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Resources for Emergency Managers

Cascades Volcano Observatory staff works with emergency officials to provide volcano science information and hazards awareness. CVO reports volcanic activity and potential hazards directly to emergency officials. During times of heightened volcano hazard potential, emergency officials and land managers will take actions appropriate for their communities.

CVO will notify officials when a volcano is reawakening.

CVO and its monitoring partners continuously track volcanic activity in the Cascades. With any change in alert level, CVO will contact state and local officials to initiate a process of information flow. This ensures all area jurisdictions are aware of current conditions. CVO works with emergency managers and land managers to develop regional volcano coordination plans that describe the flow of information.

Volcano notifications provide situational awareness.

CVO scientists produce volcano-alert notifications based upon analysis of data from monitoring networks, direct observations, and satellite sensors. Notifications are publicly available and describe the nature of the unrest or eruption, current and potential hazards, and likely outcomes. Scientists describe a volcano's status using the alert levels and color codes and issue different types of notification to address specific information needs, including regular status updates. Register to receive email alerts and notifications sent directly to you through the Volcano Notification Service (VNS).

View hazards assessments, maps, and coordination plans.

Find background information on volcanoes and volcanic hazards.

For a volcano of interest, visit the CVO homepage and use the drop-down menu to click on a volcano name. Volcano-specific webpages include eruption histories, location-based hazards, current monitoring data and techniques, plus hazards assessments and maps. Multimedia webpages offer additional volcano images and video.

CVO partners with the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network on earthquake detection and with UNAVCO on geophysical monitoring. Background information is also available on those websites.

For volcanic hazard impacts to people and infrastructure, see volcano hazards in the Cascade Range. Information about specific hazards:

USGS and its partners offer preparedness information and products.

Washington State counties' "Active Volcano" websites contain preparedness information and some evacuation routes:

Guidance is also offered on the USGS Volcano Hazards Program and CVO websites. See a full list of preparedness and educational products at the Washington Emergency Management Division and the Oregon Office of Emergency Management websites. Find your role in the USGS Living with a Volcano in your Backyard outreach program.

Engage in volcano learning opportunities.

The FEMA Volcanic Crisis Awareness course provides a background in handling volcanic crises. Conferences and workshops addressing volcanic risk may be available at these and other professional organizations: IAVCEI (International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior); GSA (Geological Society of America); AGU (American Geophysical Union).

Special alerts and closures will be issued by land managers.

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