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Timothy Fox

I have interdisciplinary expertise in biology, geographical information systems (GIS) and application programming. My work emphasizes avian ecology and the creation of flexible applications to model species habitat. Lately my focus has been on the creation of web-enabled decision support systems.

Active Projects:

  • Assessing ecological impacts of moose herbivory under varying moose population densities absent the regulatory effects of wolves on Isle Royale 
  • Avian botulism in distressed Great Lakes environments for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative 
  • Development a spatial Decision Support System (DSS) in support of the conservation goals of the Eastern Tallgrass Prairies (ETPBR) and Big Rivers LCC and adjacent LCCs  
  • Development of the Connectivity and Inundation Tool, an analytical tool to investigate the cumulative effects of fluctuating water flow and depth
  • Development of the Curve Fit, linear and nonlinear raster regressor 

Authored Software Products:

  • LINK: a GIS application that evaluates landscapes from a species habitat prospective

  • The Habitat Needs Assessment Query Tool: a GIS application for evaluating habitat on the Upper Mississippi River System

  • The Comprehensive Conservation Plan GIS Tools: a set of GIS tools for evaluating management strategies related to the Comprehensive Conservation Planning process

  • NullTerritories: a GIS application that creates a set of randomly placed elliptical territories. Size and shape of the random territories is based on set of observed polygonal territories.

  • Compositional Comparison Tool: a GIS application for comparing landscape composition of two areas

  • Everglades Species Query Tool: a ArcGIS query application for evaluating habitat of the Everglades National Park

  • The Census Stop Tool: an ArcGIS tool for placing random sample points on a set of lines.

  • Linear Deviation Tool: is an ArcGIS tool that describes the spatial deviation and the mean path for of a set of lines.

  • Curve Fit: a pixel level raster regression tool

  • Connectivity and Inundation Tool, an analytical tool to investigating fluctuating water flow and depth within lotic ecosystems

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