David I Donato
By profession and avocation, David I. Donato is an applied mathematician and computational scientist. David has contributed as a quantitative professional to a number of the programs of the Department of the Interior, including offshore minerals leasing, quantitative policy analysis, information dissemination, and geographic and regional studies.
In addition to his work in applied mathematics, statistics, and scientific computation, he has developed and administered Web sites and has designed and built interactive Web applications. He has also applied his knowledge of quantitative micro-economics to various studies and analyses, including work with mercury in fish and land-change modeling. Because of his particular interest in probability and mathematical statistics, he specializes in stochastic computer simulation. David is an expert scientific programmer and a prolific technical writer. In recent years he has worked on statistical modeling of mercury in fish tissue and spatially-explicit land-change modeling.
Research Interests
- Modeling spatially-explicit environmental and land-use futures
- Designing scientific computer models for generality and radically deep interoperation
- Developing (designing and coding) stochastic computer simulations and models
- Solving difficult quantitative and computational problems using mathematics, statistics, GIScience, economics, and comput
Professional Experience
Research Computer Scientist U.S. Geological Survey 2009-Present
Computer Scientist U.S. Geological Survey 1997-2009
Operations Research Analyst U.S. Geological Survey 1985-1997
Statistician Minerals Management Service 1982-1985
Statistician Bureau of Land Management 1976-1982
Education and Certifications
B.S. in Mathematics from Colorado State University - Pueblo (1975)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tulane University College (New Orleans)
University of New Orleans
Affiliations and Memberships*
American Statistical Association (ASA)
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
IEEE and IEEE Computer Society
Mathematical Association of America
Science and Products
The USGS pursues research programs related to land change and land-change modeling as well as environmental mercury as a contaminant that affects the health of fish and other wildlife.
Bioaccumulation of Mercury in Fish Varied by Species and Location in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed—Summary of Existing Data and a Roadmap for Integrated Monitoring
Develop Cloud Computing Capability at Streamgages using Amazon Web Services GreenGrass IoT Framework for Camera Image Velocity Gaging
Land Change Monitoring and Modeling
Mercury Cycling and Bioaccumulation in the Upper Hudson River Basin--Fishing Brook
Mercury in Fish from 21 National Parks in the West
Modeling the Effects of Climate and Land Use Change on Crucial Wildlife Habitat
Runtimes for Tests of Array-Processing Speed -- Factorial Tests Using C and C++ Under Windows and Linux
Semi-automated methods to develop a unified geographic information system dataset
Efficient processing of two-dimensional arrays with C or C++
Coding conventions and principles for a National Land-Change Modeling Framework
Building unified geospatial data for land-change modeling—A case study in the area of Richmond, Virginia
Simple, efficient allocation of modelling runs on heterogeneous clusters with MPI
Disparity between state fish consumption advisory systems for methylmercury and US Environmental Protection Agency recommendations: A case study of the South Central United States
Historic and forecasted population and land-cover change in eastern North Carolina, 1992-2030
Computing ordinary least-squares parameter estimates for the National Descriptive Model of Mercury in Fish
Effects of mercury deposition and coniferous forests on the mercury contamination of fish in the south central United States
Computing maximum-likelihood estimates for parameters of the National Descriptive Model of Mercury in Fish
Designing and implementing a regional urban modeling system using the SLEUTH cellular urban model
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Science and Products
The USGS pursues research programs related to land change and land-change modeling as well as environmental mercury as a contaminant that affects the health of fish and other wildlife.
Bioaccumulation of Mercury in Fish Varied by Species and Location in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed—Summary of Existing Data and a Roadmap for Integrated Monitoring
Develop Cloud Computing Capability at Streamgages using Amazon Web Services GreenGrass IoT Framework for Camera Image Velocity Gaging
Land Change Monitoring and Modeling
Mercury Cycling and Bioaccumulation in the Upper Hudson River Basin--Fishing Brook
Mercury in Fish from 21 National Parks in the West
Modeling the Effects of Climate and Land Use Change on Crucial Wildlife Habitat
Runtimes for Tests of Array-Processing Speed -- Factorial Tests Using C and C++ Under Windows and Linux
Semi-automated methods to develop a unified geographic information system dataset
Efficient processing of two-dimensional arrays with C or C++
Coding conventions and principles for a National Land-Change Modeling Framework
Building unified geospatial data for land-change modeling—A case study in the area of Richmond, Virginia
Simple, efficient allocation of modelling runs on heterogeneous clusters with MPI
Disparity between state fish consumption advisory systems for methylmercury and US Environmental Protection Agency recommendations: A case study of the South Central United States
Historic and forecasted population and land-cover change in eastern North Carolina, 1992-2030
Computing ordinary least-squares parameter estimates for the National Descriptive Model of Mercury in Fish
Effects of mercury deposition and coniferous forests on the mercury contamination of fish in the south central United States
Computing maximum-likelihood estimates for parameters of the National Descriptive Model of Mercury in Fish
Designing and implementing a regional urban modeling system using the SLEUTH cellular urban model
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*Disclaimer: Listing outside positions with professional scientific organizations on this Staff Profile are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement of those professional scientific organizations or their activities by the USGS, Department of the Interior, or U.S. Government