Title: ShakeAlert: The Path to West Coast Earthquake Early Warning ... how a few seconds can save lives and property
How do I sign up for the ShakeAlert® Earthquake Early Warning System?
How do I sign up to receive ShakeAlert®-powered Alerts on my phone?
Provider | Type | Apple Store Google Play | Link | States |
USGS/FEMA | Wireless Emergency Alerts | N/A | FEMA | WEA | CA/OR/WA |
MyShakeTM | Mobile App | Y/Y | MyShake | CA/OR/WA |
Android Operating System | N/A | CA/OR/WA | ||
Alert San Diego with ShakeReadySD | Mobile App | Y/Y | Alert San Diego | CA |
The USGS issues ShakeAlert® Messages but alert delivery will come by other public and private means (internet, radio, television, cellular), including Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) -- think of an AMBER Alert -- delivered by FEMA’s Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS). Alert delivery via the WEA system is available in California, Oregon, and Washington. To ensure that you can receive WEA alerts consult your cell phone instructions about receiving emergency alerts or contact your cell phone service provider.
Many USGS partners across California, Oregon, and Washington already use ShakeAlert Messages to enhance public safety. Water and gas utilities, transit systems, and emergency facilities like fire stations and hospitals alert staff to take a protective action such as Drop, Cover, and Hold On and trigger automated actions such as opening a fire house door so first responders can do their job.
There are several ways to get ShakeAlert-powered alerts on your cell phone. (Note: The USGS does not directly or indirectly endorse any product or service provided, or to be provided, by these alert delivery providers.)
- The MyShakeTM app was developed by the UC Berkeley and is sponsored by the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services. MyShake is available for free in the Apple iTunes and Google Play stores – more information is available here. MyShake is currently operating in California, Oregon, and Washington.
- Google provides a ShakeAlert-powered earthquake alert feature that is integrated into the Android Operating System. This service is available in California, Oregon, and Washington on cell phones using the Android operating system.
- ShakeReadySD is the ShakeAlert-powered Earthquake Early Warning component of the Alert San Diego app. ShakeReadySD only delivers alerts to phones in California. Alert San Diego can be downloaded for free on the Apple iTunes and Google Play stores.
The testing of alert delivery to cell phones began in California 2019, joined by Oregon and Washington in 2021. To learn more, visit the ShakeAlert website or follow USGS ShakeAlert on X.
These products should not be confused with the USGS Earthquake Notification Service (ENS), which is a free, customizable service that sends out automated emails or texts whenever earthquakes occur in whatever area you designate. ENS is NOT an early warning system.
For more information about ShakeAlert-powered Alerting in your state, contact your state emergency management agency:
California | California Governor's Office of Emergency Services |
Oregon | Oregon Department of Emergency Management |
Washington | Washington Emergency Management Division |
At what magnitude does damage begin to occur in an earthquake?
What is seismic hazard? What is a seismic hazard map? How are they made? How are they used? Why are there different maps, and which one should I use?
Can the National Seismic Hazard Maps be used as an earthquake forecast tool for the near future?
What is the difference between earthquake early warning, earthquake forecasts, earthquake probabilities, and earthquake prediction?
Can you predict earthquakes?
What are the earthquake hazards/risks where I live?
What should I do DURING an earthquake?
What can I do to be prepared for an earthquake?
What should I NOT do during an earthquake?
What are the Great ShakeOut earthquake drills?
What can I expect in my house when an earthquake occurs? How do I identify it? What can be done?

Title: ShakeAlert: The Path to West Coast Earthquake Early Warning ... how a few seconds can save lives and property
Comparison of earthquake early warning systems and the national volcano early warning system at the U.S. Geological Survey
Earthquake information products and tools from the Advanced National Seismic System (ANSS)
U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Science Center
Revised technical implementation plan for the ShakeAlert system—An earthquake early warning system for the West Coast of the United States
Research to improve ShakeAlert earthquake early warning products and their utility
The HayWired Earthquake Scenario
Feasibility study of earthquake early warning (EEW) in Hawaii
ShakeAlert—An earthquake early warning system for the United States west coast
The ShakeOut Earthquake Scenario— A story that southern Californians are writing
At what magnitude does damage begin to occur in an earthquake?
What is seismic hazard? What is a seismic hazard map? How are they made? How are they used? Why are there different maps, and which one should I use?
Can the National Seismic Hazard Maps be used as an earthquake forecast tool for the near future?
What is the difference between earthquake early warning, earthquake forecasts, earthquake probabilities, and earthquake prediction?
Can you predict earthquakes?
What are the earthquake hazards/risks where I live?
What should I do DURING an earthquake?
What can I do to be prepared for an earthquake?
What should I NOT do during an earthquake?
What are the Great ShakeOut earthquake drills?
What can I expect in my house when an earthquake occurs? How do I identify it? What can be done?

Title: ShakeAlert: The Path to West Coast Earthquake Early Warning ... how a few seconds can save lives and property
Title: ShakeAlert: The Path to West Coast Earthquake Early Warning ... how a few seconds can save lives and property