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Below is a list of data products related to WFRC science.

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Riverscape snorkeling surveys of salmonid distribution and abundance before (2007, 2008) and after (2018, 2019) dam removal on the Elwha River, Washington

We used snorkel surveys in the Elwha River, conducted in consecutive years before (2007, 2008) and after (2018, 2019) dam removal to assess changes in fish distribution and density. In total, we counted 54,616 Chinook Salmon, Bull Trout, Steelhead, and trout (Rainbow Trout and Coastal Cutthroat Trout combined) in 22 common reaches spanning 65 river kilometers. The occupancy of juvenile Chinook Sal

Spatial and temporal survey of waterborne myxozoan parasites in the Lake Sammamish watershed, Washington, from 2019 - 2021

There is a fundamental knowledge gap on the distribution, prevalence, intensity, and ecology of salmonid myxozoan parasites in the Lake Sammamish watershed, Washington. To address this knowledge gap, we tested water samples for Ceratonova shasta, Parvicapsula minibicornis and Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae DNA from 84 sites distributed throughout the Lake Sammamish watershed in fall 2019 and 74 sit

Comparative Virulence of Spring Viremia of Carp Virus (SVCV) Genotypes in Two Koi Varieties

Spring viremia of carp virus (SVCV, species Carp sprivivirus), is considered one of the most lethal freshwater pathogens of cyprinid fish. Common carp Cyprinus carpio L. and koi C. carpio koi are the most susceptible host fish species. The virus was formally described in the 1960's after outbreaks occurred in carp species on the European continent, but there has been a global expansion of SVCV pri

Survey of viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus in Pacific herring throughout the North Pacific Ocean

Throughout a 20-year biosurveillance period, viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus was isolated in low titers from only 6 / 7,355 opportunistically sampled adult Pacific herring, reflecting the typical endemic phase of the disease when the virus persists covertly. However, more focused surveillance efforts identified the presence of disease hot spots occurring among juvenile life history stages from

The ontogeny of eDNA shedding during early development in Chinook Salmon

We conducted a lab study to explore eDNA shedding during early life history (from fertilized eggs until near yolk sac absorption) in Chinook Salmon at three biomasses: 10 eggs, 100 eggs, and 1,000 eggs, and each egg biomass was replicated (indicated as replicates 1 and 2). Water samples were collected at several time points before, during, and after hatch for detection of Chinook Salmon DNA. On da

Behavior of female adult Pacific lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus) exposed to natural and synthesized odors

We investigated the behavioral response of female Pacific lamprey to three odors and to differences in water flow. Adult lamprey were challenged with: 1) washings from conspecifics, 2) with washings from adult males, and 3) with an artificial odor that mimicked a component of a natural lamprey pheromone. In addition, we conducted parallel tests to check for rheotaxis. The fish were tested in two Y

Disruption of Francisella noatunensis orientalis pdpA gene results in virulence attenuation and protection in zebrafish

Several Francisella spp. including F. noatunensis are regarded as important emerging pathogens of wild and farmed fish. However, very few studies have investigated the virulence factors that allow these bacterial species to be pathogenic in fish. The Francisella Pathogenicity Island (FPI) is a well-described, gene-dense region encoding major virulence factors for the genus Francisella. PdpA is a m

Tidal flow dynamics at Sutter and Steamboat Sloughs in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, CA in 2014

The video shows a short animation of river flow dynamics (flow velocity vectors) over multiple tidal cycles.

Evaluating injury and mortality to larval lamprey collected out of sediment using a portable suction dredge

Dataset describes the findings of a combination of field and laboratory tests to see if larval lamprey were injured or killed after they were collected from their burrows in sediment using a portable suction dredge.

Survival, viral load and neutralizing antibodies in steelhead trout and cell cultures exposed to infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) at 3 temperatures

Environmental variation has important effects on host-pathogen interactions, affecting large-scale ecological processes such as the severity and frequency of epidemics. However, less is known about how the environment modulates viral fitness traits and within host infection processes. Viral genetic variation, fish host immune response and environmental parameters such as temperature have been repo

Laboratory challenge of Pacific herring Clupea pallasii to Vibrio anguillarum and V. ordallii

Controlled waterborne exposures of Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) to Vibrio anguillarum and V. ordalii failed to result in overt signs of disease or mortality from vibriosis. Cumulative mortalities among Vibrio - exposed Pacific herring (3.3 - 5.0 percent) were similar to those of saline-exposed negative controls (10 percent) and significantly less (P less than 0.001) than those of Vibrio - exp

Counts, Fish Weights, and Spectral Data from a Juvenile Chinook Salmon Polyester Microplastic Fiber Exposure Study

This release includes all data collected in support of a juvenile Chinook salmon exposure study designed to understand the retention of microplastic clothing fibers (hereon referred to as "microfibers") after feeding. To understand the potential impacts of microfiber ingestion to fish, we ran a feeding experiment with juvenile Chinook salmon to determine if ingested fibers are retained and/or dige
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