ECCOE Workshops
ECCOE Workshops bring together a panel of experts with a focus on either radiometric or geometric calibration with the goal of improving accuracy, precision, and interoperability of datasets.
January 2022 — Incorporated into JACIE 2022 Workshop; in the future, ECCOE-related topics will be incorporated into the JACIE Workshops.
September 21, 2020 — Workshop Postponed
September 23, 2019 — USGS Headquarters, Reston, Viriginia
September 20, 2018 — NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction, College Park, Maryland
November 13-14, 2017 — In conjunction with the PECORA 20 Conference, Sioux Falls, South Dakota

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Calibrating geosynchronous and polar orbiting satellites: Sharing best practices
Earth remote sensing optical satellite systems are often divided into two categories—geosynchronous and sun-synchronous. Geosynchronous systems essentially rotate with the Earth and continuously observe the same region of the Earth. Sun-synchronous systems are generally in a polar orbit and view differing regions of the Earth at the same local time. Although similar in instrument design...
Dennis Helder, David Doelling, Rajendra Bhatt, Taeyoung Choi, Julia A. Barsi
Observations and recommendations for coordinated calibration activities of government and commercial optical satellite systems
One of the biggest changes in the world of optical remote sensing over the last several years is the sheer increase in the number of sensors that are imaging the Earth in moderate to high spatial resolution. With respect to the calibration of these sensors, they are broadly classified into two types, namely government systems and commercial systems. Because of the differences in the...
Dennis Helder, Cody Anderson, Keith Beckett, Rasmus Houborg, Ignacio Zuleta, Valentina Boccia, Sebastian Clerc, Michele Kuester, Brian Markham, M. Pagnutti
Calibrating geosynchronous and polar orbiting satellites: Sharing best practices
Earth remote sensing optical satellite systems are often divided into two categories—geosynchronous and sun-synchronous. Geosynchronous systems essentially rotate with the Earth and continuously observe the same region of the Earth. Sun-synchronous systems are generally in a polar orbit and view differing regions of the Earth at the same local time. Although similar in instrument design...
Dennis Helder, David Doelling, Rajendra Bhatt, Taeyoung Choi, Julia A. Barsi
Observations and recommendations for coordinated calibration activities of government and commercial optical satellite systems
One of the biggest changes in the world of optical remote sensing over the last several years is the sheer increase in the number of sensors that are imaging the Earth in moderate to high spatial resolution. With respect to the calibration of these sensors, they are broadly classified into two types, namely government systems and commercial systems. Because of the differences in the...
Dennis Helder, Cody Anderson, Keith Beckett, Rasmus Houborg, Ignacio Zuleta, Valentina Boccia, Sebastian Clerc, Michele Kuester, Brian Markham, M. Pagnutti