Scientist Emeritus Dave Krabbenhoft collecting water sample at edge of Green Lake, Minnesota (Kandiyohi County).
David P Krabbenhoft
David Krabbenhoft is a Scientist Emeritus with the Upper Midwest Water Science Center.
David Krabbenhoft received his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1988 and has been a research scientist with the U.S. Geological Survey since. He has general research interests are in biogeochemistry and hydrogeology of aquatic ecosystems. Dave began working on environmental mercury cycling, transformations, and fluxes in aquatic ecosystems with the Mercury in Temperate Lakes project in 1988; since then, the topic has consumed his professional life. In 1994, Dave established the USGS’s Mercury Research Laboratory, which includes a team of multi-disciplinary mercury investigators and a state-of-the-art analytical facility strictly dedicated to low-level speciation analysis of mercury. In 1995 he initiated the multi-agency Aquatic Cycling of Mercury in the Everglades (ACME) project, which is still ongoing. More recently, Dave has been a Primary Investigator on the internationally conducted Mercury Experiment To Assess Atmospheric Loadings in Canada and the US (METAALICUS) project, which is a novel effort to examine the ecosystem-level response to loading an entire watershed with mercury. Currently, Dave’s research team is active on projects that span environments as far ranging as the Pacific Ocean to freshwater systems in Alaska to Florida, and from California to New England. In recent years, the Mercury Research Team entered into the realm of atmospheric research by constructing and deployed the USGS Mobile Atmospheric Mercury Lab, which has the capability for rapid deployment and advanced study of mercury in the atmosphere. Since 1990, he has authored or coauthored over 100 papers on mercury in the environment. In August 2006, Dave served as the Co-Chair for the 8th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant.
Professional Experience
Research Hydrologist/Geochemist, U.S. Geological Survey, Wisconsin Water Science Center, 8505 Research Way, Middleton, Wisconsin, July 1988 to present.
Adjunct, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2001 to present.
USGS Mercury Research Lab, Team Leader, 1994 to present.
Education and Certifications
Ph.D. 1988, University of Wisconsin-Madsion, Department of Geology and Geophysics; research emphasis isotope geochemistry, limnology, and hydrogeology
M.S. 1984, University of Wisconsin-Madsion, Department of Geology and Geophysics; research emphasis geochemistry and hydrogeology
B.S. 1982, North Dakota St. University, Major: Geology, Minor: Chemistry
Honors and Awards
Shoemaker Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence in Science Communications (October 2013)
USGS performance awards (received on 24 occasions from 1988-2013)
Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, In Recognition for Meritorious Service (2003)
Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, In Recognition for Superior Service (1997)
Exxon Research Scholarship, University of Wisconsin-Madison (1982)
Summa Cum Laude, North Dakota State University (19
Science and Products
Long-Term Monitoring Reveals How Water and Biota in Remote Lakes Respond Differently to Changes in Atmospheric Deposition of Mercury
Areas of Concern: Development of St. Louis River AOC Remedial Targets for Mercury
How are Mercury Sources Determined?
Food Web Changes Dampen Expected Reductions in Lake Trout Mercury Levels in Lake Michigan—Invasive Species Play Major Role
Mercury Isotope Ratios used to Determine Sources of Mercury to Fish in Northeast U.S. Streams
Mercury studies
North American and European Atmospheric Mercury Declines Explained by Local and Regional Emission Reductions
New Tool to Track Sources and Exposure Pathways of Mercury in the Environment — Application for Predatory Fish in the Great Lakes
Complex Response to Decline in Atmospheric Deposition of Mercury
Mercury cycling, bioaccumulation, and risk across western North America: a landscape scale synthesis linking long-term datasets
Environmental Mercury Cycling and Global Change
Mercury Stable Isotope Assessment of Dragonflies and Fish Tissues across United States National Parks
Walleye (Sander vitreus), Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens) and Surface Water Mercury Concentrations in Minnesota Lakes
Mercury Stable Isotope Measurements in Water and Suspended Particulate Matter from Snake River Tributaries in Idaho and Oregon, USA
Hydrological, Chemical, and Biological Characterization of the Snake River and Associated Tributaries and Irrigation Drains from River Mile 448 to 346, 2022
Mercury in smallmouth bass from the Snake River, USA, 2013-2022
Chemical characterization of water, sediments, and fish from Water Conservation Areas and Canals of the Florida Everglades (USA), 2012 to 2019
Total mercury, bulk density, percent organic matter, and percent organic carbon measured in permafrost cores from the interior and northern slope of Alaska and previously published studies
Mercury and biogeochemical parameters in surface water and sediment from U.S. National Parks, 2014-2015 (ver. 2.0, December 2023)
Total and Methyl Mercury Water and Fish Concentrations within Everglades National Park
Isotopic Examination of Mercury Methylation and Demethylation Rates in Yellowstone National Park Thermal Features
Yellowstone Thermal Feature Mercury and Methylmercury Characterization
Mercury source identification in the Mobile and Tombigbee Rivers
Scientist Emeritus Dave Krabbenhoft collecting water sample at edge of Green Lake, Minnesota (Kandiyohi County).
