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High resolution digital elevation models of Mars from MOC Narrow Angle stereoimages

In this abstract we report on our initial experiences performing stereotopographic mapping of Mars with high-resolution images from the Mars Global Surveyor Mars Orbiter Camera Narrow-Angle subsystem (MGS MOC-NA; [1]). Accurate topographic information, and, in particular, high-resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) are of intense interest at all phases of Mars exploration and scientific invest
Randolph L. Kirk, Elpitha Howington-Kraus, Brent A. Archinal

Combining lunar photogrammetric topographic data with Clementine LIDAR data

During the Clementine Mission both oblique and vertical multispectral images were collected. The oblique and vertical images from a single spectral band collected during the same orbit form a stereo pair that can be used to derive the topography. These stereo pairs were used to derive the topography of an area surrounding the lunar South Pole (90°S - 64°S latitude) and North Pole (90°N - 64°N lati
Mark R. Rosiek, Randolph L. Kirk, Elpitha Howington-Kraus

Optical designs for the Mars '03 rover cameras

In 2003, NASA is planning to send two robotic rover vehicles to explore the surface of Mars. The spacecraft will land on airbags in different, carefully chosen locations. The search for evidence indicating conditions favorable for past or present life will be a high priority. Each rover will carry a total of ten cameras of five various types. There will be a stereo pair of color panoramic cameras,
Gregory Hallock Smith, E.C. Hagerott, Lawrence M. Scherr, Kenneth E. Herkenhoff, James F. Bell

Planetary Interactive GIS-on-the-Web Analyzable Database (PIGWAD)

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) in Flagstaff, Arizona is producing a Web-based, user-friendly interface that integrates powerful Geographic Information Systems (GIS) statistical and spatial relational tools for analyses of planetary datasets. The interface, known as “Planetary Interactive GIS-on-the-Web Analyzable Database” (PIGWAD), provides database support for the research and academ
Trent M. Hare, Kenneth L. Tanaka

Mars exploration

An international flotilla of spacecraft are to be sent to Mars over the next decade in an effort to understand the planet's geology and climate history, and to determine whether some form of life ever started there. At least two spacecraft will be sent at each launch opportunity, and at times up to four spacecraft may be operating simultaneously at the planet.
M. H. Carr, James B. Garvin

Utilizing Mars Digital Image Model (MDIM) and Mars Orbiter laser Altimeter (MOLA) data for photogrammetric control

The USGS is producing digital elevation models (DEM) and topographic maps of Mars at scales of 1:250,000 to 1:1,000,000. The initial source material will be Viking Orbiter images, with a later transition to Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) when stereo coverage from that source is available for topographic mapping. The digital terrain models and topographic maps produced by this
Mark R. Rosiek, Randolph L. Kirk, Trent M. Hare, Elpitha Howington-Kraus

Planetary geodesy and cartography at the USGS, Flagstaff: Moon, Mars, Venus, and beyond

An important theme of our work is the synergistic use of a variety of geodetic, cartographic, and photogrammetric software packages. The USGS digital cartographic software system ISIS provides most of the processing capability needed for planimetric mapping tasks such as our revision of the global digital image mosaic of Mars (MDIM).  The geodetic control network on which this mosaic is based was
Randolph L. Kirk, Mark R. Rosiek, Elpitha Howington-Kraus, Eric M. Eliason, Brent A. Archinal, Ella M. Lee

Rock types of South Pole-Aitken basin and extent of basaltic volcanism

The enormous pre-Nectarian South Pole-Aitken (SPA) basin represents a geophysically and compositionally unique region on the Moon. We present and analyze the mineralogical diversity across this basin and discuss the implications for basin evolution. Rock types are derived from Clementine multispectral data based on diagnostic characteristics of ferrous absorptions in fresh materials. Individual ar
Carle M. Pieters, James W. Head, Lisa R. Gaddis, B. Jolliff, M. Duke

TES premapping data: Slab ice and snow flurries in the Martian north polar night

In the 1970s, Mariner and Viking spacecraft observations of the north polar region of Mars revealed polar brightness temperatures that were significantly below the expected kinetic temperatures for CO2 sublimation. For the past few decades, the scientific community has speculated as to the nature of these Martian polar cold spots. Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) thermal spectral data have show
Timothy N. Titus, Hugh H. Kieffer, Kevin F. Mullins, Phillip R. Christensen

TES mapping of Mars' north seasonal cap

The Mars Global Surveyor thermal emission spectrometer has made observations of Mars' north polar region for nearly a full martian year. Measurements of bolometric emission and reflectance, as well as brightness temperatures in specific bands synthesized from thermal radiance spectra, are used to track the behavior of surface and atmospheric temperatures, the distribution of condensed CO2 and H2O,
Hugh H. Kieffer, Timothy N. Titus

Preliminary geological assessment of the Northern edge of Ultimi Lobe, Mars South Polar layered deposits

We have examined the local base of the south polar layered deposits (SPLD) exposed in the bounding scarp near 72°–74°S, 215°–230°W where there is a clear unconformable contact with older units. Sections of layering up to a kilometer thick were examined along the bounding scarp, permitting an estimate of the thinnest individual layers yet reported in the SPLD. Rhythmic layering is also present loca
B. Murray, M. Koutnik, S. Byrne, Laurence A. Soderblom, Kenneth E. Herkenhoff, K. L. Tanaka

Antarctic ice streams and outflow channels on Mars

New sonar images of the Antarctic sea floor reveal mega-scale glacial lineations that are strikingly similar to longitudinal flutes in martian outflow channels. The analogs suggest that ice moved through the martian channels in places and carved the flutes. The ice in martian channels may have moved like Antarctic ice streams on deformable debris saturated with water under high pore pressure. On M
Baerbel K. Lucchitta
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