Stephen B Gingerich
Stephen Gingerich is a research hydrologist at the USGS Oregon Water Science Center.
Stephen Gingerich has been a Research Hydrologist for the U.S. Geological Survey since 1995. He has authored over 35 scientific papers on subjects such as groundwater modeling and island hydrology. He was a Fulbright Scholar working in Japan during 2008-09. He started working for the USGS in 1990 as a student. He has worked on hydrologic studies in Oregon, Hawaii, Guam, Japan, the Marshall Islands, American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands, and Diego Garcia.
Education and Certifications
BS in Geosciences from the Pennsylvania State University, 1986
MS in Hydrology from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1992
PhD in Hydrology from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1995
Science and Products
Understanding Groundwater in Oregon
Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD) and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) are working together to estimate groundwater recharge across the state.
Surface-water extent in the Klamath Marsh
Satellite imagery and the interplay of climate and hydrologic data tell the story of surface-water decline in the Klamath Marsh.
Harney Basin Groundwater Study
In response to increasing groundwater demand and declining groundwater levels in the Harney Basin of southeastern Oregon, the U.S. Geological Survey and Oregon Water Resources Department conducted a groundwater-availability study during 2016–22. Read to learn about the key findings
Estimating Groundwater Budgets for Oregon
Scientists Stephen Gingerich and Adel Haj, Jr. are leading efforts to estimate groundwater budgets across the state. Water hidden beneath the earth’s surface is a vital resource and quantifying its availability is crucial for long-term management. USGS scientists are collaborating with scientists at the Oregon Water Resources Department to gain a better understanding of this valuable resource.
The Impact of Sea-Level Rise and Climate Change on Pacific Ocean Atolls
Providing basic understanding and specific information on storm-wave inundation of atoll islands that house Department of Defense installations, and assessing the resulting impact of sea-level rise and storm-wave inundation on infrastructure and freshwater availability under a variety of sea-level rise and climatic scenarios.
MODFLOW 6 model used to simulate groundwater flow in the Harney Basin, southeastern Oregon (ver. 2.0, May 2024)
A three-dimensional groundwater flow model, MODFLOW 6, was developed to provide a better understanding of the hydrogeology of the Harney Basin, southeastern Oregon. The model was used to investigate the historical groundwater-level decline and storage loss associated with anthropogenic groundwater demands. The model was calibrated to 1930 through 2018 conditions. This USGS data release...
Location Information, Discharge, and Water-Quality Data for Selected Wells, Springs, and Streams in the Harney Basin, Oregon
This data release contains five comma separated value (csv) files that describe the location and water-quality data for wells, springs, and streams compiled for the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD) investigation of the groundwater resources of the Harney Basin, Oregon. The data included are site IDs, various site location information, well...
Contour Dataset of the Potentiometric Surfaces of Shallow and Deep Groundwater-Level Altitudes in Harney Basin, Oregon, February-March 2018
This dataset contains manually developed 5-, 10-, and 500-ft contours for the Harney Basin, Oregon aquifer system shallow and deep potentiometric-surface maps. The potentiometric-surfaces show altitude at the water-table surface (shallow) and at which the water level would have risen in tightly-cased wells deeper than 100 ft (deep) and generally represents synoptic conditions during...
SUTRA model used to evaluate the freshwater flow system for a future (2080-2099) climate on Guam
A previously published three-dimensional, groundwater model (SUTRA) ( was used to evaluate the effects of future climate and withdrawal on the freshwater lens of Guam. The model was run using 2080 to 2099 estimated recharge and sea-level rise. This USGS data release contains all of the input and output files for the simulations described in the associat
Filter Total Items: 59
Advancing sustainable groundwater management with a hydro-economic system model: Investigations in the Harney Basin, Oregon
Groundwater resources frequently trend toward unsustainable levels because, absent effective institutions, individual water users generally act independently without considering the impacts on other users. Hydro-economic models (HEMs) of human-natural systems can play a positive role toward successful groundwater management by yielding valuable knowledge and insight. The current study...
