James Hatten
James is a Research Biogeographer at the USGS, Columbia River Research Laboratory.
Research Interests:
I am a research biogeographer that examines the current and future distributions of common, threatened, and endangered species. I have developed habitat models across the western U.S. for fish, birds, mammals, and reptiles. Climate-change, ecological flows, and riparian obligates are my focal areas.
Professional Experience
2002 to Present - Research Biogeographer, U.S. Geological Survey, Columbia River Research Laboratory, Cook, WA
1997-2001 - Senior GIS Analyst, Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix, AZ
1995-1996 - GIS Coordinator, Peabody Coal Company, Flagstaff, AZ
1988-1994 - Timber/Fish/Wildlife (TFW) Biologist, Hoh Indian Tribe, Forks, WA
Education and Certifications
M.S. 1996. Geography, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ. Concentration: Analytical Techniques (GIS, Remote Sensing, Biogeography)
B.S. 1984. Environmental Studies, Western Washington University, Huxley College of Environmental Studies, Bellingham, WA. Concentration: Terrestrial Ecosystems Analysis
Science and Products
Mapping Riparian Vegetation Response to Climate Change on the San Carlos Apache Reservation and Upper Gila River Watershed to Inform Restoration Priorities: 1935 to Present (Phase 2)
Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Habitat Viewer
Columbia River Basin Sturgeon Habitat Modeling
Identifying the Vulnerability of Birds and Reptiles to Changes in Climate in the Southwest
Climate Change Threats to Fish Habitat Connectivity
A systematic review of potential habitat suitability for the jaguar Panthera onca in central Arizona and New Mexico, USA
Final report: Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus) and Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus occidentalis) surveys and habitat availability modeling on the Santa Clara River, California, 26 March 2020
A spatial model of streaked horned lark breeding habitat in the Columbia River, USA
Substrate and flow characteristics associated with White Sturgeon recruitment in the Columbia River Basin
Risk assessment for the reintroduction of anadromous salmonids upstream of Chief Joseph and Grand Coulee Dams, Northeastern Washington
Case studies of riparian and watershed restoration in the southwestern United States—Principles, challenges, and successes
Identifying western yellow-billed cuckoo breeding habitat with a dual modelling approach
A satellite model of Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus) breeding habitat and a simulation of potential effects of tamarisk leaf beetles (Diorhabda spp.), southwestern United States
Identifying bird and reptile vulnerabilities to climate change in the southwestern United States
Effects of dam removal on Tule Fall Chinook salmon spawning habitat in the White Salmon River, Washington
Assessing juvenile salmon rearing habitat and associated predation risk in a lower Snake River reservoir
Mapping and monitoring Mount Graham red squirrel habitat with Lidar and Landsat imagery
Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Habitat Viewer
The Flycatcher Habitat Viewer was developed to meet the needs of organizations by providing maps of predicted flycatcher breeding habitat throughout its range. Maps are provided from 2013 to present and cover 57 satellite scenes. Maps identify predicted flycatcher habitat based upon the amount of green vegetation within a 120-m radius of each cell, and the size of floodplain within a 360-m radius.
Science and Products
Mapping Riparian Vegetation Response to Climate Change on the San Carlos Apache Reservation and Upper Gila River Watershed to Inform Restoration Priorities: 1935 to Present (Phase 2)
Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Habitat Viewer
Columbia River Basin Sturgeon Habitat Modeling
Identifying the Vulnerability of Birds and Reptiles to Changes in Climate in the Southwest
Climate Change Threats to Fish Habitat Connectivity
A systematic review of potential habitat suitability for the jaguar Panthera onca in central Arizona and New Mexico, USA
Final report: Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus) and Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus occidentalis) surveys and habitat availability modeling on the Santa Clara River, California, 26 March 2020
A spatial model of streaked horned lark breeding habitat in the Columbia River, USA
Substrate and flow characteristics associated with White Sturgeon recruitment in the Columbia River Basin
Risk assessment for the reintroduction of anadromous salmonids upstream of Chief Joseph and Grand Coulee Dams, Northeastern Washington
Case studies of riparian and watershed restoration in the southwestern United States—Principles, challenges, and successes
Identifying western yellow-billed cuckoo breeding habitat with a dual modelling approach
A satellite model of Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus) breeding habitat and a simulation of potential effects of tamarisk leaf beetles (Diorhabda spp.), southwestern United States
Identifying bird and reptile vulnerabilities to climate change in the southwestern United States
Effects of dam removal on Tule Fall Chinook salmon spawning habitat in the White Salmon River, Washington
Assessing juvenile salmon rearing habitat and associated predation risk in a lower Snake River reservoir
Mapping and monitoring Mount Graham red squirrel habitat with Lidar and Landsat imagery
Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Habitat Viewer
The Flycatcher Habitat Viewer was developed to meet the needs of organizations by providing maps of predicted flycatcher breeding habitat throughout its range. Maps are provided from 2013 to present and cover 57 satellite scenes. Maps identify predicted flycatcher habitat based upon the amount of green vegetation within a 120-m radius of each cell, and the size of floodplain within a 360-m radius.