Map of Green Lake, Wisconsin, and its watershed, with sampling data.
Dale M Robertson
Dale Robertson is a Research Hydrologist with the Upper Midwest Water Science Center.
Dale is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, Michigan Technological University, and University of Toledo, and a Honorary Fellow with the Center for Limnology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His current research with the USGS deals with modeling eutrophication and mixing in lakes, estimating loads and concentrations of nutrients and sediment in streams over large geographic areas, such as the Great Lakes and Mississippi River Basins, developing nutrient criteria for streams and rivers, and examining the effects of climate change on the physical dynamics, ice cover, and productivity of lakes.
- Biogeochemistry - Hydrology/Limnology
- Eutrophication - Nutrient Transport and Fate
- Limnology
- Water-quality modeling in Lakes
- Watershed modeling (SPARROW)
- Influence of environmental factors, watershed management strategies, and in-lake management alternatives on the water quality of rivers and lakes
- Climate Change - Ice as climatic indicators
- Regional loading estimates
Education and Certifications
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, in Reservoir Modeling - Centre for Water Research, University of Western Australia, Perth. 1989-1991.
Ph.D Oceanography and Limnology - University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Dissertation: "The Use of Lake Water Temperature and Ice Cover as Climatic Indicators", 1984-1989.
M.S. Oceanography and Limnology-University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Thesis:"Interbasin Separation and Its Impact on the Annual Heat Budgets of the Individual Basins in Trout Lake, Wisconsin," 1981-1984.
B.S. Biology, Chemistry, and Mathematics - St. Norbert College, DePere, Wisconsin, 1976-1981.
Science and Products
Integrated Ecosystems Studies Team
Lake monitoring and research
SPARROW modeling: Great Lakes, Mississippi River, Ohio River, and Red River Basins
Green Lake and its tributaries: Water quality and hydrology
Delavan Lake: Hydrology, water quality, and biology
Geneva Lake: Water quality, hydrology, and biology
Water quality of the lower Fox River tributaries and Duck Creek watersheds
SPARROW nutrient modeling: Mississippi/Atchafalaya River Basin (MARB)
SPARROW nutrient modeling: Binational (US/Canada) models
SPARROW modeling: Estimating nutrient, sediment, and dissolved solids transport
Winnebago pool lakes: Hydrology, water quality, and response to simulated changes in phosphorus loading
Little St. Germain Lake: Phosphorus loading, winter anoxia, and stage regulation
Concentrations and loads of phosphorus and suspended solids in the Fox River, Northeastern Wisconsin, 1989–2021
Phosphorus, nitrogen, and suspended-sediment loads measured at the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative tributary monitoring network: Water years 2011–2020
Total phosphorus loads estimated from tributaries and direct drainages to the Great Lakes during 2012-2018 using the model load ratio approach and the unit area load approach
Regression and load estimates for the tributary nutrient and sediment monitoring program on the Great Lakes, 2011-2013
Eutrophication models to simulate changes in the water quality of Green Lake, Wisconsin in response to changes in phosphorus loading, with supporting water-quality data for the lake, its tributaries, and atmospheric deposition
Nutrient Load Data used to Quantify Regional Effects of Agricultural Best Management Practices: An application of the 2012 SPARROW models for the Midwest, Northeast, and Southeast United States
Long-term mean annual total nitrogen and total phosphorus loads estimated using Fluxmaster 5-parameter models and detrended to 2012, Midwest Region of the United States, 1999-2014
SPARROW model inputs and simulated streamflow, nutrient and suspended-sediment loads in streams of the Midwestern United States, 2012 Base Year
SPARROW model simulated nutrient loads in streams of the Midcontinental Region of Canada and the United States, 2002 Base Year
Water-quality and streamflow datasets used for estimating long-term mean daily streamflow and annual loads to be considered for use in regional streamflow, nutrient and sediment SPARROW models, United States, 1999-2014
Eutrophication water-quality models and supporting water-quality and phosphorus load data used to simulate changes in the water quality of the Winnebago Pool Lakes, Wisconsin, in response to change in phosphorus loading
GLM model data sets used to evaluate changes in the hydrodynamics of Anvil Lake, Wisconsin
Map of Green Lake, Wisconsin, and its watershed, with sampling data.
