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Continuous and discrete surface-water, groundwater, and water-quality data are collected to provide long-term hydrologic records critical to investigating hydrology, modeling climate-change, evaluating natural and anthropogenic changes in the hydrologic regime, and providing information on water availability to water managers.

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MODFLOW-NWT and MODPATH6 Used to Delineate Areas Contributing Groundwater and Travel Times to Receiving Waters in Kings, Queens, Nassau, and Suffolk Counties, New York

A previously developed three-dimensional steady-state groundwater flow model ( is used to assist resource managers and planners in developing informed strategies to address nitrogen loading to coastal water bodies of Long Island, New York. Coastal water bodies of Long Island are important economic and recreational resources for the region. Therefore, the U.S

Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio and Depth-to-Bedrock Data for Saline-Groundwater Investigation in the Genesee Valley, New York, October-November 2016 and 2017

In October and November of 2016 and 2017, the U.S. Geological Survey collected horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) data at 104 sites in the Genesee Valley, Livingston County, New York as part of a saline-groundwater investigation in cooperation with the New York State Department of Environmental Resources. The HVSR technique, commonly referred to as the passive-seismic method, is used to

Chloride concentrations from wells in the Genesee River Valley, Livingston County, New York

The Retsof salt mine in the Genesee River Valley, Livingston County, New York, flooded after mine-roof collapses in 1994 created two rubble chimneys in overlying bedrock that intersected a confined aquifer in the basal glacial-drift deposits and continued collapse to the land surface. Groundwater in the lower confined aquifer flowed downward through the bedrock rubble chimneys causing widespread d

Geospatial bathymetry datasets for New York City's East of Hudson Reservoirs and Controlled Lakes

From May 2017 to November 2019, the U.S. Geological Survey conducted bathymetry surveys of New York City's East of Hudson Reservoirs. The East of Hudson Reservoirs consist of 16 reservoirs and controlled lakes in Putnam and Westchester County, New York, including Amawalk Reservoir, Bog Brook Reservoir, Boyd Corners Reservoir, Cross River Reservoir, Croton Falls Reservoir, Diverting Reservoir, East

Lake Ontario Water Quality and Velocity Transect Data 2015-18

From May of 2015 through September of 2018, water-quality were collected at 178 locations and velocity data were collected along 7 transects from select tributaries, embayments, and nearshore lake locations along New York's Lake Ontario waterfront in support of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative and the Lakewide Action Management Plan. These data include: depth, velocity magnitude, velocity di

Fish community and substrate data from tributaries to the Mohawk River (ver. 2.0, January 2024)

The dataset is composed of three data tables containing information from electrofishing and pebble count surveys conducted in tributaries to the Mohawk River in central and eastern New York during 2019. The first table contains information on the sampled reaches, the second table contains fish collection data, and the third table contains pebble count data.


MODFLOW-NWT and MODPATH6 Models Used to Simulate Groundwater Flow in the Regional Aquifer System of Long Island, New York, for Pumping and Recharge Conditions in 2005-15 (ver. 2.0, December 2021). 

Honnedaga Liming Project soil and vegetation data, 2012-2018, Adirondack region, New York, USA

This dataset contains field descriptions of soil profiles and chemical analysis results of soil samples collected in the limed (T16) and reference (T24) watersheds of the Honnedaga Liming Study conducted in the watershed of Honnedaga Lake, in the southwestern portion of the Adirondack State Park in New York State, USA. Field measurements of trees, saplings and seedlings in these watersheds are al

Adirondack New York soil chemistry data, 1992-2017 (ver. 1.1, December 2020)

This dataset contains measurements of chemical concentrations of soil samples representing 28 headwater drainage basins completely within the Adirondack Park of New York State (ADK Park), one basin partially in the ADK Park, and one watershed 2 kilometers from the ADK Park boundary. Seven of these watersheds have been sampled 2 or 3 times over periods of 12 to 22 years. Soil samples were collected

Environmental DNA (eDNA) and Fish Capture Data from Round Goby Screening Surveys on the Eastern Erie Canal, New York (ver. 2.0, May 2024)

he dataset is composed of four tables containing data collected during screening surveys for invasive Round Goby (Neogobius melanostomus) at 12 sites on the Eastern Erie Canal in New York between Oneida Lake and the Hudson River from 2016 to 2023. The sampling techniques and frequency of sampling were adapted over time to optimize the efficiency of the study effort. From 2016-2019 eDNA water sampl

Geospatial bathymetry dataset for the Black River near Great Bend, New York, 2020

On August 25, 2020, the U.S. Geological Survey conducted a bathymetry survey of a 550 meter long reach of the Black River near Great Bend, New York. The study reach began approximately 1,000 meters upstream from the State Route 26 bridge in Great Bend, New York. Depth data were collected primarily with a 1,200 kilohertz Teledyne RD Instruments RioPro acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) with p

2019 Hydrologic Data Summary for the Central Pine Barrens Region, Suffolk County, New York (ver. 2.0, February 2024)

This U.S. Geological Survey data release provides surface-water quality, streamflow, and groundwater-elevation data collected within the Central Pine Barrens (CPB) Region of Suffolk County, New York. The data were collected in cooperation with the Central Pine Barrens Commission and the Town of Brookhaven as part of a five-year comprehensive water-resources monitoring program. Water quality and q
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