetotelluric Data from the San Andreas Fault, Parkfield CA, 1990
sciencebasepy: A Python library for programmatic interaction with the USGS ScienceBase platform
USGS BiblioSearch: A python tool to facilitate searching, cleaning, and compiling of literature search results from across multiple citation databases
North American Bat Monitoring Program: R Data Connection Package, (Version 1.0.1)
Software to Process and Preserve Legacy Magnetotelluric Data
Metadata Wizard
The MetadataWizard is a useful tool designed to facilitate FGDC metadata creation for spatial and non-spatial data sets.