Sea-level Rise
Sea-level Rise
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Effects of Sea-Level Rise and Climate Change on the Groundwater-Flow System of Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP), is investigating the effects of sea-level rise and climate change on the groundwater resources of Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts.
Development of a Water Quality Monitoring Strategy for Mount Hope Bay and the Taunton River Estuary, Massachusetts
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) are collaborating on a study to develop a water quality monitoring strategy for Mount Hope Bay and the Taunton River Estuary.
Groundwater and Surface-Water Monitoring in the Mill Creek Watershed, Wellfleet and Truro, Massachusetts
The Herring River estuary and salt marsh system, within the Cape Cod National Seashore in Wellfleet, Massachusetts, has been diked off from the ocean for more than 100 years. The National Park Service is now preparing to restore the 1,100 acre estuary-marsh system.
Characterization of Water Quality in the Sakonnet River, Rhode Island, 2018-19
Sections of Narragansett Bay and its eastern arm, the Sakonnet River, are considered impaired for shellfishing, aquatic habitat and recreational use by the State of Rhode Island. Aquatic habitat and water quality in the western portions of Narragansett Bay are relatively well understood, but there is comparably limited information available in the Sakonnet River. To address concerns about the lack...