Paul F Juckem
Paul Juckem is a Hydrologist with the Upper Midwest Water Science Center.
His expertise in groundwater flow and transport modeling is used in studies of regional water availability, groundwater/surface-water interaction, and water quality characterization and prediction for lakes, streams, and aquifers. Current work involves: leading the development of tools to inform resource managers about the sources, timing, and fate (forecasts) of nutrients in aquifers, wells, and waterbodies; investigating factors that influence groundwater age distributions and travel times within aquifers; assessing the role of groundwater/surface-water interactions along flood plains in attenuating peak flows; mapping the probability of contaminant plume extents in aquifers using Analytic Element groundwater flow models and Monte Carlo techniques; and evaluating effects of water level fluctuations and water quality in shallow lakes.
- Nutrient and contaminant movement in groundwater systems
- Nutrient loading to lake and river systems
- Development of hydrologic Decision Support tools
- Simplification methods for hydrologic modeling (emulators, machine learning, analytic solutions)
- Uncertainty analysis and forecasting
- Groundwater flow and transport simulation
- Water availability and source water protection
- Groundwater/surface-water interaction (flow and chemistry)
Education and Certifications
M.S. in Geology - University of Wisconsin-Madison. Thesis: 'Spatial Patterns and Temporal Trends in Groundwater Recharge in the Upper Coon Creek Watershed, Southwest Wisconsin,' 2003.
B.S. in Water Resources Management (groundwater emphasis), Geology minor – University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 1999.
Affiliations and Memberships*
Association of Ground Water Scientists and Engineers (2000 - present)
Wisconsin State Section (1996 - present); Treasurer (2004 - 2008)
American Geophysical Union (1999 - present)
American Water Resources Association (1997 - 2006)
Science and Products
Groundwater monitoring and research
Python-HBRT model and groundwater levels used for estimating the static, shallow water table depth for the State of Wisconsin
Multivariate regression model for predicting oxygen reduction rates in groundwater for the State of Wisconsin
Compiled age tracer and redox chemistry data for the State of Wisconsin, 1987-2009
Calculated Leached Nitrogen from Septic Systems in Wisconsin, 1850-2010
GIS files required to run the Groundwater Nitrate Decision Support Tool for Wisconsin
Parameter ensemble files required to run the Groundwater Nitrate Decision Support Tool for Wisconsin
Data to support a Groundwater Nitrate Decision Support Tool for Wisconsin
MODPATH6 models used to evaluate effects of complexity on groundwater age metrics in the Fox-Wolf-Peshtigo watersheds, Wisconsin
GFLOW model files used to generate probabilistic waste-water plume extents and contributing areas to supply wells for a proposed waste-water infiltration lagoon scenario, Lac du Flambeau, Wisconsin
MODFLOW-NWT model data sets for simulating effects of groundwater withdrawals on streamflows in Northwestern Chippewa County, Wisconsin
Design and calibration of a nitrate decision support tool for groundwater wells in Wisconsin, USA
Re‐purposing groundwater flow models for age assessments: Important characteristics
Simulation of the probabilistic plume extent for a potential replacement wastewater-infiltration lagoon, and probabilistic contributing areas for supply wells for the Town of Lac du Flambeau, Vilas County, Wisconsin
Groundwater flow model for Western Chippewa County–Including analysis of water resources related to industrial sand mining and irrigated agriculture
Extraction and development of inset models in support of groundwater age calculations for glacial aquifers
Metamodeling and mapping of nitrate flux in the unsaturated zone and groundwater, Wisconsin, USA
Regional variability of nitrate fluxes in the unsaturated zone and groundwater, Wisconsin, USA
Effects of water level and climate on the hydrodynamics and water quality of Anvil Lake, Wisconsin, a shallow seepage lake
Predicting redox-sensitive contaminant concentrations in groundwater using random forest classification
Simulation of groundwater flow in the glacial aquifer system of northeastern Wisconsin with variable model complexity
Simulation of the regional groundwater-flow system of the Menominee Indian Reservation, Wisconsin
Simulation of groundwater flow and interaction of groundwater and surface water on the Lac du Flambeau Reservation, Wisconsin
GW-NDST software v 1.1.1
GW-NDST software v 1.1.0
NO3GWT version 1.0.0
Science and Products
Groundwater monitoring and research
Python-HBRT model and groundwater levels used for estimating the static, shallow water table depth for the State of Wisconsin
Multivariate regression model for predicting oxygen reduction rates in groundwater for the State of Wisconsin
Compiled age tracer and redox chemistry data for the State of Wisconsin, 1987-2009
Calculated Leached Nitrogen from Septic Systems in Wisconsin, 1850-2010
GIS files required to run the Groundwater Nitrate Decision Support Tool for Wisconsin
Parameter ensemble files required to run the Groundwater Nitrate Decision Support Tool for Wisconsin
Data to support a Groundwater Nitrate Decision Support Tool for Wisconsin
MODPATH6 models used to evaluate effects of complexity on groundwater age metrics in the Fox-Wolf-Peshtigo watersheds, Wisconsin
GFLOW model files used to generate probabilistic waste-water plume extents and contributing areas to supply wells for a proposed waste-water infiltration lagoon scenario, Lac du Flambeau, Wisconsin
MODFLOW-NWT model data sets for simulating effects of groundwater withdrawals on streamflows in Northwestern Chippewa County, Wisconsin
Design and calibration of a nitrate decision support tool for groundwater wells in Wisconsin, USA
Re‐purposing groundwater flow models for age assessments: Important characteristics
Simulation of the probabilistic plume extent for a potential replacement wastewater-infiltration lagoon, and probabilistic contributing areas for supply wells for the Town of Lac du Flambeau, Vilas County, Wisconsin
Groundwater flow model for Western Chippewa County–Including analysis of water resources related to industrial sand mining and irrigated agriculture
Extraction and development of inset models in support of groundwater age calculations for glacial aquifers
Metamodeling and mapping of nitrate flux in the unsaturated zone and groundwater, Wisconsin, USA
Regional variability of nitrate fluxes in the unsaturated zone and groundwater, Wisconsin, USA
Effects of water level and climate on the hydrodynamics and water quality of Anvil Lake, Wisconsin, a shallow seepage lake
Predicting redox-sensitive contaminant concentrations in groundwater using random forest classification
Simulation of groundwater flow in the glacial aquifer system of northeastern Wisconsin with variable model complexity
Simulation of the regional groundwater-flow system of the Menominee Indian Reservation, Wisconsin
Simulation of groundwater flow and interaction of groundwater and surface water on the Lac du Flambeau Reservation, Wisconsin
GW-NDST software v 1.1.1
GW-NDST software v 1.1.0
NO3GWT version 1.0.0
*Disclaimer: Listing outside positions with professional scientific organizations on this Staff Profile are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement of those professional scientific organizations or their activities by the USGS, Department of the Interior, or U.S. Government