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Phases of Succession Planning

Succession planning has five phases. Each phase has relevant supporting tools. Some tools can “stand alone,” while others are to be used as part of a comprehensive planning process. The tools are also designed to be flexible when responding to the type or level of succession planning.


Phases of Succession Planning Description of Phases Relevant Tools
Getting Ready Understand what succession planning is and how it can work for your organization. - Succession Planning Webinar Series
Phase 1: Alignment Understand the strategic direction of the organization, based on the strategic plan and workforce plan. Conduct SWOT analysis. Determine barriers to success. Determine succession planning goals, keeping them aligned with the strategic and workforce plans. Estimate budget for succession planning strategies. - Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats (SWOT) Analysis
- Business Case
Phase 2: Analysis Identify bench strength: key positions for succession planning and analyze how well the current talent pool will be able to fill those key positions. Include analysis of engagement, aspiration, and barriers to determine readiness. - Identification of Key Positions
Identification of Talent Pool
Competency Modeling
USGS Succession Planning Pipeline Assessment Tool
Succession Profile Worksheet
Phase 3: Strategy Identify succession planning strategies and related metrics that will be used to evaluate the success of the strategies. - Individual Development Plan
Knowledge Transfer Questions
Leadership Development Matrix
Phase 4: Implementation Document and formalize the succession planning phases of Alignment, Analysis, and Strategy into a comprehensive Succession Plan. Manage the implementation of the plan and succession strategies, and communicate those strategies throughout the organization. - Succession Plan Template
Communication Tool
Project Management Plan
Phase 5: Evaluation Determine how well the succession management strategies are filling targeted needs. - Sample Metrics


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