William K. Jaeger, John M. Antle, Stephen B. Gingerich, Daniel Bigelow
Assessment of long-term changes in surface-water extent within Klamath Marsh, south-central Oregon, 1985–2021
The annual maximum extent of surface water in Klamath Marsh has naturally fluctuated in response to periods of wet and dry conditions in the surrounding basin. Field observations during the 2010s indicate that the annual maximum extent of surface water has been declining and the marsh is not responding to hydrologic inputs as it had historically. This report describes the results of a...
Joseph J. Kennedy, Henry M. Johnson, Stephen B. Gingerich
Groundwater model of the Harney Basin, southeastern Oregon
Groundwater development, mainly for large-scale irrigation, has increased substantially in the Harney Basin of southeastern Oregon since 2010. Concurrently, some areas of the basin experienced groundwater-level declines of more than 100 feet, and some shallow wells have gone dry. The Oregon Water Resources Department has limited new groundwater development in the basin until an improved...
Stephen B. Gingerich, Darrick E. Boschmann, Gerald H. Grondin, Halley J Schibel
Assessing the effects of chloride deicer applications on groundwater near the Siskiyou Pass, southwestern Oregon, July 2018–February 2021
The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), evaluated the effects of cold-weather chloride deicers (road deicing chemicals) on groundwater quality, with a focus on chloride, near the Siskiyou Pass in southwestern Oregon. The study covered the period during July 2018 through February 2021. Between the years 2016 and 2020 ODOT applied up...
Stephen B. Gingerich, Daniel R. Wise, Adam J. Stonewall
Groundwater resources of the Harney Basin, southeastern Oregon
In response to increasing groundwater demand and declining groundwater levels in the Harney Basin of southeastern Oregon, the U.S. Geological Survey and the Oregon Water Resources Department conducted a cooperative groundwater-availability study during 2016–22. This Fact Sheet summarizes the results of this study. Full details of the study are provided in Gingerich and others (2022a...
Stephen B. Gingerich, C. Amanda Garcia, Henry M. Johnson
Groundwater resources of the Harney Basin, southeastern Oregon
Groundwater development has increased substantially in southeastern Oregon’s Harney Basin since 2010, mainly for the purpose of large-scale irrigation. Concurrently, some areas of the basin experienced groundwater-level declines of more than 100 feet, and some shallow wells have gone dry. The Oregon Water Resources Department has limited new groundwater development in the basin until an...
Stephen B. Gingerich, Henry M. Johnson, Darrick E. Boschmann, Gerald H. Grondin, C. Amanda Garcia
Hydrologic budget of the Harney Basin groundwater system, southeastern Oregon
Groundwater-level declines and limited quantitative knowledge of the groundwater-flow system in the Harney Basin prompted a cooperative study between the U.S. Geological Survey and the Oregon Water Resources Department to evaluate the groundwater-flow system and budget. This report provides a hydrologic budget of the Harney Basin groundwater system that includes separate groundwater...
C. Amanda Garcia, Nicholas T. Corson-Dosch, Jordan P. Beamer, Stephen B. Gingerich, Gerald H. Grondin, Brandon T. Overstreet, Jonathan V. Haynes, Mellony D. Hoskinson
Anomalous noble gas solubility in liquid cloud water: Possible implications for noble gas temperatures and cloud physics
The noble gas temperature climate proxy is an established tool that has previously been applied to determine the source of groundwater recharge, however, unanswered questions remain. In fractured media (e.g., volcanic islands) recharge can be so rapid that groundwater is significantly depleted in heavy noble gases, indicating that the water has retained noble gas concentrations from...
Chris M. Hall, M. Clara Castro, Martha A. Scholl, Julien Amalberti, Stephen B. Gingerich
Groundwater dynamics at Kīlauea Volcano and vicinity, Hawaiʻi
Kīlauea Volcano, on the Island of Hawaiʻi, is surrounded and permeated by active groundwater systems that interact dynamically with the volcanic system. A generalized conceptual model of Hawaiian hydrogeology includes high-level dike-impounded groundwater, very permeable perched and basal aquifers, and a transition (mixing) zone between freshwater and saltwater. Most high-level...
