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Educational opportunities

World Water Monitoring Day

Adopted by Water Environment Federation (WEF) in July 2006, World Water Monitoring Day (WWMD) is an international outreach program that builds public awareness and involvement in protecting water resources around the world. Held annually between September 18 and October 18, the program engages communities in monitoring the condition of local rivers, streams, estuaries and other water bodies. Since its inception in 2002, more than 80,000 people have participated in 50 countries.


World Water Monitoring Day

Adopted by Water Environment Federation (WEF) in July 2006, World Water Monitoring Day (WWMD) is an international outreach program that builds public awareness and involvement in protecting water resources around the world. Held annually between September 18 and October 18, the program engages communities in monitoring the condition of local rivers, streams, estuaries and other water bodies. Since its inception in 2002, more than 80,000 people have participated in 50 countries.

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Science Olympiad

Science Olympiad is a nonprofit organization devoted to improving the quality of science education, increasing student interest in science and providing recognition for outstanding achievement in science education by both students and teachers. These goals are accomplished through classroom activities, research, training workshops and the encouragement of intramural, district, regional, state and national tournaments. The USGS partners with the Groundwater Foundation and other agencies and organizations to help make Science Olympiad events possible. The NYWSC has coached students in the Awesome Aquifer activity at the middle school regional competition.


Science Olympiad

Science Olympiad is a nonprofit organization devoted to improving the quality of science education, increasing student interest in science and providing recognition for outstanding achievement in science education by both students and teachers. These goals are accomplished through classroom activities, research, training workshops and the encouragement of intramural, district, regional, state and national tournaments. The USGS partners with the Groundwater Foundation and other agencies and organizations to help make Science Olympiad events possible. The NYWSC has coached students in the Awesome Aquifer activity at the middle school regional competition.

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Earth Smart

The New York Water Science Center has developed a collection of Earth Science materials available on loan for use by teachers and adults within the Albany Capital District. A brief list of items available for loan includes the ground water model; rock, fossil, mineral, and sand collections; landform display, water cycle model, contour mapping tools; a variety of books, posters, videos, and maps. Email for more details if interested.


Earth Smart

The New York Water Science Center has developed a collection of Earth Science materials available on loan for use by teachers and adults within the Albany Capital District. A brief list of items available for loan includes the ground water model; rock, fossil, mineral, and sand collections; landform display, water cycle model, contour mapping tools; a variety of books, posters, videos, and maps. Email for more details if interested.

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