Best Practices
Best Practices
CDI projects tagged with Management and Policy & Standards. Management, policy, and standards include data stewardship, the implementation of the Science Data Lifecycle, knowledge management, data standards, governance, and policy.
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Developing inter-agency templates for FAIR genetic data archiving
Standardized archiving of genetic data is essential for reuse in monitoring biodiversity and data syntheses.
USGS Data in K-12 Education: Inspiring Future Scientists
Co-producing adaptable applications and trainings using USGS data to enhance data literacy in K-12 education.
Low Distortion Map Projections for the Artemis III Candidate Landing Sites
Creation of a survey grade product to support Artemis mission operations and lunar surface science.
3DEPPCC: An automated DL-based point cloud classification tool for 3DEP point clouds
This toolkit will enhance 3DEP classification accuracy and automation, broadening its usability to external users
Beginners Git, GitLab & Software Release Carpentries-like Training for USGS Personnel to Facilitate Open Science
Teach USGS personnel Git within to develop, track, share, and publish their code.
Building a roadmap to integrate freshwater wetlands into the National Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory
Inter-agency, in-person, collaborative workshop with scientists and stakeholders to fill a major information gap.
Automated accuracy and quality assessment tools (AQAT = “a cat”) for generalized geospatial data
This project develops an open-source toolkit for the consistent, automated assessment of accuracy and cartographic quality of generalized geospatial data. The toolkit will aid USGS and other stakeholders with the development and use of multiscale data and with associated decision-making.
Informing the use of native plant materials in restoration and rehabilitation with the Native Plant Seed Mapping Toolkit
Restoring ecosystems using native plant materials is a critical pursuit of federal land management agencies following natural disasters and disturbances. The Native Plant Seed Mapping Toolkit provides practitioners with quantitative data to support successful restoration outcomes.
Connecting with our stakeholders - developing a better understanding of use and usability for science products
The value of USGS tools and products can be assessed by collecting use metrics, user feedback, and examples of practical application. We will pilot an approach to assess the utility of two Coastal Change Hazards product releases and establish a guide for tracking the use and user experience of USGS products.
Integrating stream gage records, water presence observations, and models to improve hydrologic prediction in stream networks
Develop a process-guided deep learning modeling framework to integrate high-frequency streamflow data from gages, discrete streamflow measurements, surface water presence/absence observations, and streamflow model outputs to improve hydrological predictions on small streams.
Extracting data from maps: applying lessons learned from the AI for Critical Mineral Assessment Competition
This project will share techniques developed in two AI/ML competitions run in Fall 2022, Automated Map Georeferencing, and Automated Map Feature Extraction with USGS stakeholders. We will develop a strategy to operationalize successful approaches, benefiting any activity that uses legacy map data.
A Tool for Rapid-Repeat High-Resolution Coastal Vegetation Maps to Improve Forecasting of Hurricane Impacts and Coastal Resilience
We developed a Jupyter Notebook Application and a Graphical User Interface that use Planet Labs Super Dove 8-band, 3-meter multispectral imagery and a machine learning classification model to deliver high-resolution maps of coastal vegetation showing near real-time conditions. These products will help improve forecasts of hurricane impacts.