Setting sail from Woods Hole, MA to Cape Cod Bay aboard the R/V Warren Jr. USGS scientific staff will define the geologic framework of Cape Cod Bay to aid the state of Massachusetts in management and assessment of resources and hazards.
Geologic Mapping of the Massachusetts Seafloor
High-resolution geophysical and geological data collected in Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts
Shallow Geology, Sea-Floor Texture, and Physiographic Zones
Inner Continental Shelf From Aquinnah to Wasque Point, Martha’s Vineyard, and Eel Point to Great Point, Nantucket, Massachusetts
The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) is conducting geologic mapping of the sea floor to characterize the surface and shallow subsurface geologic framework within the Massachusetts coastal zone. The long-term goal of this mapping effort is to produce high-resolution geologic maps and a Geographic Information System (GIS) that will serve the needs of research, management and the public. This project page provides a description of the mapping program and links to data and publications produced for this project and other Massachusetts mapping efforts. Link to interactive map.
Geologic mapping of the Massachusetts inner continental shelf is a cooperative effort that was initiated in 2003 by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM). The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – National Ocean Service (NOAA-NOS) is also an important partner and contributes hydrographic data that are integrated into the maps. The overall goal of this cooperative is to determine the geologic framework of the sea floor within the Massachusetts coastal zone, using high-resolution geophysical techniques, sediment sampling, and sea floor photography. Water depths in the study area range from about 2 m (6 ft) along the coast to 90 m(295 ft) in offshore areas.
The products and knowledge developed by this project have broad application to regional science and resource-management issues. The geologic and bathymetric maps help us understand the processes that have shaped the coast and how it has evolved over time, and thereby help evaluate the vulnerability of coastal environments to storms, sea-level rise, and long-term climate change. Accurate maps that depict the distribution of bottom types on the inner continental shelf provide scientific guidance for appropriately siting offshore development such as sand mining, pipelines, and renewable energy projects. The Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) uses the maps to monitor habitat recovery following pipeline construction in Massachusetts Bay and to conduct fisheries research. Ultimately, these maps will support the Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan, an integrated, multi-use, proposal for the management of Massachusetts waters.
High-resolution geophysical and geological data collected in Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts during USGS Field Activities 2019-002-FA and 2019-034-FA (ver. 2.0, September 2022)
Geospatial Data Layers of Shallow Geology, Sea-Floor Texture, and Physiographic Zones from the Inner Continental Shelf of Martha's Vineyard from Aquinnah to Wasque Point, and Nantucket from Eel Point to Great Point
Continuous Bathymetry and Elevation Models of the Massachusetts Coastal Zone and Continental Shelf
Bathymetry of the waters surrounding the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts
Below are multimedia items associated with this project.
Setting sail from Woods Hole, MA to Cape Cod Bay aboard the R/V Warren Jr. USGS scientific staff will define the geologic framework of Cape Cod Bay to aid the state of Massachusetts in management and assessment of resources and hazards.
2270-trackline kilometers of geophysical data and 320 km^2 of continuous bathy/backscatter was collected in Leg 1 of the Cape Cod Bay 2019 seafloor mapping cruise.
2270-trackline kilometers of geophysical data and 320 km^2 of continuous bathy/backscatter was collected in Leg 1 of the Cape Cod Bay 2019 seafloor mapping cruise.
2270-trackline kilometers of geophysical data and 320 km^2 of continuous bathy/backscatter was collected in Leg 1 of the Cape Cod Bay 2019 seafloor mapping cruise.
2270-trackline kilometers of geophysical data and 320 km^2 of continuous bathy/backscatter was collected in Leg 1 of the Cape Cod Bay 2019 seafloor mapping cruise.
2270-trackline kilometers of geophysical data and 320 km^2 of continuous bathy/backscatter was collected in Leg 1 of the Cape Cod Bay 2019 seafloor mapping cruise.
2270-trackline kilometers of geophysical data and 320 km^2 of continuous bathy/backscatter was collected in Leg 1 of the Cape Cod Bay 2019 seafloor mapping cruise.
Cape Cod Bay Survey 2019. Acquisition van life. Jake Fredericks (St. Pete) and Wayne Baldwin (Woods Hole) inside the Aquisition Van watching all the data come in and eating dinner.
