Deep water camera and light installed in the head weight of the upgraded USGS jumbo piston corer. In the background, USGS Marine Engineering Technician Daniel Powers is preparing the core liner for sediment collection.
Daniel Powers
Dan is a Marine Engineering Technician at the Marine Facility (MarFac) at the USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center
I have deployed the following equipment and systems: Jumbo Piston Corer, Boxcorer, Smith-MacIntyre, Ponar and VanVeen Grabs, Kasten Corer, Gravity Corers, Seismic Air Guns, G/I Guns, Chirp Echosounders, Boomer, Sparker, and S-Boom Sound Sources, Hydrophone streamers, CTD and Water Sampling Rosettes with Niskin Bottles, Mooring arrays - deploy, recover, and design, Ice coring and hand- and gas-driven coring systems, including Kovacs corers, Rock and Coral Dredges, Benthic Trawls, Otter and Blake Trawls, Mid-water nets, Plankton nets, Bongo nets, IKMT nets, Tucker trawls and MOCNESS Systems.
Professional Experience
Working in science support since 2008 and operating boats professionally since 2003
Worked for the following institutions, among others: University of Hawai'i, Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS), Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI), United States Antarctic Program (USAP), Stanford University, San Francisco Maritime NHP
Education and Certifications
USCG Merchant Mariner's License - Master of Vessels not greater than 200 tons, on near coastal waters. Sail endorsement.
Merchant Mariner’s Document - AB-Unlimited, Lifeboatman, Sail Endorsed
Wilderness First Responder
DOI Motorboat Operator Certification Course (MOCC)
DOI Motorboat Operator Instructor Certification Course (MOICC)
Science and Products
PCMSC vessel San Lorenzo
PCMSC research vessel Parke Snavely
GOMEX box corer
Multichannel Seismic-Reflection and Navigation Data Collected Using Sercel GI Guns and Geometrics GeoEel Digital Streamers During the Mid-Atlantic Resource Imaging Experiment (MATRIX), USGS Field Activity 2018-002-FA
Deep water camera and light installed in the head weight of the upgraded USGS jumbo piston corer. In the background, USGS Marine Engineering Technician Daniel Powers is preparing the core liner for sediment collection.
USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center's research vessel R/V San Lorenzo.
USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center's research vessel R/V San Lorenzo.
Science and Products
PCMSC vessel San Lorenzo
PCMSC research vessel Parke Snavely
GOMEX box corer
Multichannel Seismic-Reflection and Navigation Data Collected Using Sercel GI Guns and Geometrics GeoEel Digital Streamers During the Mid-Atlantic Resource Imaging Experiment (MATRIX), USGS Field Activity 2018-002-FA
Deep water camera and light installed in the head weight of the upgraded USGS jumbo piston corer. In the background, USGS Marine Engineering Technician Daniel Powers is preparing the core liner for sediment collection.
Deep water camera and light installed in the head weight of the upgraded USGS jumbo piston corer. In the background, USGS Marine Engineering Technician Daniel Powers is preparing the core liner for sediment collection.
USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center's research vessel R/V San Lorenzo.
USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center's research vessel R/V San Lorenzo.