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For over 50 years, CERC’s research has supported federal, state, and local managers of our Nation’s natural resources.

Browse the science areas below or use "CERC" with your keyword search in the search bar above to learn more about how our multidisciplinary research programs address and solve complex environmental issues.


Biochemistry and Physiology


Conservation, Quantitative, and Restoration Ecology


Environmental Chemistry


Fish and Invertebrate Toxicology


River Studies


Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration (NRDAR)


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Sharing USGS Science with the Community

On Tuesday, September 14, 2021, river scientists from Columbia Environmental Research Center (CERC) unveiled an educational display on the banks of the Missouri River near Easley, Missouri.


Sharing USGS Science with the Community

On Tuesday, September 14, 2021, river scientists from Columbia Environmental Research Center (CERC) unveiled an educational display on the banks of the Missouri River near Easley, Missouri.

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Comprehensive Sturgeon Research Project Blog - 2021

The USGS Comprehensive Sturgeon Research Project is a multi-year, interdisciplinary research study to determine factors leading to spawning and survival of the endangered pallid sturgeon and the closely related shovelnose sturgeon. 


Comprehensive Sturgeon Research Project Blog - 2021

The USGS Comprehensive Sturgeon Research Project is a multi-year, interdisciplinary research study to determine factors leading to spawning and survival of the endangered pallid sturgeon and the closely related shovelnose sturgeon. 

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CERC eDNA Crew Blog - 2021

CERC eDNA Crew Blog - 2021


CERC eDNA Crew Blog - 2021

CERC eDNA Crew Blog - 2021

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