Close up of the Green Lake, Minnesota (Kandiyohi County) shoreline showing zebra mussels washed up on shore, October 2021
Close up of the Green Lake, Minnesota (Kandiyohi County) shoreline showing zebra mussels washed up on shore, October 2021
Panoramic view of USGS employees at a sampling site in Florida Everglades.
Panoramic view of USGS employees at a sampling site in Florida Everglades.
USGS Mercury research team collecting fish in Everglades National Park, Florida.
USGS Mercury research team collecting fish in Everglades National Park, Florida.
Scientists filtering water in the field at Everglades National Park, Florida.
Scientists filtering water in the field at Everglades National Park, Florida.
Methylmercury photodecomposition experiment on the roof of USGS building in Middleton, WI.
Methylmercury photodecomposition experiment on the roof of USGS building in Middleton, WI.
Panoramic view of scientists in boat on Hells Canyon Reservoir, Idaho
Panoramic view of scientists in boat on Hells Canyon Reservoir, Idaho
Particulate matter captured on a quartz fiber filter at the Mercury Research Laboratory.
Particulate matter captured on a quartz fiber filter at the Mercury Research Laboratory.
Native birds resting on marker buoys in Brownlee Reservoir, Idaho.
Native birds resting on marker buoys in Brownlee Reservoir, Idaho.
Draining overlying water from sedimentation sampler at Brownlee Reservoir, Idaho.
Draining overlying water from sedimentation sampler at Brownlee Reservoir, Idaho.
Scenic landscape from Hells Canyon Reservoir, Idaho
Scenic landscape from Hells Canyon Reservoir, Idaho
Burning coal to provide energy contributes mercury to the atmosphere
Burning coal to provide energy contributes mercury to the atmosphere
The USGS Mobile Atmospheric Mercury Laboratory has onboard instrumentation to measure aerosol concentrations and to continuously monitor mercury speciation and concentrations, air quality, automated wet deposition collection, and meteorological conditions.
The USGS Mobile Atmospheric Mercury Laboratory has onboard instrumentation to measure aerosol concentrations and to continuously monitor mercury speciation and concentrations, air quality, automated wet deposition collection, and meteorological conditions.
Voyageurs National Park (VNP), a pristine setting with abundant lakes, wetlands, and streams situated on granitic bedrock, is located near northern Minnesota's border with Canada. Long-term studies at VNP have revealed trends in mercury concentration in precipitation, surface water, and fish.
Voyageurs National Park (VNP), a pristine setting with abundant lakes, wetlands, and streams situated on granitic bedrock, is located near northern Minnesota's border with Canada. Long-term studies at VNP have revealed trends in mercury concentration in precipitation, surface water, and fish.
Longitudinal and seasonal changes of organic matter sources through a semi-arid river-reservoir system
Increased mercury concentrations in walleye and yellow perch in lakes invaded by zebra mussels
Riparian methylmercury production increases riverine mercury flux and food web concentrations
Connecting tributary mercury loads to nearshore and offshore sediments in Lake Superior
Geographic drivers of mercury entry into aquatic food webs revealed by mercury stable isotopes in dragonfly larvae
Habitat and dissolved organic carbon modulate variation in the biogeochemical drivers of mercury bioaccumulation in dragonfly larvae at the national scale
Competition between dissolved organic matter and freshwater plankton control methylmercury isotope fractionation during uptake and photochemical demethylation
Reservoir stratification modulates the influence of impoundments on fish mercury concentrations along an arid land river system
Linking meso-scale spatial variation in methylmercury production to bioaccumulation in tidal marsh food webs
Mercury sources and budget for the Snake River above a hydroelectric reservoir complex
Understanding drivers of mercury in lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), a top-predator fish in southwest Alaska's parklands
Metabolically diverse microorganisms mediate methylmercury formation under nitrate-reducing conditions in a dynamic hydroelectric reservoir
Great Lakes Mercury Sources Revealed
Science and Products
Long-Term Monitoring Reveals How Water and Biota in Remote Lakes Respond Differently to Changes in Atmospheric Deposition of Mercury
Areas of Concern: Development of St. Louis River AOC Remedial Targets for Mercury
How are Mercury Sources Determined?
