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Are there earthquakes associated with Mount Hood?

Mount Hood is one of the most seismically active volcanoes in the Washington and Oregon Cascades, and the most seismically active volcano in Oregon. In an average month 1-2 earthquakes are located within 5 km (3 miles) of the summit. Earthquakes large enough to be felt occur on Mount Hood every two years on average.

Seismic monitoring, in effect since 1977, indicates a generalized concentration of earthquakes just south of the summit area and 2-7 kilometers below sea level. A seismic swarm in July 1980, during which nearly 60 earthquakes (mostly 5-6 kilometers deep with a maximum bodywave magnitude of 2.8) were recorded in a 5-day period, prompted development of an emergency response plan to coordinate local authorities in the event of a future eruption.

Updated Date: June 20, 2024
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