Shaul Hurwitz, Sara E. Peek, Martha A. Scholl, Deborah Bergfeld, William C. Evans, James P. Kauahikaua, Stephen B. Gingerich, Paul A. Hsieh, R. Lopaka Lee, Edward F. Younger, Steven E. Ingebritsen
Isotopic and geochemical assessment of the sensitivity of groundwater resources of Guam, Mariana Islands, to intra- and inter-annual variations in hydroclimate
Assessing the sensitivity of groundwater systems to hydroclimate variability is critical to sustainable management of the water resources of Guam, US territory. We assess spatial and temporal variability of isotopic and geochemical compositions of vadose and phreatic groundwater sampled from cave drip sites and production wells, respectively, to better understand the vulnerability of the...
Lakin Beal, Corinne I. Wong, Kaylyn K Bautista, John W. Jenson, Jay L. Banner, Mark A Lander, Stephen B. Gingerich, Judson W. Partin, Ben Hardt, N.H. van Oort
Water resources on Guam—Potential impacts of and adaptive response to climate change
The goals of this joint U.S. Geological Survey, University of Hawaiʻi, University of Guam, University of Texas, and East-West Center study were to (1) provide basic understanding about water resources for U.S. Department of Defense installations on Guam and (2) assess the resulting effect of sea-level rise and a changing climate on freshwater availability, on the basis of historic...
Stephen B. Gingerich, Adam G. Johnson, Sarah N. Rosa, Mathieu D. Marineau, Scott Wright, Lauren E. Hay, Matthew J. Widlansky, John W. Jenson, Corinne I. Wong, Jay L. Banner, Melissa L. Finucane, Victoria W. Keener
Deep aquifer recharge in the Columbia River Basalt Group, upper Umatilla River Basin, northeastern Oregon
Groundwater is an important component of the water resources of the upper Umatilla River Basin of northeastern Oregon. As such, understanding the capacity of the resource is vital. Past studies have estimated recharge in the study area. One recent study of the upper Umatilla River Basin indicated that about 80 percent of recharge entering the groundwater system is discharged to streams...
Esther M. Pischel, Henry M. Johnson, Stephen B. Gingerich
Science and Products
Understanding Groundwater in Oregon
Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD) and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) are working together to estimate groundwater recharge across the state.
Surface-water extent in the Klamath Marsh
Satellite imagery and the interplay of climate and hydrologic data tell the story of surface-water decline in the Klamath Marsh.
Harney Basin Groundwater Study
In response to increasing groundwater demand and declining groundwater levels in the Harney Basin of southeastern Oregon, the U.S. Geological Survey and Oregon Water Resources Department conducted a groundwater-availability study during 2016–22. Read to learn about the key findings
Estimating Groundwater Budgets for Oregon
Scientists Stephen Gingerich and Adel Haj, Jr. are leading efforts to estimate groundwater budgets across the state. Water hidden beneath the earth’s surface is a vital resource and quantifying its availability is crucial for long-term management. USGS scientists are collaborating with scientists at the Oregon Water Resources Department to gain a better understanding of this valuable resource.
The Impact of Sea-Level Rise and Climate Change on Pacific Ocean Atolls
Providing basic understanding and specific information on storm-wave inundation of atoll islands that house Department of Defense installations, and assessing the resulting impact of sea-level rise and storm-wave inundation on infrastructure and freshwater availability under a variety of sea-level rise and climatic scenarios.
MODFLOW 6 model used to simulate groundwater flow in the Harney Basin, southeastern Oregon (ver. 2.0, May 2024)
A three-dimensional groundwater flow model, MODFLOW 6, was developed to provide a better understanding of the hydrogeology of the Harney Basin, southeastern Oregon. The model was used to investigate the historical groundwater-level decline and storage loss associated with anthropogenic groundwater demands. The model was calibrated to 1930 through 2018 conditions. This USGS data release...
