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Preliminary detrital zircon data for Upper Cretaceous to Paleocene strata of the Crazy Mountains basin, Montana

This document includes sandstone provenance data for Upper Cretaceous to Paleocene strata preserved in the Crazy Mountains Basin of western Montana, USA. The dataset includes detrital zircon data for six samples from the Upper Cretaceous Hoppers Formation (1 sample), Upper Cretaceous Billman Creek Formation (1 sample), and Paleocene Fort Union Formation (4 samples). Detrital zircon data were acqui

Measured sections and paleocurrent data from fluvial deposits of the Upper Cretaceous-Paleogene Raton and Poison Canyon Formations, Raton Basin, Colorado-New Mexico, USA

This document provides two data sets that characterize outcrops of fluvial deposits of the Upper Cretaceous-Paleogene Raton and Poison Canyon Formations of the Raton Basin of Colorado-New Mexico, USA. First, the dataset includes stratigraphic sections measured through fluvial deposits of the Raton and Poison Canyon Formations (ten unique .tif files), currently exposed in roadside outcrops. Second,

Elevation of top of Precambrian rocks from previous USGS studies of the Colorado Plateau

For use as part of a regional petroleum assessment, the USGS in the early 1990's developed a dataset reporting elevation on the surface of the Precambrian basement of the central and southern Colorado Plateau and vicinity (Butler, 1991). This dataset was released as paper report that included a table of basement elevations at more than 3,700 control points, including outcrop data of Precambrian ro

Field, geotechnical, and meteorological data of the 22 March 2018 narrow cold frontal rainband (NCFR) and its effects, Tuolumne River canyon, Sierra Nevada Foothills, California

This data release includes information used to support the manuscript "Linking mesoscale meteorology with extreme landscape response: effects of narrow cold frontal rainbands (NCFR)". The included datasets and supplement include information related to the 22 March 2018 NCFR and associated shallow landslides in the Toulumne Canyon triggered by this event. The three datasets and one supplemental inf

Airborne magnetic and radiometric survey over northwest Arkansas, 2019-2020

This publication provides digital flight line data for a high-resolution magnetic and radiometric survey over an area of northwest Arkansas. The airborne geophysical survey was jointly funded by the USGS National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program and the Earth Mapping Resource Initiative and was designed to meet the complimentary needs related to geologic mapping and mineral resource research.

Thermochronologic data from the southern Stillwater Range, Nevada

This dataset contains apatite and zircon U-Th(He)data, 4He/3He thermochronologic data, and apatite fission-track data from the southern Stillwater Range, Nevada

Digital subsurface data of Paleozoic rocks in the Upper Colorado River Basin in Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico from USGS Regional Aquifer System Analysis

The Upper Colorado River Basin has a drainage area of about 113,500 square miles in western Colorado, eastern Utah, southwestern Wyoming, northeastern Arizona, and northwestern New Mexico. In the 1980’s and 1990’s, the Upper Colorado River Basin was a study area under of the U.S. Geological Survey's Regional Aquifer-System Analysis (RASA) program (Sun and Johnston, 1994; Sun and Weeks, 1991). The

Field measurements of rainfall and soil moisture data used to support understanding of infiltration and runoff following the 2007 Canyon Fire, Malibu, CA, USA

This data release includes information used to support interpretations of relations between precipitation and soil moisture for a U.S. Geological Survey post-fire monitoring array installed near Malibu, CA following the 2007 Canyon fire. The 3 datasets are: 1) a time series of precipitation from three tipping bucket rain gages in individual files (Schmidt_2020_CANVQRG1.csv, Schmidt_2020_CANVQRG2.c

Digital subsurface data of Mesozoic rocks in the Upper Colorado River Basin in Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico from USGS Regional Aquifer System Analysis

The Upper Colorado River Basin has a drainage area of about 113,500 square miles in western Colorado, eastern Utah, southwestern Wyoming, northeastern Arizona, and northwestern New Mexico. In the 1980's and 1990's, the Upper Colorado River Basin was a study area under of the U.S. Geological Survey's Regional Aquifer-System Analysis (RASA) program (Sun and Johnston, 1994; Sun and Weeks, 1991). The

Field observations of ground failure triggered by the 2020 Puerto Rico earthquake sequence

This dataset consists of over 800 field observations of ground failure (landslides, lateral spreading, and liquefaction) and other damage triggered by the 2019-2020 Puerto Rico earthquake sequence. The sequence started with a M4.7 earthquake on 28 December 2019, followed by many more earthquakes, including 15 larger than M5 (as of 7 July 2020). The M6.4 mainshock, which is thought to have triggere

Surface Displacement Observations of the 2019 Ridgecrest, California Earthquake Sequence

Surface rupture associated with the 2019 Ridgecrest, California earthquake sequence includes the dominantly left-lateral and northeast-striking M6.4 rupture and dominantly right-lateral and northwest-striking M7.1 rupture. This data release includes surface-displacement observations of these ruptures made by teams of federal, state, academic, and private sector geologists between July and November

Pre-existing features associated with active faulting in the vicinity of the 2019 Ridgecrest, California earthquake sequence

This dataset is composed of linear active tectonic and other relevant features (scarps, deflected drainages, and lineaments and contrasts in topography, vegetation, and ground color) mapped based on high-resolution topography, aerial/satellite imagery, and field observations. The mapping covers the area surrounding the 2019 Ridgecrest, California earthquake surface ruptures. Point locations of fie
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