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John R Mullaney

John Mullaney is a Hydrologist in the New England Water Science Center.

John serves as the Center Groundwater Specialist. He began working for the USGS in 1986, and has worked on a wide variety of groundwater and water-quality studies in Connecticut and other parts of New England.

Current projects include:

  • National surveillance of the status of groundwater levels in the United States
  • Evaluation of the effects of bottled water extraction in the Saco River Basin, New Hampshire and Maine
  • Evaluation of nitrogen loads to Long Island Sound from the major tributaries
  • Analysis of tidal groundwater levels in the vicinity of the Herring River, Lower Cape Cod, as part of a proposed tidal marsh restoration at the Cape Cod National Seashore
  • Development of tools using R computing environment for review of water-quality and groundwater-level data
  • Development of web pages using the R computing environment for display of USGS data

Highlights of past work:

  • Analysis of long-term nutrient trends and loads to Long Island Sound and Narragansett Bay
  • Analysis of water quality in Connecticut in the four decades since the Clean Water Act
  • Modeling nitrogen loads from groundwater to streams and Long Island Sound
  • Use of surrogate methods to determine total nitrogen concentrations in the lower Connecticut River from sensor data
  • Analysis of the effects of road deicing on groundwater and surface water quality
  • Investigation of the effects of sea-level rise on groundwater levels in New Haven, Connecticut
  • Modeling groundwater flow and water use from a crystalline bedrock aquifer, southwestern Connecticut
  • Assessment of the hydrogeology and water-quality of a large Superfund site in southwestern Connecticut
  • Studies of groundwater and surface water quality with the USGS National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)
  • Mapping the geohydrology of the Upper Connecticut and Androscoggin Basins, northern New Hampshire
  • Statewide assessment of pesticides in groundwater in Connecticut

*Disclaimer: Listing outside positions with professional scientific organizations on this Staff Profile are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement of those professional scientific organizations or their activities by the USGS, Department of the Interior, or U.S. Government

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