USGS Researchers Discuss Sagebrush Science Convergence at FORT
The USGS Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative (WLCI) cohosted a joint workshop with the Colorado River Basin: Actionable and Strategic Integrated Science and Technology (CRB -ASIST) project to discuss approaches to converge science products, models, and mapping efforts related to sagebrush vegetation mapping, tools and models.
Since its establishment in 2008, WLCI has developed a robust body of work mapping and modeling sagebrush trends in southwestern Wyoming. Newly developed soil moisture, water budget deficit, and other model outputs have broadened and expanded efforts to develop actionable science that supports sagebrush conservation understanding and planning in the Upper Green River Basin in Wyoming. Through this WLCI/ASIST convergence effort, WLCI aims to extend science developed in their program across the entire sagebrush landscape.
The workshop took place at the Fort Collins Science Center (Fort Collins, CO) on July 13 – 14 and included scientists from the FORT, the Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center, the Rocky Mountain Region, and the Earth Resources Observation and Science Center. To facilitate coproduction and communication of potential convergence products discussed in this meeting, WLCI plans to host future workshops connecting USGS scientists with land management agencies.
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