Natalie Latysh
As a Bureau Approving Official (BAO) in the Office of Science Quality and Integrity (OSQI) within the Office of the Director, Natalie is responsible for assuring that high-quality standards are met for research and interpretive information products attributed to the USGS.
In 2000, Natalie began her federal career with the USGS Office of Water Quality (OWQ), conducting quality assurance for the National Atmospheric Deposition Program. During her tenure with OWQ, she established precipitation collection sites and researched constituent deposition and concentration trends in precipitation across the Nation. In 2008, Natalie transitioned to focus on advancing the USGS integrated information environment, which included data management and software development. Later, Natalie served as the Associate Program Coordinator for the National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program (NGGDPP) and the National Capabilities Efforts, which included the Core Research Center and National Science Foundation-Ice Core Facility. Natalie received a Bachelor of Science degree from University of California at Santa Cruz in Earth Sciences and a Master of Science degree from New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology in Geochemistry.