Location Information, Discharge, and Water-Quality Data for Selected Wells, Springs, and Streams in the Harney Basin, Oregon
This data release contains five comma separated value (csv) files that describe the location and water-quality data for wells, springs, and streams compiled for the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD) investigation of the groundwater resources of the Harney Basin, Oregon. The data included are site IDs, various site location information, well...
Contour Dataset of the Potentiometric Surfaces of Shallow and Deep Groundwater-Level Altitudes in Harney Basin, Oregon, February-March 2018
This dataset contains manually developed 5-, 10-, and 500-ft contours for the Harney Basin, Oregon aquifer system shallow and deep potentiometric-surface maps. The potentiometric-surfaces show altitude at the water-table surface (shallow) and at which the water level would have risen in tightly-cased wells deeper than 100 ft (deep) and generally represents synoptic conditions during...
SUTRA model used to evaluate the freshwater flow system for a future (2080-2099) climate on Guam
A previously published three-dimensional, groundwater model (SUTRA) ( was used to evaluate the effects of future climate and withdrawal on the freshwater lens of Guam. The model was run using 2080 to 2099 estimated recharge and sea-level rise. This USGS data release contains all of the input and output files for the simulations described in the associat
Filter Total Items: 59
Advancing sustainable groundwater management with a hydro-economic system model: Investigations in the Harney Basin, Oregon
Groundwater resources frequently trend toward unsustainable levels because, absent effective institutions, individual water users generally act independently without considering the impacts on other users. Hydro-economic models (HEMs) of human-natural systems can play a positive role toward successful groundwater management by yielding valuable knowledge and insight. The current study...
William K. Jaeger, John M. Antle, Stephen B. Gingerich, Daniel Bigelow
Assessment of long-term changes in surface-water extent within Klamath Marsh, south-central Oregon, 1985–2021
The annual maximum extent of surface water in Klamath Marsh has naturally fluctuated in response to periods of wet and dry conditions in the surrounding basin. Field observations during the 2010s indicate that the annual maximum extent of surface water has been declining and the marsh is not responding to hydrologic inputs as it had historically. This report describes the results of a...
Joseph J. Kennedy, Henry M. Johnson, Stephen B. Gingerich
Groundwater model of the Harney Basin, southeastern Oregon
Groundwater development, mainly for large-scale irrigation, has increased substantially in the Harney Basin of southeastern Oregon since 2010. Concurrently, some areas of the basin experienced groundwater-level declines of more than 100 feet, and some shallow wells have gone dry. The Oregon Water Resources Department has limited new groundwater development in the basin until an improved...
Stephen B. Gingerich, Darrick E. Boschmann, Gerald H. Grondin, Halley J Schibel
Assessing the effects of chloride deicer applications on groundwater near the Siskiyou Pass, southwestern Oregon, July 2018–February 2021
The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), evaluated the effects of cold-weather chloride deicers (road deicing chemicals) on groundwater quality, with a focus on chloride, near the Siskiyou Pass in southwestern Oregon. The study covered the period during July 2018 through February 2021. Between the years 2016 and 2020 ODOT applied up...
Stephen B. Gingerich, Daniel R. Wise, Adam J. Stonewall
Groundwater resources of the Harney Basin, southeastern Oregon
In response to increasing groundwater demand and declining groundwater levels in the Harney Basin of southeastern Oregon, the U.S. Geological Survey and the Oregon Water Resources Department conducted a cooperative groundwater-availability study during 2016–22. This Fact Sheet summarizes the results of this study. Full details of the study are provided in Gingerich and others (2022a...
Stephen B. Gingerich, C. Amanda Garcia, Henry M. Johnson
Groundwater resources of the Harney Basin, southeastern Oregon
Groundwater development has increased substantially in southeastern Oregon’s Harney Basin since 2010, mainly for the purpose of large-scale irrigation. Concurrently, some areas of the basin experienced groundwater-level declines of more than 100 feet, and some shallow wells have gone dry. The Oregon Water Resources Department has limited new groundwater development in the basin until an...