Cape Cod Bay Survey 2019. Acquisition van life. Jake Fredericks (St. Pete) and Wayne Baldwin (Woods Hole) inside the Aquisition Van watching all the data come in and eating dinner.
USGS deploying the s-boom into Cape Cod Bay during the Cape Cod Bay 2019 Survey.
USGS deploying the s-boom into Cape Cod Bay during the Cape Cod Bay 2019 Survey.
USGS deploying the s-boom into Cape Cod Bay during the Cape Cod Bay 2019 Survey.
USGS deploying the s-boom into Cape Cod Bay during the Cape Cod Bay 2019 Survey.
Cape Cod Bay Survey 2019. Acquisition van life. Laura Brothers (Woods Hole) inside the Aquisition Van watching all the data come in and eating dinner.
Cape Cod Bay Survey 2019. Acquisition van life. Laura Brothers (Woods Hole) inside the Aquisition Van watching all the data come in and eating dinner.
Sometimes the fog can be as thick as pea soup! The captains use radar and keen eyesight to navigate in such conditions. Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center staff, Alex Nichols and Wayne Baldwin, take a sound velocity cast off the back of the boat.
Sometimes the fog can be as thick as pea soup! The captains use radar and keen eyesight to navigate in such conditions. Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center staff, Alex Nichols and Wayne Baldwin, take a sound velocity cast off the back of the boat.
Heading back to Cape Cod Bay after a crew change in Boston, MA
Heading back to Cape Cod Bay after a crew change in Boston, MA
Before deploying the subbottom profiler for leg 2 of the seafloor mapping cruise, Wayne Baldwin, Alex Nichols, and Chuck Worley made sure the floats were sufficiently inflated. In the relatively shallow waters of Cape Cod Bay, they want the instrument towed at water's surface for the resolution of the sub seafloor geology.
Before deploying the subbottom profiler for leg 2 of the seafloor mapping cruise, Wayne Baldwin, Alex Nichols, and Chuck Worley made sure the floats were sufficiently inflated. In the relatively shallow waters of Cape Cod Bay, they want the instrument towed at water's surface for the resolution of the sub seafloor geology.
Map showing the surficial geology from this study and Baldwin and others (2016) with equivalent onshore geology (adapted from Stone and DiGiacomo-Cohen, 2009). The areal extents over which offshore subsurface geologic units crop out at the sea floor were interpreted from seismic-reflection data.
Map showing the surficial geology from this study and Baldwin and others (2016) with equivalent onshore geology (adapted from Stone and DiGiacomo-Cohen, 2009). The areal extents over which offshore subsurface geologic units crop out at the sea floor were interpreted from seismic-reflection data.
Geologic sections (C-C', D-D', and E-E') illustrating the general distributions and thicknesses of seismic stratigraphic units and major unconformities in the Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket study areas.
Geologic sections (C-C', D-D', and E-E') illustrating the general distributions and thicknesses of seismic stratigraphic units and major unconformities in the Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket study areas.
The distribution of sediment textures within the study area. The bottom-type classification is from Barnhardt and others (1998) and is based on 16 sediment classes. The classification is based on four sediment units that include gravel (G), mud (M), rock (R), and sand (S). If the texture is greater than 90 percent, it is labeled with a single letter.
The distribution of sediment textures within the study area. The bottom-type classification is from Barnhardt and others (1998) and is based on 16 sediment classes. The classification is based on four sediment units that include gravel (G), mud (M), rock (R), and sand (S). If the texture is greater than 90 percent, it is labeled with a single letter.
Map showing the surficial geology of Vineyard and western Nantucket Sounds with equivalent onshore geology (adapted from Stone and DiGiacomo-Cohen, 2009). The areal extents over which offshore subsurface geologic units crop out at the sea floor were interpreted from seismic-reflection data.
Map showing the surficial geology of Vineyard and western Nantucket Sounds with equivalent onshore geology (adapted from Stone and DiGiacomo-Cohen, 2009). The areal extents over which offshore subsurface geologic units crop out at the sea floor were interpreted from seismic-reflection data.
