Eyes on Earth Episode 95 – EROS 50th: Landsat Science Team
Landsat Science Teams have advocated for the best data possible for the wide variety of remote sensing users around the world.

The members of the five-year Landsat Science Teams, led jointly by the USGS and NASA with a strong tie to EROS, have brought a wide breadth of expertise, backgrounds and geographic locations to the table. In this episode, we learn how members have explored strategies for the effective use of archived Landsat data and integration of future data, and how they have helped identify Landsat user needs for upcoming satellite sensors, including those on the future Landsat Next.
Guests: Curtis Woodcock, Boston University and 4 terms on Landsat Science Team; Mike Wulder, Canadian Forest Service and 3 terms on Landsat Science Team; David Roy, Michigan State University and 2 terms on Landsat Science Team
Host: Jane Lawson (contractor for USGS EROS)
Producer: Tom Adamson (contractor for USGS EROS)
Release date: Wednesday, June 7, 2023
Download and Transcript Access
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Related Images
Landsat Science Team February 2023
Group picture of the Landsat Science team during their winter meeting in February 2023.
Ladies in Landsat in attendance at the Landsat Science Team August 2022
This picture shows the "Ladies in Landsat" who attended the August 2022 Landsat Science Team in person, at the USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Visit the Landsat Science Teams webpage for more information about the Landsat Science Team.
Landsat Science team 2018-2023
The 2018-2023 Landsat Science Team
2012-2017 Landsat Science Team
2012-2017 Landsat Science Team
2006-2011 Landsat Science Team
2006-2011 Landsat Science Team
1996-2001 Landsat Science Team
1996-2001 Landsat Science Team
Landsat Science Teams have advocated for the best data possible for the wide variety of remote sensing users around the world.

The members of the five-year Landsat Science Teams, led jointly by the USGS and NASA with a strong tie to EROS, have brought a wide breadth of expertise, backgrounds and geographic locations to the table. In this episode, we learn how members have explored strategies for the effective use of archived Landsat data and integration of future data, and how they have helped identify Landsat user needs for upcoming satellite sensors, including those on the future Landsat Next.
Guests: Curtis Woodcock, Boston University and 4 terms on Landsat Science Team; Mike Wulder, Canadian Forest Service and 3 terms on Landsat Science Team; David Roy, Michigan State University and 2 terms on Landsat Science Team
Host: Jane Lawson (contractor for USGS EROS)
Producer: Tom Adamson (contractor for USGS EROS)
Release date: Wednesday, June 7, 2023
Download and Transcript Access
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The Landsat archive at EROS contains an unparalleled 50 years of Earth observation data. But with earlier technologies, some Landsat scenes were collected and stored only by international ground receiving stations rather than in the central archive at EROS. More than 10 years ago, to help make that far-flung data available to scientists interested in land change over time, the Landsat Global...
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Mike Wulder with Canada's Forest Service talks about the value Landsat images have for mapping and monitoring Canada's forested areas.
Related Images
Landsat Science Team February 2023
Group picture of the Landsat Science team during their winter meeting in February 2023.
Ladies in Landsat in attendance at the Landsat Science Team August 2022
This picture shows the "Ladies in Landsat" who attended the August 2022 Landsat Science Team in person, at the USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Visit the Landsat Science Teams webpage for more information about the Landsat Science Team.
Landsat Science team 2018-2023
The 2018-2023 Landsat Science Team
2012-2017 Landsat Science Team
2012-2017 Landsat Science Team
2006-2011 Landsat Science Team
2006-2011 Landsat Science Team
1996-2001 Landsat Science Team
1996-2001 Landsat Science Team