Seasonally varying contributions of contemporaneous and lagged sources of instream total nitrogen and phosphorus load across the Illinois River basin
U.S. Geological Survey Mississippi River Science Forum—Summary of data and science needs and next steps
Connecting tributary mercury loads to nearshore and offshore sediments in Lake Superior
Prioritizing river basins for nutrient studies
Evaluating the suitability of large-scale datasets to estimate nitrogen loads and yields across different spatial scales
Changes in phosphorus and suspended solids loading in the Fox River, northeastern Wisconsin, 1989–2021
Response in the water quality of Delavan Lake, Wisconsin, to changes in phosphorus loading—Setting new goals for loading from its drainage basin
Assessment of conservation management practices on water quality and observed trends in the Plum Creek Basin, 2010–20
Agricultural conservation practices could help offset climate change impacts on cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms in Lake Erie
Water-quality improvement of an agricultural watershed marsh after macrophyte establishment and point-source reduction
An extrapolation method for estimating loads from unmonitored areas using watershed model load ratios
Long-term ice phenology records spanning up to 578 years for 78 lakes around the Northern Hemisphere
Science and Products
Integrated Ecosystems Studies Team
Lake monitoring and research
SPARROW modeling: Great Lakes, Mississippi River, Ohio River, and Red River Basins
Green Lake and its tributaries: Water quality and hydrology
Delavan Lake: Hydrology, water quality, and biology
Geneva Lake: Water quality, hydrology, and biology
Water quality of the lower Fox River tributaries and Duck Creek watersheds
SPARROW nutrient modeling: Mississippi/Atchafalaya River Basin (MARB)
SPARROW nutrient modeling: Binational (US/Canada) models
SPARROW modeling: Estimating nutrient, sediment, and dissolved solids transport
Winnebago pool lakes: Hydrology, water quality, and response to simulated changes in phosphorus loading
Little St. Germain Lake: Phosphorus loading, winter anoxia, and stage regulation
Concentrations and loads of phosphorus and suspended solids in the Fox River, Northeastern Wisconsin, 1989–2021
Phosphorus, nitrogen, and suspended-sediment loads measured at the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative tributary monitoring network: Water years 2011–2020
Total phosphorus loads estimated from tributaries and direct drainages to the Great Lakes during 2012-2018 using the model load ratio approach and the unit area load approach
Regression and load estimates for the tributary nutrient and sediment monitoring program on the Great Lakes, 2011-2013
Eutrophication models to simulate changes in the water quality of Green Lake, Wisconsin in response to changes in phosphorus loading, with supporting water-quality data for the lake, its tributaries, and atmospheric deposition
Nutrient Load Data used to Quantify Regional Effects of Agricultural Best Management Practices: An application of the 2012 SPARROW models for the Midwest, Northeast, and Southeast United States
Long-term mean annual total nitrogen and total phosphorus loads estimated using Fluxmaster 5-parameter models and detrended to 2012, Midwest Region of the United States, 1999-2014
SPARROW model inputs and simulated streamflow, nutrient and suspended-sediment loads in streams of the Midwestern United States, 2012 Base Year
SPARROW model simulated nutrient loads in streams of the Midcontinental Region of Canada and the United States, 2002 Base Year
Water-quality and streamflow datasets used for estimating long-term mean daily streamflow and annual loads to be considered for use in regional streamflow, nutrient and sediment SPARROW models, United States, 1999-2014
Eutrophication water-quality models and supporting water-quality and phosphorus load data used to simulate changes in the water quality of the Winnebago Pool Lakes, Wisconsin, in response to change in phosphorus loading
GLM model data sets used to evaluate changes in the hydrodynamics of Anvil Lake, Wisconsin
Map of Green Lake, Wisconsin, and its watershed, with sampling data.
Map of Green Lake, Wisconsin, and its watershed, with sampling data.