Food Web Changes Dampen Expected Reductions in Lake Trout Mercury Levels in Lake Michigan—Invasive Species Play Major Role
Mercury Isotope Ratios used to Determine Sources of Mercury to Fish in Northeast U.S. Streams
Mercury studies
North American and European Atmospheric Mercury Declines Explained by Local and Regional Emission Reductions
New Tool to Track Sources and Exposure Pathways of Mercury in the Environment — Application for Predatory Fish in the Great Lakes
Complex Response to Decline in Atmospheric Deposition of Mercury
Mercury cycling, bioaccumulation, and risk across western North America: a landscape scale synthesis linking long-term datasets
Environmental Mercury Cycling and Global Change
Mercury Stable Isotope Assessment of Dragonflies and Fish Tissues across United States National Parks
Walleye (Sander vitreus), Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens) and Surface Water Mercury Concentrations in Minnesota Lakes
Mercury Stable Isotope Measurements in Water and Suspended Particulate Matter from Snake River Tributaries in Idaho and Oregon, USA
Hydrological, Chemical, and Biological Characterization of the Snake River and Associated Tributaries and Irrigation Drains from River Mile 448 to 346, 2022
Mercury in smallmouth bass from the Snake River, USA, 2013-2022
Chemical characterization of water, sediments, and fish from Water Conservation Areas and Canals of the Florida Everglades (USA), 2012 to 2019
Total mercury, bulk density, percent organic matter, and percent organic carbon measured in permafrost cores from the interior and northern slope of Alaska and previously published studies
Mercury and biogeochemical parameters in surface water and sediment from U.S. National Parks, 2014-2015 (ver. 2.0, December 2023)
Total and Methyl Mercury Water and Fish Concentrations within Everglades National Park
Isotopic Examination of Mercury Methylation and Demethylation Rates in Yellowstone National Park Thermal Features
Yellowstone Thermal Feature Mercury and Methylmercury Characterization
Mercury source identification in the Mobile and Tombigbee Rivers
Scientist Emeritus Dave Krabbenhoft collecting water sample at edge of Green Lake, Minnesota (Kandiyohi County).
Scientist Emeritus Dave Krabbenhoft collecting water sample at edge of Green Lake, Minnesota (Kandiyohi County).
Close up of the Green Lake, Minnesota (Kandiyohi County) shoreline showing zebra mussels washed up on shore, October 2021
Close up of the Green Lake, Minnesota (Kandiyohi County) shoreline showing zebra mussels washed up on shore, October 2021
Panoramic view of USGS employees at a sampling site in Florida Everglades.
Panoramic view of USGS employees at a sampling site in Florida Everglades.
USGS Mercury research team collecting fish in Everglades National Park, Florida.
USGS Mercury research team collecting fish in Everglades National Park, Florida.
Scientists filtering water in the field at Everglades National Park, Florida.
Scientists filtering water in the field at Everglades National Park, Florida.
Methylmercury photodecomposition experiment on the roof of USGS building in Middleton, WI.
Methylmercury photodecomposition experiment on the roof of USGS building in Middleton, WI.
Panoramic view of scientists in boat on Hells Canyon Reservoir, Idaho
Panoramic view of scientists in boat on Hells Canyon Reservoir, Idaho
Particulate matter captured on a quartz fiber filter at the Mercury Research Laboratory.
Particulate matter captured on a quartz fiber filter at the Mercury Research Laboratory.
Native birds resting on marker buoys in Brownlee Reservoir, Idaho.
Native birds resting on marker buoys in Brownlee Reservoir, Idaho.
Draining overlying water from sedimentation sampler at Brownlee Reservoir, Idaho.
Draining overlying water from sedimentation sampler at Brownlee Reservoir, Idaho.
Scenic landscape from Hells Canyon Reservoir, Idaho
Scenic landscape from Hells Canyon Reservoir, Idaho
Burning coal to provide energy contributes mercury to the atmosphere
Burning coal to provide energy contributes mercury to the atmosphere
The USGS Mobile Atmospheric Mercury Laboratory has onboard instrumentation to measure aerosol concentrations and to continuously monitor mercury speciation and concentrations, air quality, automated wet deposition collection, and meteorological conditions.
The USGS Mobile Atmospheric Mercury Laboratory has onboard instrumentation to measure aerosol concentrations and to continuously monitor mercury speciation and concentrations, air quality, automated wet deposition collection, and meteorological conditions.
Voyageurs National Park (VNP), a pristine setting with abundant lakes, wetlands, and streams situated on granitic bedrock, is located near northern Minnesota's border with Canada. Long-term studies at VNP have revealed trends in mercury concentration in precipitation, surface water, and fish.
Voyageurs National Park (VNP), a pristine setting with abundant lakes, wetlands, and streams situated on granitic bedrock, is located near northern Minnesota's border with Canada. Long-term studies at VNP have revealed trends in mercury concentration in precipitation, surface water, and fish.