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High-resolution CASSINI-VIMS mosaics of Titan and the icy Saturnian satellites

The Visual Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) onboard the CASSINI spacecraft obtained new spectral data of the icy satellites of Saturn after its arrival at Saturn in June 2004. VIMS operates in a spectral range from 0.35 to 5.2 ??m, generating image cubes in which each pixel represents a spectrum consisting of 352 contiguous wavebands. As an imaging spectrometer VIMS combines the characteristic
R. Jaumann, K. Stephan, R. H. Brown, B. J. Buratti, R. N. Clark, T. B. McCord, A. Coradini, F. Capaccioni, G. Filacchione, P. Cerroni, K. H. Baines, G. Bellucci, J.-P. Bibring, M. Combes, D. P. Cruikshank, P. Drossart, V. Formisano, Y. Langevin, D. L. Matson, R.M. Nelson, P. D. Nicholson, B. Sicardy, Christophe Sotin, L. A. Soderblom, C. Griffith, K.-D. Matz, Th. Roatsch, F. Scholten, C.C. Porco

Mineral mapping and applications of imaging spectroscopy

Spectroscopy is a tool that has been used for decades to identify, understand, and quantify solid, liquid, or gaseous materials, especially in the laboratory. In disciplines ranging from astronomy to chemistry, spectroscopic measurements are used to detect absorption and emission features due to specific chemical bonds, and detailed analyses are used to determine the abundance and physical state o
R. N. Clark, J. Boardman, J. Mustard, F. Kruse, C. Ong, C. Pieters, G.A. Swayze

Cassini/VIMS hyperspectral observations of the HUYGENS landing site on Titan

Titan is one of the primary scientific objectives of the NASA-ESA-ASI Cassini-Huygens mission. Scattering by haze particles in Titan's atmosphere and numerous methane absorptions dramatically veil Titan's surface in the visible range, though it can be studied more easily in some narrow infrared windows. The Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) instrument onboard the Cassini spacecraft s
S. Rodriguez, S. Le Mouelic, Christophe Sotin, H. Clenet, R. N. Clark, B. Buratti, R. H. Brown, T. B. McCord, P. D. Nicholson, K. H. Baines

The future of imaging spectroscopy - Prospective technologies and applications

Spectroscopy has existed for more than three centuries now. Nonetheless, significant scientific advances have been achieved. We discuss the history of spectroscopy in relation to emerging technologies and applications. Advanced focal plane arrays, optical design, and intelligent on-board logic are prime prospective technologies. Scalable approaches in pre-processing of imaging spectrometer data wi
M.E. Schaepman, R.O. Green, S.G. Ungar, B. Curtiss, J. Boardman, A.J. Plaza, B.-C. Gao, S. Ustin, R. Kokaly, J.R. Miller, S. Jacquemoud, E. Ben-Dor, R. Clark, C. Davis, J. Dozier, D.G. Goodenough, D. Roberts, G. Swayze, E.J. Milton, A. F. H. Goetz

Evaluating minerals of environmental concern using spectroscopy

Imaging spectroscopy has been successfully used to aid researchers in characterizing potential environmental impacts posed by acid-rock drainage, ore-processing dust on mangroves, and asbestos in serpentine mineral deposits and urban dust. Many of these applications synergistically combine field spectroscopy with remote sensing data, thus allowing more-precise data calibration, spectral analysis o
G.A. Swayze, R. N. Clark, C.T. Higgins, R.F. Kokaly, K. Eric Livo, T.M. Hoefen, C. Ong, F.A. Kruse

Observations in the Saturn system during approach and orbital insertion, with Cassini's visual and infrared mapping spectrometer (VIMS)

The Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer observed Phoebe, Iapetus, Titan and Saturn's rings during Cassini's approach and orbital insertion. Phoebe's surface contains water ice, CO2, and ferrous iron. lapetus contains CO2 and organic materials. Titan's atmosphere shows methane fluorescence, and night-side atmospheric emission that may be CO2 and CH3D. As determined from cloud motions, the wind
R. H. Brown, K. H. Baines, G. Bellucci, B. J. Buratti, F. Capaccioni, P. Cerroni, R. N. Clark, A. Coradini, D. P. Cruikshank, P. Drossart, V. Formisano, R. Jaumann, Y. Langevin, D. L. Matson, T. B. McCord, V. Mennella, R.M. Nelson, P. D. Nicholson, B. Sicardy, Christophe Sotin, N. Baugh, C.A. Griffith, G. B. Hansen, C. A. Hibbitts, T.W. Momary, M.R. Showalter

The use of synthetic jarosite as an analog for natural jarosite

The presence of jarosite in soil or mining waste is an indicator of acidic sulfate-rich conditions. Physical and chemical properties of synthetic jarosites are commonly used as analogs in laboratory studies to determine solubility and acid-generation of naturally occurring jarosites. In our work we have mineralogically and chemically characterized both natural and synthetic jarosites. Analysis of
George A. Desborough, Kathleen S. Smith, Heather A. Lowers, Gregg A. Swayze, Jane M. Hammarstrom, Sharon F. Diehl, Rhonda L. Driscoll, Reinhard W. Leinz

Composition and physical properties of Enceladus' surface

Observations of Saturn's satellite Enceladus using Cassini's Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer instrument were obtained during three flybys of Enceladus in 2005. Enceladus' surface is composed mostly of nearly pure water ice except near its south pole, where there are light organics, CO2, and amorphous and crystalline water ice, particularly in the region dubbed the "tiger stripes." An uppe
R. H. Brown, R. N. Clark, B. J. Buratti, D. P. Cruikshank, J. W. Barnes, R.M.E. Mastrapa, J. Bauer, S. Newman, T. Momary, K. H. Baines, G. Bellucci, F. Capaccioni, P. Cerroni, M. Combes, A. Coradini, P. Drossart, V. Formisano, R. Jaumann, Y. Langavin, D. L. Matson, T. B. McCord, R.M. Nelson, P. D. Nicholson, B. Sicardy, Christophe Sotin

Remote sensing characterization of the Animas River watershed, southwestern Colorado, by AVIRIS imaging spectroscopy

Visible-wavelength and near-infrared image cubes of the Animas River watershed in southwestern Colorado have been acquired by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Airborne Visible and InfraRed Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) instrument and processed using the U.S. Geological Survey Tetracorder v3.6a2 implementation. The Tetracorder expert system utilizes a spectral reference library containing more than
J.B. Dalton, D. J. Bove, C.S. Mladinich

Not-so-routine electron probe microanalyses of jarosite

No abstract available.
Heather Lowers, George A. Desborough, Jane M. Hammarstrom, Gregg A. Swayze, Kathleen S. Smith, Sharon F. Diehl

Questa baseline and pre-mining ground-water quality investigation. 10. Geologic influences on ground and surface waters in the lower Red River watershed, New Mexico

This report is one in a series that presents results of an interdisciplinary U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) study of ground-water quality in the lower Red River watershed prior to open-pit and underground molybdenite mining at Molycorp’s Questa mine. The stretch of the Red River watershed that extends from just upstream of the town of Red River, N. Mex., to just above the town of Questa includes se
Steve Ludington, Geoff Plumlee, Jonathan S. Caine, Dana Bove, JoAnn Holloway, Eric Livo

Remote sensing for environmental site screening and watershed evaluation in Utah Mine lands: East Tintic mountains, Oquirrh mountains, and Tushar mountains

Imaging spectroscopy-a powerful remote-sensing tool for mapping subtle variations in the composition of minerals, vegetation, and man-made materials on the Earth's surface-was applied in support of environmental assessments and watershed evaluations in several mining districts in the State of Utah. Three areas were studied through the use of Landsat 7 ETM+ and Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spe
Barnaby W. Rockwell, Robert R. McDougal, Carol A. Gent
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