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Surface Traces Calculated from Structural Measurements Taken in the Stillwater Complex, Montana

This dataset includes a line shapefile of surface traces that were calculated using structural measurements taken in the Stillwater Complex, Montana (Stillwater_Complex_Surface_Traces.shp), along with a .csv file of full references for the published sources used (Stillwater_SurfaceTrace_sources.csv). The surface traces represent the lateral extension of geologic features. The structural measuremen

Data and Model Archive Summaries to Support Use of Continuous Water-quality Time-series Data to Compute Total Phosphorus Concentrations and Loads for the Missouri River at St. Joseph and Hermann, Missouri, 2007–22

This data release contains the R source code, inputs, and selected outputs associated with the turbidity-based regression models used to estimate total phosphorus concentrations and loads for the Missouri River at St. Joseph and Hermann, Missouri, for water years 2008–22. Additionally, the R source code, inputs, and selected outputs for LOADEST models used to estimate daily total phosphorus loads

INHABIT species potential distribution across the contiguous United States (ver. 4.0, June 2024)

This is a dataset containing the potential distribution of 259 invasive terrestrial plant species. We developed habitat suitability models for invasive plant species selected by Department of Interior land management agencies and other managers. We applied the modeling workflow developed in Young et al. (2020, and adapted by Jarnevich et al. (2023, htt

Lake Powell extent polygons at various elevations

These data were compiled to visualize the extent of Lake Powell at various elevation levels. These data represent water surface elevations for Lake Powell at levels critical to the operation of Glen Canyon Dam, at 5 foot intervals from the "Equalization Tier" ("Full Pool") to "Dead Pool", and at maximum and minimum elevations each water year throughout Glen Canyon Dam's operating history. These da

Traits and Factors Catalog (TRAFAC): Non-native insects of North American forests

These data were compiled in support of the "Predicting the next high-impact insect invasion: Elucidating traits and factors determining the risk of introduced herbivorous insects on North American native plants" project supported by the U.S. Geological Survey John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis, as well as the "Forecasting high-impact insect invasions by integrating probability mo

Geoheritage Sites of the Nation Data Release v.1

Geoheritage is a term which lies at the intersection of science, society, and sustainability and is applied to significant geologic features and landforms that have scientific, educational, cultural, economic, and aesthetic value. Many geologic sites have enriched society through the geoheritage values: scientific research and education, cultural significance, economic opportunities, and aesthetic

Pre-mining environmental baseline characterization of the Nuqra Khana iron deposit: 2020 field season

These data include geochemical analyses of rock, soil, sediment, and water samples collected from the Nuqra Khana iron deposit, Panjshir Province, Afghanistan in 2020.

Pre-mining environmental baseline characterization of the Balkhab copper deposit: 2020 field season

These data include geochemical analyses of rock, mine waste, and water samples collected from the Balkhab copper deposit, Sar-e Pol Province, Afghanistan in 2020.

Western North America terrestrial reptile climate-niche rasters and summary data (In press)

This data release supports the referenced publication 'Climate futures for lizards and snakes in western North America may result in new species management issues' in this metadata record. Data included in this release includes raster data outputs and resulting summaries from the analyses, described in the processing steps of this metadata record. In summary this release includes information for 1

Cover, basal diameter, height, and density of deep-rooted perennial grasses, and cover of exotic annual grasses and Poa secunda over the first five years following post-fire drill-seeding on the Soda Wildfire

Data includes functional group cover of exotic annual grasses, shallow rooted perennial grasses, and cover, basal diameter, height, and density of deep-rooted perennial grasses within the first five years after the 2015 Soda wildfire across post-fire drill-seeding treatments.

Yukon-Tanana Upland airborne magnetic geophysical data merge, version 2023

The Yukon-Tanana Upland airborne magnetic geophysical data merge provides a merged raster grid of magnetic data for the Yukon-Tanana Upland (YTU), Alaska. This dataset provides a regionally consistent magnetic grid while retaining as much detail as possible of the originating data by leveling all the region's magnetic grids to one another. This 100-m cell-size magnetic grid of the YTU will assist

Sagebrush recovery projections across the biome, 30 years after two seeding treatment applications, and associated model data (1986-2021)

This data release contains a formatted dataset compiled from multiple databases on restoration treatments and environmental conditions from across the sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) biome. With these data, we modeled the influence of environmental conditions and restoration treatments on trends in sagebrush cover using generalized additive models. We then used these models to create maps of projected
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