Water Quality
Water Quality
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Harmful Algal Bloom Research and Monitoring - CMWSC
The Central Midwest Water Science Center (CMWSC) includes three states: Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri. The water science center is responsible for providing information on discharge, water quality, water-use, and groundwater data. The Harmful Algal Bloom (HABs) team is currently researching ways to better predict, analyze, and study HABs.
Iowa Alluvial Aquifer
This study is part of ongoing research in Iowa to investigate the availability (quantity and quality) of water in alluvial aquifers that are used for agricultural, domestic, municipal, and industrial supplies. Previous research included modeling and delineation of ground water flow in the Mississippi River, Des Moines River, iowa, and Cedar River alluvial aquifers. The water quality of these and...
Illinois Nutrient Monitoring Sites
Eight nutrient monitoring stations were established in 2015 to continuously monitor nutrient and sediment concentrations and loads in support of the Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy. This site provides current and historical monitoring information for the eight nutrient monitoring stations.
Flood Information at Selected Bridge and Culvert Sites
The USGS systematically collects all types of water data to better manage the water resources in each state.
Cedar River Basin - Realtime Gages
Coverages Realtime Gages in Cedar River Basin Upper Cedar 05457700 Cedar River at Charles City, IA 05458000 Little Cedar River near Ionia, IA 05458300 Cedar River at Waverly, Iowa 05458500 Cedar River at Janesville, IA Shell Rock 05462000 Shell Rock River at Shell Rock, IA Winnebago 05459500 Winnebago River at Mason City, IA 05460000 Clear Lake at Clear Lake, IA West Fork Cedar 05458900 West Fork...
Assessment of Groundwater and Quality - Cedar River Project
ASSESSMENT OF GROUND-WATER AND QUALITY: Cedar River Alluvium, Cedar Rapids, Iowa PERIOD OF PROJECT: Since 1992 PROJECT CHIEF: Steve Kalkhoff STUDY AREA: Linn County COOPERATING AGENCY: City of Cedar Rapids ( Water Division) Additional research has been provided by USGS Biological Resources Discipline and USGS National Mapping Discipline. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources has cooperated on a...