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A headshot of Andrew Gorman in Belize
Andy_Belize_Andrew Gorman.jpg
Andy_Belize_Andrew Gorman.jpg
Andy_Belize_Andrew Gorman.jpg

This is a picture of Andrew Gorman's head, taken in 2024 with a backdrop of trees and scenery from Belize.

This is a picture of Andrew Gorman's head, taken in 2024 with a backdrop of trees and scenery from Belize.

profile pic for Alex Covert
usgs-profile-pic_Alex Covert.jpg
usgs-profile-pic_Alex Covert.jpg
usgs-profile-pic_Alex Covert.jpg

A profile picture of Alex Covert to be used as part of his Staff Profile. He is looking at the camera with a smile. He has a beard.

A profile picture of Alex Covert to be used as part of his Staff Profile. He is looking at the camera with a smile. He has a beard.

Profile pic of Courtney Kramer
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IMG_pic_Courtney Kramer.jpeg
IMG_pic_Courtney Kramer.jpeg

Picture of Courtney Kramer doing her job out on the river. She is a Hydrologist. Wearing all the correct gear for safety.

Picture of Courtney Kramer doing her job out on the river. She is a Hydrologist. Wearing all the correct gear for safety.

profile picture of Katie Owens
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thumbnail_IMG_3817_Katie Owens.jpg
thumbnail_IMG_3817_Katie Owens.jpg

this is a profile picture of Katie Owens. It is taken on a patio of some sort and she is smiling at the camera.

this is a profile picture of Katie Owens. It is taken on a patio of some sort and she is smiling at the camera.

Ben Sperl USGS

Ben Sperl is a Hydrologic Technician with the Indianapolis Office of the Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana (OKI) WSC.

Ben Sperl is a Hydrologic Technician with the Indianapolis Office of the Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana (OKI) WSC.

USGS hydrologists record field notes for dip and equal-width increment (EWI) water samples as an EWI streamflow measurement
USGS hydrologists record field notes for dip and equal-width increment (EWI) water samples as an EWI streamflow measurement is made.
USGS hydrologists record field notes for dip and equal-width increment (EWI) water samples as an EWI streamflow measurement is made.
USGS hydrologists record field notes for dip and equal-width increment (EWI) water samples as an EWI streamflow measurement is made.

USGS hydrologists record field notes for dip and equal-width increment (EWI) water samples as an EWI streamflow measurement is made.

Current discharge from Chase Street
Current discharge from Chase Street. January 2023 Pollard
Current discharge from Chase Street. January 2023 Pollard
Current discharge from Chase Street. January 2023 Pollard

A photo of current discharge from Chase Street. This was taken in January of 2023 by Harvie Pollard.

A photo of current discharge from Chase Street. This was taken in January of 2023 by Harvie Pollard.

View of the park and Chase Street flowing well
View of the park and Chase Street flowing well. January 2023 Pollard
View of the park and Chase Street flowing well. January 2023 Pollard
View of the park and Chase Street flowing well. January 2023 Pollard

A photo of the view of the park and Chase Street flowing well taken in January of 2023 by Harvie Pollard.

A photo of the view of the park and Chase Street flowing well taken in January of 2023 by Harvie Pollard.

Lauren Lynch USGS
Lauren Lynch USGS
Lauren Lynch USGS
Lauren Lynch USGS

Lauren Lynch staff profile picture, USGS lab; unnamed (2)_Lauren Lynch.jpg

Lauren Lynch staff profile picture, USGS lab; unnamed (2)_Lauren Lynch.jpg

USGS staff collecting water quality samples at USGS well B-8
USGS staff collecting water quality samples at USGS well B-8. October 2022 Pollard
USGS staff collecting water quality samples at USGS well B-8. October 2022 Pollard
USGS staff collecting water quality samples at USGS well B-8. October 2022 Pollard

A photo of USGS staff collecting water quality samples at USGS well B-8 taken in October of 2022  by Harvie Pollard

USGS Sediment Lab - weighing crucibles to capture their tare weights before sample is added
Weighing crucibles to capture their tare weights before sample is added
Weighing crucibles to capture their tare weights before sample is added
Weighing crucibles to capture their tare weights before sample is added

Sediment lab employee Logan Young weighing crucibles to capture their tare weights before sample is added

USGS KY sediment lab - Kyle and Elisabeth
USGS KY sediment lab employees
USGS KY sediment lab employees
USGS KY sediment lab employees

