Coral core CT image and annual density
By Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program
2014 (approx.)
Detailed Description
Coral core section (left panel) from Guam, showing annual growth bands and the corresponding annual density values (right panel) for the upper 24 years. In the core section, a high- and low-density couplet constitutes an annual growth band. (image from Prouty et al., 2014)
Public Domain.
Climate Change and Land-use Histories
As part of the USGS Coral Reef Project, we are developing new and unique oceanographic and environmental archives from coral skeleton records to better understand the compounding effects of land-use and environmental change on coral reef health.
Historic impact of watershed change and sedimentation to reefs along west-central Guam
Using coral growth parameters (extension, density, calcification rates, and luminescence) and geochemical measurements (barium to calcium rations; Ba/Ca) from coral cores collected in west-central Guam, we provide a historic perspective on sediment input to coral reefs adjacent to the Piti-Asan watershed. The months of August through December are dominated by increased coral Ba/Ca values...
Nancy G. Prouty, Curt D. Storlazzi, Amanda L. McCutcheon, John W. Jenson
Climate Change and Land-use Histories
As part of the USGS Coral Reef Project, we are developing new and unique oceanographic and environmental archives from coral skeleton records to better understand the compounding effects of land-use and environmental change on coral reef health.
Historic impact of watershed change and sedimentation to reefs along west-central Guam
Using coral growth parameters (extension, density, calcification rates, and luminescence) and geochemical measurements (barium to calcium rations; Ba/Ca) from coral cores collected in west-central Guam, we provide a historic perspective on sediment input to coral reefs adjacent to the Piti-Asan watershed. The months of August through December are dominated by increased coral Ba/Ca values...
Nancy G. Prouty, Curt D. Storlazzi, Amanda L. McCutcheon, John W. Jenson