The USGS Florence Bascom Geoscience Center (FBGC) is at the leading edge of scientific research addressing critical societal issues and providing unbiased data and information to decision makers and the public.
Palynology Laboratory
In this lab, we specialize in extracting pollen palynomorphs from geologic field samples. We also assist our center's scientists with outreach programs to educate students and inform policy makers as to the importance of our science.
In the Field

Core collecting is often strenuous and time consuming, requiring a small team to perform the work successfully and in a timely manner. Our lab technicians and student interns often assist in the field to collect sediment core samples, using a variety of field gear and coring equipment, depending on the depositional environment and the type of information researchers after. Types of coring equipment we commonly use include Russian corers and vibracorers. Each core is measured, photographed and described in our field log for later reference. Finally, each core section is carefully wrapped to prevent contamination and for safe transportation to our lab.

In the Lab
Once the cores are delivered to the lab, they are cataloged, cleaned, photographed, and cut into 1-cm intervals. These are then weighed, dried, and subsampled for pollen processing.
Pollen and spores, two types of palynomorphs, are very resilient and resistant to decay under anaerobic conditions. For this reason, field samples are treated with a variety of chemicals that include acids and bases, heating, and ultrasonic treatments. These treatments tend to release and concentrate a sample's palynomorphs in addition to removing the genetic material contained within each pollen grain. The samples are then sieved, swirled, stained and the resultant polynomorph residue is mounted onto slides. The slides are passed on to the scientists while any remaining residue is placed into glass vials and stored for future use.
Please note: we are not a fee-for-service laboratory, but we welcome new collaborations with academic and other institutions.
The USGS Florence Bascom Geoscience Center (FBGC) is at the leading edge of scientific research addressing critical societal issues and providing unbiased data and information to decision makers and the public.
The USGS Florence Bascom Geoscience Center (FBGC) is at the leading edge of scientific research addressing critical societal issues and providing unbiased data and information to decision makers and the public.
The USGS Florence Bascom Geoscience Center (FBGC) is at the leading edge of scientific research addressing critical societal issues and providing unbiased data and information to decision makers and the public.
Tom Sheehan, a lab technician at the Florence Bascom Geoscience Center, swirls a sample in a watch glass to assist in separating pollen from heavier mineral material.
Tom Sheehan, a lab technician at the Florence Bascom Geoscience Center, swirls a sample in a watch glass to assist in separating pollen from heavier mineral material.
Pollen and spores of terrestrial plants
Atlas of pollen and spores of the Florida Everglades
The USGS Florence Bascom Geoscience Center (FBGC) is at the leading edge of scientific research addressing critical societal issues and providing unbiased data and information to decision makers and the public.
The USGS Florence Bascom Geoscience Center (FBGC) is at the leading edge of scientific research addressing critical societal issues and providing unbiased data and information to decision makers and the public.
The USGS Florence Bascom Geoscience Center (FBGC) is at the leading edge of scientific research addressing critical societal issues and providing unbiased data and information to decision makers and the public.
The USGS Florence Bascom Geoscience Center (FBGC) is at the leading edge of scientific research addressing critical societal issues and providing unbiased data and information to decision makers and the public.
Tom Sheehan, a lab technician at the Florence Bascom Geoscience Center, swirls a sample in a watch glass to assist in separating pollen from heavier mineral material.
Tom Sheehan, a lab technician at the Florence Bascom Geoscience Center, swirls a sample in a watch glass to assist in separating pollen from heavier mineral material.