Kyle Barnett and Elisabeth Hernandez analyzing sediment samples using the sand/fine break method

Kyle Barnett and Elisabeth Hernandez analyzing sediment samples using the sand/fine break method

USGS staff conducting Borehole Geophysics at Chase Street
USGS staff conducting Borehole Geophysics at Chase Street. June 2022 Pollard
USGS staff conducting Borehole Geophysics at Chase Street. June 2022 Pollard
USGS staff conducting Borehole Geophysics at Chase Street. June 2022 Pollard

A photo of USGS staff conducting Borehole Geophysics at Chase Street in June of 2022. Photo by Harvie Pollard.

profile picture of Mary-Kate Perkins
mkp profile_Mary Perkins.jpg
mkp profile_Mary Perkins.jpg
mkp profile_Mary Perkins.jpg

this is a profile picture of Mary-Kate Perkins, that was taken just outside her office in the OKI WSC. She is wearing black and there is a beige wall behind her.

this is a profile picture of Mary-Kate Perkins, that was taken just outside her office in the OKI WSC. She is wearing black and there is a beige wall behind her.

Profile Picture of Rebecca (Becky) Hammer-Lester
Profile picture_Rebecca (Becky) Hamm.jpeg
Profile picture_Rebecca (Becky) Hamm.jpeg
Profile picture_Rebecca (Becky) Hamm.jpeg

This is a photo of Rebecca (Becky) Hammer-Lester taken outdoors in the woods. THere are trees in the background and the ground is also visible.

This is a photo of Rebecca (Becky) Hammer-Lester taken outdoors in the woods. THere are trees in the background and the ground is also visible.

Profile picture of Zach Razor out of OKI
Virgin River Overton_Zachary Razor.jpeg
Virgin River Overton_Zachary Razor.jpeg
Virgin River Overton_Zachary Razor.jpeg

Picture of Zachary Razor from Virgin River at Overton. Looks like desert background and Zachary is making a measurement in the field.

Picture of Zachary Razor from Virgin River at Overton. Looks like desert background and Zachary is making a measurement in the field.

USGS scientist crouching down in shallow lake collecting water sample with sampling equipment in orange raft
Water sampling at DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge
Water sampling at DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge
Water sampling at DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge

Microbiologist Erin Stelzer samples a wetland for infectious avian influenza virus at DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge, Iowa.

Microbiologist Erin Stelzer samples a wetland for infectious avian influenza virus at DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge, Iowa.

a brown outhouse-like structure sits beneath a bridge over the Wabash River
Super streamgage on the Wabash River near New Harmony, IN.
Super streamgage on the Wabash River near New Harmony, IN.
Super streamgage on the Wabash River near New Harmony, IN.

A super streamgage sits inside the brown structure underneath the bridge over the Wabash River linking Indiana and Illinois. The closest town is New Harmony, IN. 

A super streamgage sits inside the brown structure underneath the bridge over the Wabash River linking Indiana and Illinois. The closest town is New Harmony, IN. 

Sieves determine the sand size class of sediment samples
Sediment lab - Sieves determine the sand size class of sediment samples
Sediment lab - Sieves determine the sand size class of sediment samples
Sediment lab - Sieves determine the sand size class of sediment samples

Sieves determine the sand size class of sediment samples, 0.250mm and 0.063mm steel mesh are used. 

USGS KY Sediment Lab - sample storage space
The Kentucky Sediment Laboratory's sample storage space, samples are stored in a temperature and light controlled environment.
The Kentucky Sediment Laboratory's sample storage space, samples are stored in a temperature and light controlled environment.
The Kentucky Sediment Laboratory's sample storage space, samples are stored in a temperature and light controlled environment.

The Kentucky Sediment Laboratory's sample storage space, samples are stored in a temperature and light controlled environment.

USGS Kentucky Sediment Laboratory oven full of filtration crucibles to be dried
USGS Kentucky Sediment Laboratory's oven full of filtration crucibles to be dried
USGS Kentucky Sediment Laboratory's oven full of filtration crucibles to be dried
USGS Kentucky Sediment Laboratory's oven full of filtration crucibles to be dried

The Kentucky Sediment Laboratory's oven full of filtration crucibles to be dried. After baking, the crucibles are placed in a desiccator box to cool. 

The Kentucky Sediment Laboratory's oven full of filtration crucibles to be dried. After baking, the crucibles are placed in a desiccator box to cool. 

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