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View citations of publications by National Wildlife Health Center scientists since our founding in 1975.  Access to full-text is provided where possible.

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Winter mortality of common loons in Florida coastal waters

Diagnostic findings are presented for 434 common loons (Gavia imrner) found sick or dead on Florida beaches from 1970 through 1994, primarily during the months of December to April. The most commonly recognized problem was an emaciation syndrome (66%), followed by oiling (18%), aspergillosis (7%), trauma (5%) and miscellaneous disease entities (1%). The cause-of-death for 3% of the birds was not d
Donald J. Forrester, W.R. Davidson, R.E. Lange, R. K. Stroud, L.L. Alexander, J. C. Franson, S. D. Haseltine, R.C. Littell, S.A. Nesbitt

DDE poisoning in an adult bald eagle

A 12-year-old female bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) was found in May 1993 on Santa Catalina Island, California (USA), in a debilitated condition, exhibiting ataxia and tremors; it died within hours. On necropsy, the bird was emaciated but had no evidence of disease or physical injury. Chemical analyses were negative for organophosphorus pesticides and lead poisoning. High concentrations of
D.K. Garcelon, N. J. Thomas

The efficacy of protoporphyrin as a predictive biomarker for lead exposure in canvasback ducks: effect of sample storage time

We used 363 blood samples collected from wild canvasback dueks (Aythya valisineria) at Catahoula Lake, Louisiana, U.S.A. to evaluate the effect of sample storage time on the efficacy of erythrocytic protoporphyrin as an indicator of lead exposure. The protoporphyrin concentration of each sample was determined by hematofluorometry within 5 min of blood collection and after refrigeration at 4 °C for
J. C. Franson, W.L. Hohman, J.L. Moore, M. R. Smith

Lead exposure in Laysan albatross adults and chicks in Hawaii: Prevalence, risk factors, and biochemical effects

Prevalence of lead exposure and elevated tissue lead was determined in Laysan albatross (Diomedea immutabilis) in Hawaii. The relationship between lead exposure and proximity to buildings, between elevated blood lead and droopwing status, and elevated liver lead and presence of lead-containing paint chips in the proventriculus in albatross chicks was also examined. Finally, the effects of lead on
Thierry M. Work, M. R. Smith

Element concentrations on Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. after three years of transplanting along Lake Michigan

Improvements in air quality in air polluted areas are often followed by recolonization of habitats by sensitive lichens that had died out when air quality was worse. To test the hypothesis that air quality at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore has improved such that lichens could recolonize the area, samples of a species that once grew in the park, Hypogymnia physodes, were transplanted from Door Co
James P. Bennett, M. J. Dibben, K. J. Lyman

Florisitic summary of 'Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada', second edition

The second edition of the Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada by Gleason and Cronquist (1991) is the most recent and up-to-date taxonomic treatment of the flora of that region. Since no floristic summary of the Manual was included in the publication, a computer analysis of the taxonomic data of the Manual was performed in order to generate a floristic summar
J. P. Bennett

Helminth parasites of the osprey, Pandion haliaetus, in North America

A total of 28 species of helminths (17 trematodes, 3 cestodes, 7 nematodes, and 1 acanthocephalan) was recovered from 17 ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) from the United States. Intensities of infection were low and no lesions were attributed to the parasites. Seven species appear to be specialists in ospreys, 2 species generalists in raptors, and the remainder generalists in other orders of fish-eatin
J. M. Kinsella, Rebecca A. Cole, Donald J. Forrester, Constance L. Roderick

Quarterly Wildlife Mortality Report

No abstract available.
G. Kidd, K. Converse

Weights, hematology and serum chemistry of seven species of free-ranging tropical pelagic seabirds

I established reference values for weight, hematology, and serum chemistry for seven species of free-ranging Hawaiian tropical pelagic seabirds comprising three orders (Procellariiformes, Pelecaniformes, Charadriiformes) and six families (Procellariidae, Phaethontidae, Diomedeidae, Sulidae, Fregatidae, and Laridae). Species examined included 84 Hawaiian dark-rumped petrels (Pterodoma phaeopygia),
Thierry M. Work

Haemoproteus iwa n. sp. in great frigatebirds (Fregata minor [Gmelin]) from Hawaii: Parasite morphology and prevalence

We describe a new species of Haemoproteus Kruse, 1890 from great frigatebirds (Fregata minor [Gmelin]) captured on Tern Island-French Frigate Shoals and Laysan Island in Hawaii. Parasite prevalence on Laysan Island (35%) was not significantly different than that of Tern Island (36%). On Laysan, prevalence was highest in juveniles (52%), followed by adult males (29%) and adult females (19%). Preval
Thierry M. Work, Robert Rameyer

Quarterly Wildlife Mortality Report

No abstract available.
G. Kidd

Causes of owl mortality in Hawaii, 1992 to 1994

Eighty-one barn owls (Tyto alba) and five Hawaiian owls or pueo (Asio flammeus sandwichensis) from Kauai, Oahu, Lanai, Molokai, Maui and Hawaii (USA) were evaluated for cause of death, November 1992 through August 1994. The most common cause of death in barn owls was trauma (50%) followed by infectious disease (28%) and emaciation (22%). Most traumas apparently resulted from vehicular collisions.
Thierry M. Work, Jon Hale
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