Andrea Foster, Ph.D.
Andrea is a Research Geologist with the Geology, Minerals, Energy, and Geophysics Science Center in Menlo Park, CA and came to the USGS, Menlo Park in 1999
Andrea attended high school in Bloomington, Indiana and Frankfort, Kentucky, graduating in 1988. She was a matriculated geology major at Howard University (Washington, DC) and Indiana University (Bloomington), obtaining her BS Geology from the latter institution in 1992.
- Investigating the relationship between arsenic solid-phase speciation and arsenic relative bioaccessibility and bioavailability
- Improving EPA's chromate extraction method though spectroscopic quantification of solid-phase chromate
- Identifying solid-phase species of chromium and the potential for redox transformations of Cr in the vicinity of Hinkley, CA
- Investigation of gallium and rare earth element speciation in acid-sulfate alteration haloes of mineral deposits
- Development of micro-Raman spectroscopic methods for in-situ measurement of dissolved and solid-phase toxic elements and micro-mineralogical ID
- Toxicity of tellurium and other scarce, technologically-important trace elements in aquatic invertebrates
- Spectroscopic studies of tellurium mineralogy to support studies of tellurium in mine wastes
- Arsenic solid-phase speciation at the Lava Cap Mine Superfund Site, Nevada City, CA
- Arsenic solid-phase speciation in surface and aquifer sediments from Bangladesh
- Feasibililty studies for passive bioreactor using Leptothrix, a ferric-hydroxide precipitating bacterium
- Microbial community diversity in mining-impacted intertidal zones of Prince William Sound, AK.
- Toxicity of water in intertidal zones impacted by mining of VMS deposits, Prince William Sound, AK
- Composition and diversity of mercury
Professional Experience
2010 - Soft X-ray Summer School, Stanford University
2006 - Multivariate Analysis of Hydrological, Biological, and Chemical Data (ID 3045), USGS, Denver, CO. (5 days)
2000 - Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy: Better Understanding and Usage of the SEM for Lab Work, USGS, Menlo Park (2 days)
1999 - Assisted use/training in TEM/AEM at the National Center for Electron Microscopy, Berkeley, CA (2 days)
1999 - Synchrotron-based powder XRD short course, Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (1 day)
1998 - Geomicrobiological Research in Norm Pace’s microbiology lab, Berkeley, CA (3 months)
1998 - Microbial Diversity Course, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA (8 weeks)
Education and Certifications
1992-1999 Stanford University, Ph.D., Geological and Environmental Sciences
1990-1992 Indiana University, B.S., Geology, (with Honors); Mathematics minor
1988-1990 Howard University, Geology major