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October 13, 2023

Focused engagement helps to foster equity and inclusion in using cutting-edge science.

USGS launched an initiative to engage with and support underrepresented coastal communities in Puerto Rico. It has three main goals: 

  1. Develop a comprehensive database of USGS projects and resources related to natural hazards in Puerto Rico. 

  1. Build relationships with Puerto Ricans to understand their concerns about coastal change hazards. 

  1. Identify knowledge gaps to guide future USGS research efforts. 

The initiative has developed resources based on the coastal communities’ feedback. For example, websites in English and Spanish where people can learn about USGS natural hazards information. The websites include research on landslides, hurricanes, earthquakes, water resources, coastal hazards, tsunamis, and ecosystem and environmental contaminants in Puerto Rico.  

This engagement process has grown trust and led to partnerships with a variety of different groups. These include local academic institutions, other federal agencies, non-profit organizations, and fishermen’s associations in Puerto Rico. 

Ongoing community feedback has helped to make USGS data more accessible and more widely used. The fishermen’s association uses real-time wave and wind information webpage. A non-profit that monitors coral reefs and water quality complements their data with USGS water temperature data. A community leader recently learned about the USGS Coastal Change Hazards Portal and used the portal to present critical data on coastal hazards to their community. 

Although it takes time, engagement with communities is fundamental and leads to better USGS resources and data products. These partnerships ultimately improve the well-being of communities by increasing access to scientific resources.  

Shoreline Changes in Puerto Rico: 


Webpage to Puerto Rico natural hazards resources: 


Cameras and Buoys in Puerto Rico Provide Real-Time Data: 


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