David J Holtschlag, PStat
Starting in 1976, I have had a successful and enjoyable career as a hydrologist with the USGS. During more than 40 years, I participated in numerous field and research studies to characterize water resources in Michigan and parts of the Great Lakes. I am grateful and indebted to my colleagues for their professionalism, inspiration, and helpfulness.
David actively serves as an USGS Scientist Emeritus.
Professional Studies/Experience
Served as the Surface-Water Specialist for the USGS Michigan Water Science Center. Developed both 1- and 2-dimensional hydrodynamic models of surface-water bodies on the Great Lakes Waterway, Ohio River, and numerous rivers in Michigan. An unsteady 1-dimensional model of St. Clair River was developed to quantify changes in conveyance properties along individual reaches of the river using water-level gaging station data distributed throughout St. Clair River. A 2-dimensional model of St. Clair-Detroit River was developed to identify source areas to public-water intakes. A two-dimension model of the Ohio River was used to characterize flow and the dispersion of point discharge constituents based on a study using dye injections. Carried out flood frequency analysis and flood hydraulic analysis using standard models. Developed an Bayesian network model of multivariate water-quality constituents on the White River in Indiana to estimate an unmeasured subset of constituents based on an arbitrarily selected subset of measured constituents. Developed mixed effects statistical models to characterize the effects of irrigation, land use, precipitation, and temperature on selected basins in southwestern Michigan.
Assisted early career hydrologists in the application of advanced statistical models including the mixed effects models and spatial models of hydrologic phenomena.
Current Interest
Development of state-space models to sequentially update parameter estimates of spline functions describing stage-discharge relations based on individual discrete-flow measurements. Apply Kalman filtering and smoothing to provide real-time and finalized estimates of the magnitudes and uncertainties of unit flow data based on unit stage data.
Education and Certifications
University of Missouri-Columbia, B.S.. in Forestry, 1974
University of Minnesota, M'S. Forest Hydrology, 1976
Michigan State University, M'S. System Science, 1990
Affiliations and Memberships*
American Statistical Association, Accredited Professional Statistician
Science and Products
Attributions for nonstationary peak streamflow records across the conterminous United States, 1941-2015 and 1966-2015
Factors Affecting Spatial and Temporal Variations of Annual Summer Median Water Yields in Southwestern Michigan
An exploratory Bayesian network for estimating the magnitudes and uncertainties of selected water-quality parameters at streamgage 03374100 White River at Hazleton, Indiana, from partially observed data
Code, data, executables, and other information used to run Unit Flows in Networks of Channels (UFINCH) - A method for simulating unit and daily flows in networks of channels described by NHDPlus using continuous flow data at U.S. Geological Survey streamg
Precipitation and streamflow data for computing lag to peak at selected stations in Maine
A computer-aided approach for adapting stage-discharge ratings and characterizing uncertainties of streamflow data with discrete measurements
Basin, climatic, and irrigation factors associated with median summer water yields for streams in Southwestern Michigan, 1945-2015
An exploratory Bayesian network for estimating the magnitudes and uncertainties of selected water-quality parameters at streamgage 03374100 White River at Hazleton, Indiana, from partially observed data
UFINCH: A method for simulating unit and daily flows in networks of channels described by NHDPlus using continuous flow data at U.S. Geological Survey streamgages
Estimating lag to peak between rainfall and peak streamflow with a mixed-effects model
An evaluation of methods for estimating decadal stream loads
Estimation of monthly water yields and flows for 1951-2012 for the United States portion of the Great Lakes Basin with AFINCH
Comparison of streamflow and water-quality data collection techniques for the Saginaw River, Michigan
Use of instantaneous streamflow measurements to improve regression estimates of index flow for the summer month of lowest streamflow in Michigan
Application of AFINCH as a tool for evaluating the effects of streamflow-gaging-network size and composition on the accuracy and precision of streamflow estimates at ungaged locations in the southeast Lake Michigan hydrologic subregion
Application guide for AFINCH (Analysis of Flows in Networks of Channels) described by NHDPlus
An initial investigation of multidimensional flow and transverse mixing characteristics of the Ohio River near Cincinnati, Ohio
UFINCH— A Method for Simulating Unit and Daily Flows in Networks of Channels Described by NHDPlus Using Continuous Flow Data at USGS Streamgages
The computer program UFINCH (Unit Flows in Networks of Channels) can be used to simulate unit (15-minute) flows in a network of streams defined within the medium resolution National Hydrography Dataset Plus with value added attributes (NHDPlus, v. 2).
Analysis of Flows in Networks of Channels (AFINCH)
AFINCH (Analysis of Flows in Networks of CHannels) is a computer application designed to generate time series of monthly flows at stream segments and corresponding water yields at catchments defined in the National Hydrography Dataset (NHDPlus, v. 2).
Science and Products
Attributions for nonstationary peak streamflow records across the conterminous United States, 1941-2015 and 1966-2015
Factors Affecting Spatial and Temporal Variations of Annual Summer Median Water Yields in Southwestern Michigan
An exploratory Bayesian network for estimating the magnitudes and uncertainties of selected water-quality parameters at streamgage 03374100 White River at Hazleton, Indiana, from partially observed data
Code, data, executables, and other information used to run Unit Flows in Networks of Channels (UFINCH) - A method for simulating unit and daily flows in networks of channels described by NHDPlus using continuous flow data at U.S. Geological Survey streamg
Precipitation and streamflow data for computing lag to peak at selected stations in Maine
A computer-aided approach for adapting stage-discharge ratings and characterizing uncertainties of streamflow data with discrete measurements
Basin, climatic, and irrigation factors associated with median summer water yields for streams in Southwestern Michigan, 1945-2015
An exploratory Bayesian network for estimating the magnitudes and uncertainties of selected water-quality parameters at streamgage 03374100 White River at Hazleton, Indiana, from partially observed data
UFINCH: A method for simulating unit and daily flows in networks of channels described by NHDPlus using continuous flow data at U.S. Geological Survey streamgages
Estimating lag to peak between rainfall and peak streamflow with a mixed-effects model
An evaluation of methods for estimating decadal stream loads
Estimation of monthly water yields and flows for 1951-2012 for the United States portion of the Great Lakes Basin with AFINCH
Comparison of streamflow and water-quality data collection techniques for the Saginaw River, Michigan
Use of instantaneous streamflow measurements to improve regression estimates of index flow for the summer month of lowest streamflow in Michigan
Application of AFINCH as a tool for evaluating the effects of streamflow-gaging-network size and composition on the accuracy and precision of streamflow estimates at ungaged locations in the southeast Lake Michigan hydrologic subregion
Application guide for AFINCH (Analysis of Flows in Networks of Channels) described by NHDPlus
An initial investigation of multidimensional flow and transverse mixing characteristics of the Ohio River near Cincinnati, Ohio
UFINCH— A Method for Simulating Unit and Daily Flows in Networks of Channels Described by NHDPlus Using Continuous Flow Data at USGS Streamgages
The computer program UFINCH (Unit Flows in Networks of Channels) can be used to simulate unit (15-minute) flows in a network of streams defined within the medium resolution National Hydrography Dataset Plus with value added attributes (NHDPlus, v. 2).
Analysis of Flows in Networks of Channels (AFINCH)
AFINCH (Analysis of Flows in Networks of CHannels) is a computer application designed to generate time series of monthly flows at stream segments and corresponding water yields at catchments defined in the National Hydrography Dataset (NHDPlus, v. 2).
*Disclaimer: Listing outside positions with professional scientific organizations on this Staff Profile are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement of those professional scientific organizations or their activities by the USGS, Department of the Interior, or U.S. Government