Brian S Ickes
Brian S. Ickes is a research ecologist, statistician, and the principal investigator for the Fisheries Component of the Long Term Resources Monitoring element (LTRM) on the Upper Mississippi River System, the nation’s largest river monitoring program.
Brian oversees the collection, quality assurance, serving, and synthesis of fisheries data on the UMRS in cooperation with 4 federal agencies and 5 Midwestern state natural resource agencies. In addition, Brian conducts research in many areas including community, population, life history, and invasive species ecology; effects of impoundment upon migratory aquatic fauna; effects of flood control measures on ecosystem patterns and processes; and changes in flood risks associated with two centuries of river engineering.
Research Interests:
- Freshwater community ecology
- Flood risks associated with cumulative engineering practices
- Survey/monitoring designs
- Lateral connectivity
- Adaptive management
- Systems modeling
- Data visualization
Active Projects:
- LTRM fisheries monitoring
- Multivariate geospatial analysis of engineering and flood response, Mississippi River System, USA
- Procurement of a computational and data visualization laboratory
- Testing the fundamental assumption underlying the use of LTRM fish data: Does variation in LTRM CPUE data reflect variation in the abundance of fishes
- Association between fish assemblage and off-channel area type in the impounded reach of the Upper Mississippi and Illinois rivers: implications for habitat restoration at management-relevant scales
- Development of a virtual hydrologic and geospatial data repository for the Mississippi River System
Education and Certifications
2001 M.S., Fisheries Ecology, University of Minnesota
1991 B.S., Environmental Science, Bowling Green State University