Linda J Gerner
I came to Salt Lake City in the fall of 1981....and never left.
I am grateful for the varied opportunities that I have had over the years, which have allowed me to see the USGS from many vantage points; in the field where data collection begins, in the lab where samples are analyzed, behind a computer where analytical results are processed, compiled and interpreted, tables constructed, and reports are prepared, reviewed, and revised.
Currently, I am learning about the logistics of making work possible from first ideas to final products, how money moves, how we acquire equipment and supplies, how we partner with local, state, and federal entities, and how we serve our larger community by sharing our results through dynamic platforms.
Professional Experience
1985 - I started as a seasonal/student employee and spent two summers helping with pumpage inventory on irrigated agricultural land across the northern part of the state.
1988 - I was hired as a full-time hydrologist to help with the field work in the assessment of groundwater quality, specifically volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds, at Hill Air Force Base.
1995 - I had the good fortune of providing assistance on acid mine drainage studies, which demonstrated the importance of shifting the focus from concentrations to loads.
2012 - After a 12-year leave of absence from the USGS, I returned as a Technical Information Specialist in Administration.
Education and Certifications
B.S. Geology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City (1987)
Science and Products
These are some of the publications that I provided support to during my years as a hydrologist.
Methods and basic data from mass-loading studies in American Fork, October 1999, and Mary Ellen Gulch, Utah, September 2000
Quantification of mine-drainage inflows to Little Cottonwood Creek, Utah, using a tracer-injection and synoptic-sampling study
Selected hydrologic data for Little Cottonwood Creek, Salt Lake County, Utah, September 1998
Quantification of metal loading in French Gulch, Summit County, Colorado, using a tracer-injection study, July 1996
Quantification of metal loading in Fisher Creek by tracer injection and synoptic sampling, Park County, Montana, August 1997
National water summary on wetland resources
Selected hydrologic data for the Bonneville Salt Flats and Pilot Valley, western Utah, 1991-93
Science and Products
These are some of the publications that I provided support to during my years as a hydrologist.