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Michael S Kohn, P.E.

Mike is a licensed professional civil engineer in Colorado with the U.S. Geological Survey Colorado Water Science Center.

In 2023, Mike became the surface water specialist for the Colorado Water Science Center. Mike has nearly 15 years of experience in water resources engineering with an emphasis in surface water, applied research, and project management. His technical interests include hydrologic, hydraulic, and sediment transport analysis and modeling, flood-frequency analysis, low-streamflow analysis, bathymetric and terrestrial surveys, and post-flood indirect measurement of streamflow discharge and stage. Mike has successfully completed field-scale research and modeling for flood and sediment transport studies as well as flood inundation mapping and statistical hydrology studies. Mike has managed and/or been the technical lead for the USGS on a variety of surface water and geomorphology studies involving numerous Federal, State, and local partners.

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