Bryant C Jurgens
Groundwater is an important source of drinking water in the United States. In order to assess the status and long-term sustainability of this important resource, I use environmental tracers, geochemical modeling, and statistical methods to understand the age structure, geochemical processes, and trends affecting water-quality in aquifers.
Science and Products
Groundwater Age
Inverse Model Data for: Salinity trends in a groundwater system supplemented by 50 years of imported Colorado River water
Data for karst groundwater vulnerability determined by modeled age and residence time tracers
Data for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in groundwater samples collected by the California Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment Priority Basin Project, 2019-2023
Data for Distribution of Groundwater Age in Aquifers Used for Public Supply in the Continental United States, 2004 - 2017 (Version 1.1: June 2022)
Data for assessing the penetration depth post-1950s water in the Central Valley aquifer system, California (July 2022)
Data for Time Scales of Arsenic Variability and the Role of High-Frequency Monitoring at Three Water-Supply Wells in New Hampshire, USA
Data for Groundwater Age in the Western Principal Aquifers, 2004-2018
Data for Assessing the Lead Solubility Potential of Untreated Groundwater of the United States
Geochemical Correction of Carbon-14 in Dissolved Inorganic Carbon used for Groundwater Age Dating in the Glacial Aquifer System, Conterminous United States
Interpolated Surfaces of Well Construction Characteristics for Domestic and Public-Supply Well Use in the Central Valley, California, USA
Data for Radium Mobility and the Age of Groundwater in Public-drinking-water Supplies from the Cambrian-Ordovician Aquifer System, North-Central USA
Well characteristics, water quality and age-date tracer data for wells along two regional flow paths in the Memphis aquifer, southwest Tennessee
Predictions of groundwater PFAS occurrence at drinking water supply depths in the United States
Basin-scale responses of groundwater-resource quality to drought and recovery, San Joaquin Valley, California
Salinity trends in a groundwater system supplemented by 50 years of imported Colorado River water
Karst groundwater vulnerability determined by modeled age and residence time tracers
Modeling the dynamic penetration depth of post-1950s water in unconfined aquifers using environmental tracers: Central Valley, California
Quality of groundwater used for public supply in the continental United States: A comprehensive assessment
The presence of contaminants in a source water can constrain its suitability for drinking. The quality of groundwater used for public supply was assessed in 25 principal aquifers (PAs) that account for 84% of groundwater pumped for public supply in the U.S. (89.6 million people on a proportional basis). Each PA was sampled across its lateral extent using an equal-area grid, typically with 60 wells
Over a third of groundwater in USA public-supply aquifers is Anthropocene-age and susceptible to surface contamination
Effects of imported recharge on fluoride trends in groundwater used for public supply in California
Critical aquifer overdraft accelerates degradation of groundwater quality in California’s Central Valley during drought
A multi-tracer and well-bore flow profile approach to determine occurrence, movement, and sources of perchlorate in groundwater
Groundwater residence time estimates obscured by anthropogenic carbonate
Groundwater development leads to decreasing arsenic concentrations in the San Joaquin Valley, California
DGMETA (Version 1): Dissolved Gas Modeling and Environmental Tracer Analysis Computer Program
DGMETA (Dissolved Gas Modeling and Environmental Tracer Analysis) is a Microsoft Excel-based computer program that is used for modeling air-water equilibrium conditions from measurements of dissolved gases and for computing concentrations of environmental tracers that rely on air-water equilibrium model results. DGMETA can solve for the temperature, salinity, excess air, fractionation of gases, or
Groundwater Age Mixtures & Contaminant Trends Tool (GAMACTT)
Use this Groundwater Age Mixtures and Contaminant Trends Tool (GAMACTT) to explore the effects of basic aquifer properties and well configurations on groundwater age mixtures in groundwater discharge and on contaminant trends from varying nonpoint-source contaminant input scenarios.
An Excel® Workbook for Interpreting Groundwater Age Distributions from Environmental Tracer Data
Science and Products
Groundwater Age
Inverse Model Data for: Salinity trends in a groundwater system supplemented by 50 years of imported Colorado River water
Data for karst groundwater vulnerability determined by modeled age and residence time tracers
Data for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in groundwater samples collected by the California Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment Priority Basin Project, 2019-2023
Data for Distribution of Groundwater Age in Aquifers Used for Public Supply in the Continental United States, 2004 - 2017 (Version 1.1: June 2022)
Data for assessing the penetration depth post-1950s water in the Central Valley aquifer system, California (July 2022)
Data for Time Scales of Arsenic Variability and the Role of High-Frequency Monitoring at Three Water-Supply Wells in New Hampshire, USA
Data for Groundwater Age in the Western Principal Aquifers, 2004-2018
Data for Assessing the Lead Solubility Potential of Untreated Groundwater of the United States
Geochemical Correction of Carbon-14 in Dissolved Inorganic Carbon used for Groundwater Age Dating in the Glacial Aquifer System, Conterminous United States
Interpolated Surfaces of Well Construction Characteristics for Domestic and Public-Supply Well Use in the Central Valley, California, USA
Data for Radium Mobility and the Age of Groundwater in Public-drinking-water Supplies from the Cambrian-Ordovician Aquifer System, North-Central USA
Well characteristics, water quality and age-date tracer data for wells along two regional flow paths in the Memphis aquifer, southwest Tennessee
Predictions of groundwater PFAS occurrence at drinking water supply depths in the United States
Basin-scale responses of groundwater-resource quality to drought and recovery, San Joaquin Valley, California
Salinity trends in a groundwater system supplemented by 50 years of imported Colorado River water
Karst groundwater vulnerability determined by modeled age and residence time tracers
Modeling the dynamic penetration depth of post-1950s water in unconfined aquifers using environmental tracers: Central Valley, California
Quality of groundwater used for public supply in the continental United States: A comprehensive assessment
The presence of contaminants in a source water can constrain its suitability for drinking. The quality of groundwater used for public supply was assessed in 25 principal aquifers (PAs) that account for 84% of groundwater pumped for public supply in the U.S. (89.6 million people on a proportional basis). Each PA was sampled across its lateral extent using an equal-area grid, typically with 60 wells
Over a third of groundwater in USA public-supply aquifers is Anthropocene-age and susceptible to surface contamination
Effects of imported recharge on fluoride trends in groundwater used for public supply in California
Critical aquifer overdraft accelerates degradation of groundwater quality in California’s Central Valley during drought
A multi-tracer and well-bore flow profile approach to determine occurrence, movement, and sources of perchlorate in groundwater
Groundwater residence time estimates obscured by anthropogenic carbonate
Groundwater development leads to decreasing arsenic concentrations in the San Joaquin Valley, California
DGMETA (Version 1): Dissolved Gas Modeling and Environmental Tracer Analysis Computer Program
DGMETA (Dissolved Gas Modeling and Environmental Tracer Analysis) is a Microsoft Excel-based computer program that is used for modeling air-water equilibrium conditions from measurements of dissolved gases and for computing concentrations of environmental tracers that rely on air-water equilibrium model results. DGMETA can solve for the temperature, salinity, excess air, fractionation of gases, or
Groundwater Age Mixtures & Contaminant Trends Tool (GAMACTT)
Use this Groundwater Age Mixtures and Contaminant Trends Tool (GAMACTT) to explore the effects of basic aquifer properties and well configurations on groundwater age mixtures in groundwater discharge and on contaminant trends from varying nonpoint-source contaminant input scenarios.
An Excel® Workbook for Interpreting Groundwater Age Distributions from Environmental Tracer Data