Map showing the distribution of physiographic zones within the Buzzards Bay study area. The physiographic zone classification is adapted from Kelley and others (1998), and the zones are delineated on the basis of sea-floor morphology and the dominant texture of surficial material.
Map showing the distribution of physiographic zones within the Buzzards Bay study area. The physiographic zone classification is adapted from Kelley and others (1998), and the zones are delineated on the basis of sea-floor morphology and the dominant texture of surficial material.
Shaded relief image of Vineyard Sound, MA Shoals
Shaded relief image of Vineyard Sound, MA Shoals
Image showing a study area from Boston Harbor to the mouth of Cape Cod Bay including some images of geophysical and sample data available in the associated report.
Image showing a study area from Boston Harbor to the mouth of Cape Cod Bay including some images of geophysical and sample data available in the associated report.
Acoustic backscatter intensity data are an indication of the relative hardness or softness of the sea floor, which is closely related to sediment texture and cohesion. The map shows acoustic backscatter intensity of the sea floor in the Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts.
Acoustic backscatter intensity data are an indication of the relative hardness or softness of the sea floor, which is closely related to sediment texture and cohesion. The map shows acoustic backscatter intensity of the sea floor in the Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts.
Shaded relief image of Vineyard Sound, MA
Shaded relief image of Vineyard Sound, MA
Shaded relief image of Northern Cape Cod Bay, MA
Shaded relief image of Northern Cape Cod Bay, MA
Below are publications associated with this project.
Shallow geology, sea-floor texture, and physiographic zones of the inner continental shelf from Aquinnah to Wasque Point, Martha’s Vineyard, and Eel Point to Great Point, Nantucket, Massachusetts
High-resolution geophysical data from the Inner Continental Shelf: South of Martha's Vineyard and north of Nantucket, Massachusetts
Shallow geology, sea-floor texture, and physiographic zones of Vineyard and western Nantucket Sounds, Massachusetts
Sea-floor texture and physiographic zones of the inner continental shelf from Salisbury to Nahant, Massachusetts, including the Merrimack Embayment and Western Massachusetts Bay
Geological sampling data and benthic biota classification: Buzzards Bay and Vineyard Sound, Massachusetts
Shallow geology, sea-floor texture, and physiographic zones of Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts
High-resolution swath interferometric data collected within Muskeget Channel, Massachusetts
High-resolution geophysical data collected aboard the U.S. Geological Survey research vessel Rafael to supplement existing datasets from Buzzards Bay and Vineyard Sound, Massachusetts
Shallow geology, seafloor texture, and physiographic zones of the Inner Continental Shelf from Nahant to northern Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts
Construction of a 3-arcsecond digital elevation model for the Gulf of Maine
High-Resolution geophysical data from the inner continental shelf at Vineyard Sound, Massachusetts
High-resolution geophysical data collected within Red Brook Harbor, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, in 2009
Sea-floor geology and sedimentary processes in the vicinity of Cross Rip Channel, Nantucket Sound, offshore southeastern Massachusetts
The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) is conducting geologic mapping of the sea floor to characterize the surface and shallow subsurface geologic framework within the Massachusetts coastal zone. The long-term goal of this mapping effort is to produce high-resolution geologic maps and a Geographic Information System (GIS) that will serve the needs of research, management and the public. This project page provides a description of the mapping program and links to data and publications produced for this project and other Massachusetts mapping efforts. Link to interactive map.
Geologic mapping of the Massachusetts inner continental shelf is a cooperative effort that was initiated in 2003 by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM). The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – National Ocean Service (NOAA-NOS) is also an important partner and contributes hydrographic data that are integrated into the maps. The overall goal of this cooperative is to determine the geologic framework of the sea floor within the Massachusetts coastal zone, using high-resolution geophysical techniques, sediment sampling, and sea floor photography. Water depths in the study area range from about 2 m (6 ft) along the coast to 90 m(295 ft) in offshore areas.
