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Bryan C Tarbox, PhD

Bryan Tarbox is a Biologist at the Fort Collins Science Center, whose current work focuses on sage-grouse conservation efforts. 

Bryan Tarbox is an interdisciplinary ecologist with experience in conservation planning and adaptive management, prioritization modeling and landscape conservation design, land use/cover change dynamics, avian ecology, wildlife-agriculture dynamics, and human dimensions of conservation. Conservation in working landscapes is a common theme that ties together projects ranging from foraging behavior of avian insectivores in Andean silvopastures to conservation prioritization of Texas grass- and rangelands. Specific methodologies he has employed include: tree-based fuzzy logic modeling systems, The Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation, generalized linear mixed models using both frequentist and Bayesian approaches, and various other statistical, remote sensing and GIS techniques.

He received a BS in rangeland ecology and management from Texas A&M University, completed his PhD at the University of Florida studying conservation biology, and conducted a post-doc at Texas State University focused on landscape conservation design and conservation planning. He is currently working on a variety of projects related to sage-grouse conservation efforts.

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