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Access Information About Volcanic Conditions

When signs of volcanic unrest arise, USGS scientists post updates on the Volcano Hazards Program websites and send out notifications to people who have subscribed to the Volcano Notification Service.

USGS CVO scientist answers media inquiries relating to the increase in Mount St. Helens activity, October 2004.

 USGS staff also informs agencies on a call-down list and contacts the media. Volcanic unrest may not lead to an eruption, but if it does, it may take days, months, or years.

To ensure you become aware of volcanic unrest, register for the Volcano Notification Service (VNS) to receive regular volcano-activity updates, check various USGS information websites, or rely on traditional media.

  • CVO Volcanic Activity Updates—Read the weekly activity update for all CVO volcanoes as well as any special information statements or time-sensitive reports of changes in volcanic activity.
  • Volcano Notification Service (VNS)—Register to receive regular and time-sensitive updates about US volcanic activity by region and/or specified volcano.
  • USGS Volcanoes Facebook—Receive updates about USGS Volcano Observatory activities, new publications, and information about volcanic events in the U.S.
  • USGS Volcanoes Twitter—Receive updates, images, videos, and concise commentary about U.S. volcanoes.
  • CVO News— Current Events and volcano background information—information about volcano histories and hazards, monitoring, current activity, education resources, HOT STUFF current events.
  • USGS Newsroom—Portal to national, state, and local news releases by USGS and a news release archives.
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