Collecting a 1-liter water sample in the Boise River for eDNA analysis (Boise, ID)"
Matthew B Laramie (Former Employee)
Science and Products
If you are unable to access or download a product, email a request, including the full citation, or call (541) 750-1030.
Fishes of the Harney Basin revisited: A contemporary assessment of the distribution of fish fauna throughout the Harney Basin from 1990 to 2019 (ver. 2.0, April 2022)
Okanogan Basin Pacific lamprey eDNA detections and translocations for 2012-2020 (ver. 1.1, April 2022)
Environmental DNA data, fish abundance data, and stream habitat data from northwest Montana and northeast Washington and southern British Columbia, Canada
Occupancy data for spatiotemporal distribution assessments of bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Bruneau and Jarbidge River Basins, Idaho and Nevada, USA, in water year 2016
Collecting a 1-liter water sample in the Boise River for eDNA analysis (Boise, ID)"
If you are unable to access or download a product, email a request, including the full citation, or call (541) 750-1030.
Fishes of Harney Basin revisited: An assessment of the distribution of native and nonnative fishes over a half century
It’s complicated…environmental DNA as a predictor of trout and char abundance in streams
A round-robin evaluation of the repeatability and reproducibility of environmental DNA assays for dreissenid mussels
2016 Chief Joseph hatchery annual report
Integration of eDNA-based biological monitoring within the US Geological Survey’s national streamgage network
Adding invasive species bio-surveillance to the U.S. Geological Survey streamgage network
The Chief Joseph Hatchery Program spring Chinook 2018 annual report
Exploring the use of environmental DNA to determine the species of salmon redds
The Chief Joseph Hatchery Program 2014 Annual Report
Critical considerations for the application of environmental DNA methods to detect aquatic species
Salmon redd identification using environmental DNA (eDNA)
The Chief Joseph Hatchery Program 2013 Annual Report
Science and Products
If you are unable to access or download a product, email a request, including the full citation, or call (541) 750-1030.
Fishes of the Harney Basin revisited: A contemporary assessment of the distribution of fish fauna throughout the Harney Basin from 1990 to 2019 (ver. 2.0, April 2022)
Okanogan Basin Pacific lamprey eDNA detections and translocations for 2012-2020 (ver. 1.1, April 2022)
Environmental DNA data, fish abundance data, and stream habitat data from northwest Montana and northeast Washington and southern British Columbia, Canada
Occupancy data for spatiotemporal distribution assessments of bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Bruneau and Jarbidge River Basins, Idaho and Nevada, USA, in water year 2016
Collecting a 1-liter water sample in the Boise River for eDNA analysis (Boise, ID)"
Collecting a 1-liter water sample in the Boise River for eDNA analysis (Boise, ID)"
If you are unable to access or download a product, email a request, including the full citation, or call (541) 750-1030.