Stephen B. Gingerich, Henry M. Johnson, Darrick E. Boschmann, Gerald H. Grondin, C. Amanda Garcia
Hydrologic budget of the Harney Basin groundwater system, southeastern Oregon
Groundwater-level declines and limited quantitative knowledge of the groundwater-flow system in the Harney Basin prompted a cooperative study between the U.S. Geological Survey and the Oregon Water Resources Department to evaluate the groundwater-flow system and budget. This report provides a hydrologic budget of the Harney Basin groundwater system that includes separate groundwater...
C. Amanda Garcia, Nicholas T. Corson-Dosch, Jordan P. Beamer, Stephen B. Gingerich, Gerald H. Grondin, Brandon T. Overstreet, Jonathan V. Haynes, Mellony D. Hoskinson
Anomalous noble gas solubility in liquid cloud water: Possible implications for noble gas temperatures and cloud physics
The noble gas temperature climate proxy is an established tool that has previously been applied to determine the source of groundwater recharge, however, unanswered questions remain. In fractured media (e.g., volcanic islands) recharge can be so rapid that groundwater is significantly depleted in heavy noble gases, indicating that the water has retained noble gas concentrations from...
Chris M. Hall, M. Clara Castro, Martha A. Scholl, Julien Amalberti, Stephen B. Gingerich
Groundwater dynamics at Kīlauea Volcano and vicinity, Hawaiʻi
Kīlauea Volcano, on the Island of Hawaiʻi, is surrounded and permeated by active groundwater systems that interact dynamically with the volcanic system. A generalized conceptual model of Hawaiian hydrogeology includes high-level dike-impounded groundwater, very permeable perched and basal aquifers, and a transition (mixing) zone between freshwater and saltwater. Most high-level...
Shaul Hurwitz, Sara E. Peek, Martha A. Scholl, Deborah Bergfeld, William C. Evans, James P. Kauahikaua, Stephen B. Gingerich, Paul A. Hsieh, R. Lopaka Lee, Edward F. Younger, Steven E. Ingebritsen
Isotopic and geochemical assessment of the sensitivity of groundwater resources of Guam, Mariana Islands, to intra- and inter-annual variations in hydroclimate
Assessing the sensitivity of groundwater systems to hydroclimate variability is critical to sustainable management of the water resources of Guam, US territory. We assess spatial and temporal variability of isotopic and geochemical compositions of vadose and phreatic groundwater sampled from cave drip sites and production wells, respectively, to better understand the vulnerability of the...
Lakin Beal, Corinne I. Wong, Kaylyn K Bautista, John W. Jenson, Jay L. Banner, Mark A Lander, Stephen B. Gingerich, Judson W. Partin, Ben Hardt, N.H. van Oort
Water resources on Guam—Potential impacts of and adaptive response to climate change
The goals of this joint U.S. Geological Survey, University of Hawaiʻi, University of Guam, University of Texas, and East-West Center study were to (1) provide basic understanding about water resources for U.S. Department of Defense installations on Guam and (2) assess the resulting effect of sea-level rise and a changing climate on freshwater availability, on the basis of historic...
Stephen B. Gingerich, Adam G. Johnson, Sarah N. Rosa, Mathieu D. Marineau, Scott Wright, Lauren E. Hay, Matthew J. Widlansky, John W. Jenson, Corinne I. Wong, Jay L. Banner, Melissa L. Finucane, Victoria W. Keener
Deep aquifer recharge in the Columbia River Basalt Group, upper Umatilla River Basin, northeastern Oregon
Groundwater is an important component of the water resources of the upper Umatilla River Basin of northeastern Oregon. As such, understanding the capacity of the resource is vital. Past studies have estimated recharge in the study area. One recent study of the upper Umatilla River Basin indicated that about 80 percent of recharge entering the groundwater system is discharged to streams...
Esther M. Pischel, Henry M. Johnson, Stephen B. Gingerich