The products and knowledge developed by this project have broad application to regional science and resource-management issues. The geologic and bathymetric maps help us understand the processes that have shaped the coast and how it has evolved over time, and thereby help evaluate the vulnerability of coastal environments to storms, sea-level rise, and long-term climate change. Accurate maps that depict the distribution of bottom types on the inner continental shelf provide scientific guidance for appropriately siting offshore development such as sand mining, pipelines, and renewable energy projects. The Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) uses the maps to monitor habitat recovery following pipeline construction in Massachusetts Bay and to conduct fisheries research. Ultimately, these maps will support the Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan, an integrated, multi-use, proposal for the management of Massachusetts waters.
High-resolution geophysical and geological data collected in Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts during USGS Field Activities 2019-002-FA and 2019-034-FA (ver. 2.0, September 2022)
Geospatial Data Layers of Shallow Geology, Sea-Floor Texture, and Physiographic Zones from the Inner Continental Shelf of Martha's Vineyard from Aquinnah to Wasque Point, and Nantucket from Eel Point to Great Point
Continuous Bathymetry and Elevation Models of the Massachusetts Coastal Zone and Continental Shelf
Bathymetry of the waters surrounding the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts
Below are multimedia items associated with this project.
Setting sail from Woods Hole, MA to Cape Cod Bay aboard the R/V Warren Jr. USGS scientific staff will define the geologic framework of Cape Cod Bay to aid the state of Massachusetts in management and assessment of resources and hazards.
Setting sail from Woods Hole, MA to Cape Cod Bay aboard the R/V Warren Jr. USGS scientific staff will define the geologic framework of Cape Cod Bay to aid the state of Massachusetts in management and assessment of resources and hazards.
2270-trackline kilometers of geophysical data and 320 km^2 of continuous bathy/backscatter was collected in Leg 1 of the Cape Cod Bay 2019 seafloor mapping cruise.
2270-trackline kilometers of geophysical data and 320 km^2 of continuous bathy/backscatter was collected in Leg 1 of the Cape Cod Bay 2019 seafloor mapping cruise.
2270-trackline kilometers of geophysical data and 320 km^2 of continuous bathy/backscatter was collected in Leg 1 of the Cape Cod Bay 2019 seafloor mapping cruise.
2270-trackline kilometers of geophysical data and 320 km^2 of continuous bathy/backscatter was collected in Leg 1 of the Cape Cod Bay 2019 seafloor mapping cruise.
2270-trackline kilometers of geophysical data and 320 km^2 of continuous bathy/backscatter was collected in Leg 1 of the Cape Cod Bay 2019 seafloor mapping cruise.
2270-trackline kilometers of geophysical data and 320 km^2 of continuous bathy/backscatter was collected in Leg 1 of the Cape Cod Bay 2019 seafloor mapping cruise.
Cape Cod Bay Survey 2019. Acquisition van life. Jake Fredericks (St. Pete) and Wayne Baldwin (Woods Hole) inside the Aquisition Van watching all the data come in and eating dinner.
Cape Cod Bay Survey 2019. Acquisition van life. Jake Fredericks (St. Pete) and Wayne Baldwin (Woods Hole) inside the Aquisition Van watching all the data come in and eating dinner.
USGS deploying the s-boom into Cape Cod Bay during the Cape Cod Bay 2019 Survey.
USGS deploying the s-boom into Cape Cod Bay during the Cape Cod Bay 2019 Survey.
USGS deploying the s-boom into Cape Cod Bay during the Cape Cod Bay 2019 Survey.
USGS deploying the s-boom into Cape Cod Bay during the Cape Cod Bay 2019 Survey.
Cape Cod Bay Survey 2019. Acquisition van life. Laura Brothers (Woods Hole) inside the Aquisition Van watching all the data come in and eating dinner.
Cape Cod Bay Survey 2019. Acquisition van life. Laura Brothers (Woods Hole) inside the Aquisition Van watching all the data come in and eating dinner.
Sometimes the fog can be as thick as pea soup! The captains use radar and keen eyesight to navigate in such conditions. Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center staff, Alex Nichols and Wayne Baldwin, take a sound velocity cast off the back of the boat.
Sometimes the fog can be as thick as pea soup! The captains use radar and keen eyesight to navigate in such conditions. Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center staff, Alex Nichols and Wayne Baldwin, take a sound velocity cast off the back of the boat.
Heading back to Cape Cod Bay after a crew change in Boston, MA
Heading back to Cape Cod Bay after a crew change in Boston, MA
Before deploying the subbottom profiler for leg 2 of the seafloor mapping cruise, Wayne Baldwin, Alex Nichols, and Chuck Worley made sure the floats were sufficiently inflated. In the relatively shallow waters of Cape Cod Bay, they want the instrument towed at water's surface for the resolution of the sub seafloor geology.
Before deploying the subbottom profiler for leg 2 of the seafloor mapping cruise, Wayne Baldwin, Alex Nichols, and Chuck Worley made sure the floats were sufficiently inflated. In the relatively shallow waters of Cape Cod Bay, they want the instrument towed at water's surface for the resolution of the sub seafloor geology.
Map showing the surficial geology from this study and Baldwin and others (2016) with equivalent onshore geology (adapted from Stone and DiGiacomo-Cohen, 2009). The areal extents over which offshore subsurface geologic units crop out at the sea floor were interpreted from seismic-reflection data.
Map showing the surficial geology from this study and Baldwin and others (2016) with equivalent onshore geology (adapted from Stone and DiGiacomo-Cohen, 2009). The areal extents over which offshore subsurface geologic units crop out at the sea floor were interpreted from seismic-reflection data.
Geologic sections (C-C', D-D', and E-E') illustrating the general distributions and thicknesses of seismic stratigraphic units and major unconformities in the Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket study areas.
Geologic sections (C-C', D-D', and E-E') illustrating the general distributions and thicknesses of seismic stratigraphic units and major unconformities in the Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket study areas.
The distribution of sediment textures within the study area. The bottom-type classification is from Barnhardt and others (1998) and is based on 16 sediment classes. The classification is based on four sediment units that include gravel (G), mud (M), rock (R), and sand (S). If the texture is greater than 90 percent, it is labeled with a single letter.
The distribution of sediment textures within the study area. The bottom-type classification is from Barnhardt and others (1998) and is based on 16 sediment classes. The classification is based on four sediment units that include gravel (G), mud (M), rock (R), and sand (S). If the texture is greater than 90 percent, it is labeled with a single letter.
Map showing the surficial geology of Vineyard and western Nantucket Sounds with equivalent onshore geology (adapted from Stone and DiGiacomo-Cohen, 2009). The areal extents over which offshore subsurface geologic units crop out at the sea floor were interpreted from seismic-reflection data.
Map showing the surficial geology of Vineyard and western Nantucket Sounds with equivalent onshore geology (adapted from Stone and DiGiacomo-Cohen, 2009). The areal extents over which offshore subsurface geologic units crop out at the sea floor were interpreted from seismic-reflection data.
Map showing the distribution of physiographic zones within the Buzzards Bay study area. The physiographic zone classification is adapted from Kelley and others (1998), and the zones are delineated on the basis of sea-floor morphology and the dominant texture of surficial material.
Map showing the distribution of physiographic zones within the Buzzards Bay study area. The physiographic zone classification is adapted from Kelley and others (1998), and the zones are delineated on the basis of sea-floor morphology and the dominant texture of surficial material.
Shaded relief image of Vineyard Sound, MA Shoals
Shaded relief image of Vineyard Sound, MA Shoals
Image showing a study area from Boston Harbor to the mouth of Cape Cod Bay including some images of geophysical and sample data available in the associated report.
Image showing a study area from Boston Harbor to the mouth of Cape Cod Bay including some images of geophysical and sample data available in the associated report.
Acoustic backscatter intensity data are an indication of the relative hardness or softness of the sea floor, which is closely related to sediment texture and cohesion. The map shows acoustic backscatter intensity of the sea floor in the Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts.
Acoustic backscatter intensity data are an indication of the relative hardness or softness of the sea floor, which is closely related to sediment texture and cohesion. The map shows acoustic backscatter intensity of the sea floor in the Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts.
Shaded relief image of Vineyard Sound, MA
Shaded relief image of Vineyard Sound, MA
Shaded relief image of Northern Cape Cod Bay, MA
Shaded relief image of Northern Cape Cod Bay, MA
Below are publications associated with this project.